Nan Nan blinked, and wanted to poke his head to look out, but he didn't listen.

  咦...... Not at your disposal? Nan Nan is a little strange.

  He was obviously not poisoned, he was still very powerful just now, how come his whole body feels limp now, as if he has been poisoned by his mother...

  Wait, Nan Nan’s eyes suddenly brightened. It was the mother who came, and it must be a good thing for her mother.

  No wonder my mother hasn’t appeared for so long since she has been here. She has already begun to do tricks.

  But, alas, it was still a step too late, and Aunt Rou was taken out.

Otherwise, the mother’s poisonous powder can bring down these people, especially because of Aunt Rou’s suicide just now, and the quarrel between the prince and him, the mother’s poisonous powder is silent, no one has noticed it, more Time, these people all fell.

  Nan Nan thought this way, the man in black beside him suddenly frowned and seemed to feel something was wrong.

  There are other people in the room. Their pupils have shrunk and their faces have changed drastically.

  Nannan knows that these people are different from ordinary guards, and their acuity is very high, so as long as there is a little abnormality, it will be immediately noticed.

  Sure enough, two people soon went outside, seeming to be going outside to report a letter.

  Nan Nan couldn't take care of it anymore, she pinched herself tightly, bit the little antidote sewn in the corner of her clothes, and immediately became sane.

   leaped directly, moved his feet, and the person had moved in front of the two of them. Without waiting for them to speak, he directly put them down.

  The other people in the room suddenly woke up, and immediately wanted to scream. Inexplicably, I opened my mouth and couldn't make any sound, as if my throat was pinched and blocked.

  One by one, they wanted to stand up and attack Nannan, but their legs immediately softened, making it very difficult to even stand up.

  I don’t know when the back door of the house opened, the people in black looked at the group of people who suddenly appeared in horror...

  At this moment, the yard became noisy because of the arrival of the imperial concubine Meng. It also blocked the movement in the house just right, so that people could not feel the sound inside.

  Xu Rou was held hostage by the waste prince, followed by four or five people in black, still staring at Ye Xiudu.

  Behind Ye Xiudu, stood Fan Xiuyun with a stern face, holding the Meng Gui concubine with tied hands in his hands.

   "Meng Xin." Concubine Meng looked at the glamorous man opposite her, her eyes lit up, and she couldn't help struggling hard.

  Meng Xin's expressionless face finally fluctuated, but he soon suppressed it again.

  He just faintly nodded to Concubine Meng, his gaze fell on Ye Xiudu again.

  Fan Xiuyun frowned, and suddenly came to Ye Xiudu’s ear and said, “This person...I’ve seen him. He is the assassin who pretended to be an **** to assassinate the emperor.”

  Ye Xiu Du’s eyes were cold, staring coldly at Meng Xin.

  The latter suddenly laughed, “I didn’t think you would actually bring the person I wanted for Xu Rou. This abandoned prince has such a big effect.”

   He said, turning his head to look at Xu Rou who was a little unstable.

  Xu Rou closed her eyes slightly, saying nothing.

  She knew that Nan Nan was pretending to be captured, so they must have their own plan. She just had to shut up obediently, otherwise there would be extra problems and change their plans.

  But she didn't speak, but the dead prince beside her couldn't bear it.

He pushed the dagger close to Xu Rou's neck a bit, and smiled viciously at Ye Xiudu, "Ye Xiudu, I didn't expect you to really be here, you would actually compromise so for this bitch. Haha, I Just know, I know that you and her are definitely not clean. She used to speak for you in front of me. After I was abolished, I became even worse. I was surprised that you already had the beginning and the end. Haha, you Being so good to Ye Lansheng, is he your son?"

  The people present were all stunned, and looked at the waste prince with completely incredible eyes.

  Xu Rou's tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, her eyes widened and her face full of shock.

  She immediately turned around and slammed the waste prince's face with all her strength, even the sharp dagger on her neck.

   Fortunately, a man in black who had been standing behind them had a sharp eye and knocked out the dagger in the hands of the prince, otherwise Xu Rou would be killed by that one.

   With a "pop", the slap hit the waste prince's face firmly.

  Xu Rou also fell to the ground because of excessive force.

  The waste prince made a loud voice in his eyes, picking up the dagger on the ground, he was about to come towards Xu Rou, but was blocked by a man in black, and the dagger in his hand fell to the ground, and he was also crushed on the ground and couldn't move.

Xu Rou took a big breath and stared at the waste prince firmly, "You are simply a beast. I ask myself that after marrying you, I have been safe and guarded, and I have tried my best for the whole prince's mansion, and I have tried my best for your future. You are stupid and ignorant, and I have never given up on you. Even in the two years when Shenger was forgotten in the palace, I ignored him in order to keep you low-key. Unexpectedly, your mind would be so dirty, this So unbearable."

   As she said, her eyes closed, and she gasped heavily again, making her whole body trembling with anger.

"I, Xu Rou, have never been sorry for you in this life, no royal, no sorry for anyone. The only thing I am sorry is my Shenger, the son who has been ill-fated since he was a child and became a target of public criticism because he crowned a father like you. He has been suffering for so many years, and he was slandered by you recently. Are you still a human?

  Xu Rou had long been cold with the waste prince, even if he combined with outsiders to catch her, tortured her, and even cut off her fingers with his own hands. She felt that this was because of his timid, fearful of death, and stupid and ignorant temperament, but she didn't expect that he actually said Ye Lansheng's life experience so unbearable.

  That is his son. Blood is thicker than water. Even if he ignores him and ignores him, he shouldn’t say such a thing.

  Where does he put Yelan Sheng?

   "Ye Haoming, you are a beast, it's not a pity to die."

When the abandoned prince heard it, he screamed, "I am a beast? Then you are a slut, a slut, you say you think for me, then why don't you put me in a high position? I was abandoned, why are you Don’t give me a way to regain my holy favor? Instead, he persuaded me to have a good relationship with Ye Xiu alone, haha, you still don’t admit that you are unclear with him, and you still say Ye Lansheng is my son? That kind of son, don’t Well, even if he is my son, I will not admit it."

   "Ye Haoming, say another word, I cut your tongue." Ye Xiudu's face was pale, and he glanced back.

  And not far behind him, standing with a pale face Ye Lansheng.

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