Xu Rou also saw it, and she almost fainted with heartache when she saw the thin body faltering.


   Ye Lansheng's small hands were pinched tightly, his eyes were hot and humid.

  Even if the waste prince always cares little about him, even if he hasn't paid attention to him at all, he is his son.

  He could even say this.

Fan Xiaoxiao stood beside him, and his neck was red with anger when he heard the waste prince's words. He couldn't even care about the pain in his feet. He walked to Ye Xiudu's side and yelled at the waste prince, "You just don't know. Anyway, if you have such a well-behaved, sensible and clever son, you should be scented by being so wise and dedicated to your wife. I didn’t expect that your heart is so twisted and perverted, you are a bitch, you are a big bitch. , The cheapest **** can't be anymore cheap.

  The waste prince was already immobile by the man in black. He considered himself a superior prince, but he didn't expect that even a little girl could insult him at will now.

   Suddenly, the hatred of Ye Xiudu took to a higher level.

   "Ye Xiu alone, take care of the dog next to you. I am the prince, the prince, can I scold me if she scolds?"

   "Are you still the prince?" Ye Xiu sneered, then winked at Fan Pingyun.

  Fan Pingyun nodded, and then took Ye Lansheng away. Unexpectedly, Ye Lansheng wiped his face, shook his head, and did not intend to leave. It's just that those eyes staring at the waste prince were shining with cold light, a cold light that Xiu Du had never seen even night.

Hearing Ye Xiudu's words over there, the abandoned prince was more like being hit by the key, and furious, "I am not the prince, who is the prince? If it is not the father who loves you, or the father is wholehearted If I want to support you in the upper position, my crown prince is still firmly on the top, and no one can take it away."

  Ye Xiu wanted to laugh when he heard this alone. Not only him, but also the Concubine Meng who was caught by Fan Xiuyun, also looked ridiculous, mocking, and disdainful.

"Do you think your seat of the prince is stable? The king will tell you that the years when you sat in the most stable position were the years when you acted in a low-key manner after listening to the prince's words. Who do you think is the credit? I think how long can you stay in that position without the crown prince? Whether the seventh prince or the fourth prince, even the third prince, anyone can pull you off, who do you think you are? Without me, you still Looking for a dead end."

  Ye Xiudu first saw the arrogance of the waste prince, and for the first time knew that there is such a person in the world who has no self-knowledge.

"Shut up, shut up, the most stable years when I was in the position of prince, that was because in those years when you were absent, my father would rely more heavily on me, and it has nothing to do with Xu Rou. Once you go back to the imperial capital , The father’s full attention is on you, this is your fault, your fault. Why do you want to come back, you should not come back, you should die outside, never show up, so that I can Sit securely on the throne of the emperor, no one can take it away, so I hate you, I can't wait to kill you, it is because of your existence that I have fallen to where I am today."

  "..." Not only Ye Xiu was speechless, but also the people in black who watched him were speechless.

   No wonder the seventh prince, the fourth prince, and even the third prince, the sixth prince, and others, did not put the waste prince in their eyes. This kind of person, who needs to bother to deal with him?

  If it wasn't for him to be a son, if it wasn't for the support of the queen dowager, if it wasn't for him to have a maternal queen, a virtuous princess, and a smart son, he would have been killed long ago.

  Unfortunately, he didn't pay attention to any of these people who really helped him. Instead, he put all the faults on them and took all the credit to himself.

  The character of this kind of person has been completely distorted.

"Master Meng, you promised me that as long as I cooperate with you, you will help me kill Ye Xiudu. You kill him now, kill him." The waste prince turned his head and said loudly to Meng Xin, "You Hurry up and kill him for me."

   Meng Xin lowered his head, and suddenly smiled at him. The smile bloomed like a flower in an instant, magnificent, "You really think you are still a prince, can you order me at will?"

   As he said, he kicked the waste prince, and he fainted.

  Meng Xin retracted his foot, frowned, and looked disdainful, "It's really useless, so I'm dizzy?"

  He winked at the man in black, who directly lifted Xu Rou from the ground, and put the dagger on her neck again.

  Meng Xin turned his head too far, looking at Ye Xiudu, and said with a smile, “Now, it’s time to talk about our deal.”

   "You put all the people away, and I will return the people you want. What deal do you want to mention?" Ye Xiu glanced at Concubine Meng alone.

Meng Xin smiled, "I will let everyone go? Master Xiu is really a joke, you have a bargaining chip in your hand, but I have... Oh, I count, the second prince, the third prince, and the third prince, And...your son, so many people have been released, but I am at a loss."

  Xu Rou twisted her eyebrows, and the three princes and three princesses were not caught at all, and Meng Xin was cheating Ye Xiu. Also, Nan Nan was not under control either, the kid should have been pretending, but he didn't know Ye Xiu had no idea.

  She immediately wanted to remind her, but as soon as she opened her mouth, she was stuffed with a cloth.

  She wanted to throw it away, but there was a knife on her neck and her hands were also controlled. She couldn't get it off. I can only frown and wink at Ye Xiu vigorously, hoping that he can understand a little bit.

  Ye Xiudu did glance at her, squinted slightly, but quickly turned away from her eyes. Then stared at Meng Xin and asked, "Otherwise, what do you want?"

"Of course, one person is replaced by the other. It depends on who the Lord Xiu chooses, your son? Or the second prince? Or the third prince and his wife? If you choose one, I will use him in exchange for the concubine Meng. As for the others Well, naturally there are other functions."

   Ye Xiudu sneered, "So, can't we talk about it properly?"

"Lord Xiu doesn't want to talk about it, then I can't do anything. It's okay to change the way. If Lord Xiu disagrees with the plan I just said, then I will kill the second prince and concubine. If Lord Xiu still disagrees, then Just kill the three princesses, if you still don't agree...it depends on how many people can compromise by seeing Lord Xiu watching me kill."

  "Don't listen to his nonsense, there is no one in his hands." From a distance, a clear and familiar voice suddenly sounded.

  Ye Xiu Duo's eyes lit up, and he suddenly turned his head, and saw Yu Qingluo slowly walking towards this side.

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