Meng Xin saw Yu Qing fall, his eyes squinted.

  Yuqing, who signed the money, stood beside Ye Xiudu, turned his head and smiled at him, "Isn't it too late for me?"


"A little bit." Yuqing Luo nodded with a sensation, then looked at Meng Xin, raised his voice slightly, and smiled, "I came from Biezhuang, and I met the third prince and his wife first, and the third prince. I was injured, I showed him the illness, sent him back, and came here non-stop. There were a lot of roads, and it was really tiring."

  Ye Xiu raised his eyebrows in surprise, telling him that the three princes and his wife did not fall into Meng Xin's hands, and they are safe now.

  Meng Xin's face suddenly turned blue, and that enchanting scorpion suddenly fell on Ye Lansheng's body, "Did you tell her?"

  Otherwise, why would Yu Qingluo rush to Biezhuang in the first place?

  Meng Xin wanted to spend the night with Lan Sheng and tell Yu Qingluo all, but he did not expect that the child would really ignore his mother's severed finger and willingly told Yu Qingluo at the risk of his mother being killed.

not good! !

   Meng Xin turned his head abruptly, and said to the man in black next to him, “You go in and see if the child is still there.”

   "No need to go to see, my son... really isn't in the house anymore." Yu Qingluo smiled back to him.

   Hearing this, the man in black rushed into the house quickly.

  The corpses all over the floor are all people on their side, and there is no trace of fighting in the whole house. And these people died very strangely, there were no wounds on their bodies, no wonder... so many people died, and there was no blood at all.

  He was shocked, and just about to rush out of the house, a figure flashed in front of him and attacked him directly.

  Meng Xin in the yard was still waiting, squinting at Yu Qingluo and Ye Lansheng.

  Yu Qingluo turned her head and asked Ye Xiudu, "Who is this man?"

   "Meng Xin."

  If it was just a guess at the beginning, then this time, the look when he saw Concubine Meng met him, let Ye Xiudu confirm it.

  Originally, the last time the assassin went to assassinate the emperor, Ye Xiu thought he was just pretending to be an eunuch. Unexpectedly... This Meng Xin is really an eunuch.

  It’s just this person, who is indeed too good-looking, coquettish and beautiful, if she turns into a woman, she’s probably no worse than Meng Guifei.

  No wonder Concubine Meng was so devoted to him. Such a person, who fell into this field, still stayed with Concubine Meng wholeheartedly. Instead of resenting Concubine Meng, he helped her son walk the way of the emperor of God.

  Yuqing raised her eyebrows, unexpectedly, they really waited.

  Since they knew that there was a person like Meng Xin, she and Ye Xiudu were waiting for this person to appear. The role of the concubine Meng was to uncover Meng Xin.

  Ye Xiu Du had suspected from the very beginning that Meng Xin might be the assassin who assassinated the emperor. He had extraordinary skill. If this person kept hiding in the dark, it would be a great harm to them.

  Several people were thinking differently, and suddenly there was the sound of fighting in the room.

  Everyone looked in the direction of the house. Soon, the man in black who had just entered to report the letter stumbled out, clutching his chest.

  However, the fighting inside did not stop.

  Yuqing wrinkled her eyebrows, and all the people in black inside should be dead. Who is fighting?

  She just raised her head and glanced at Ye Xiu alone. She saw two brothers and sisters Lu Lanfeng, fighting with a figure they knew so well.

   Ye Xiu saw that figure alone, her face suddenly sinking, her eyes filled with cold light.

   "Peng Ying!!!"

   Soon, not only the two brothers and sisters Lu Lanfeng who fought with Peng Ying, but also An Fu Sihuan’s mother-in-law Qin Jiaopiao and others also scuffled with a group of people and rushed into the yard from the house.

  Meng Xin's mouth evoked a smile, and a wave of his hand made people take Xu Rou back to the side.

  The fighting in the yard has become more intense, but Ye Xiudu's eyes have been locked tightly on Meng Xin's body.

  Until Meng Xin raised his hand, those talents suddenly took their hands and retreated behind him, "Master."

  Lu Lanfeng and others also returned to Ye Xiudu's side, their eyebrows tucked tightly, their expressions solemn.

Yu Qingluo's mouth closed tightly. He thought that he had killed the people in black in the house, but Meng Xin's men broke many people. There were so many people on their side, and Lu Lanfeng and others were hiding in the dark. Can kill him by surprise at any time.

  Unexpectedly, Peng Ying would bring in another pair of men and horses.

  The number of them now is more than ever.

  Meng Xin laughed loudly, “Prince Xiu, Miss Yu, although I don’t have any other hostages in my hand, these two princes and concubines, you must still be saved, then we should talk about business.”

   "Why, it's not what you said just now, do you change one person? Now, it's just right, what else do you want to talk about?" Ye Xiudu just glanced at those people, without the slightest panic.

  Meng Xin hooked her lips, "It is said that the prince invites someone to send us Meng Guifei, and I will also send your second prince and concubine over, how about?"

  Ye Xiudoku didn't believe that he was so easy to talk, he must be making some ideas in his heart, but...for now, it can only be so.

  Xu Rou looks very weak, if you continue to toss, I am afraid it will not last long.

  Ye Xiu thought for a while, and beckoned to Fan Pingyun to send him over.

   Meng Xin chose Peng Ying, and Peng Ying nodded, grabbing Xu Rou's hand and walking towards Ye Xiudu without hesitation at all.

  Meng Xin's voice also sounded again, "Master Xiu, please act faster too."

  Fan Pingyun nodded to Ye Xiu alone, and brought Concubine Meng forward.

  People on both sides are quiet, walking very slowly.

  Ye Lansheng kept holding her breath, her eyes burning on Xu Rou's body, and the heart she was holding never let go.

  The four people walked to the middle, and then all stopped, most of them focused on them.

  Only Ye Xiudu and Meng Xin, their eyes are always on each other's body, and they don’t even blink.

  Yu Qingluo twisted her eyebrows slightly, she always felt that something would happen.

   In the middle, Peng Ying and Fan Pingyun stared at each other coldly.

  Xu Rou was in a state of lack of energy, and she had lost too much blood. She was also dizzy now. Fan Pingyun couldn't help but glanced at her, and quickly took it back.

  However, with just such a glance, the situation in front of me changed drastically.

  Peng Ying, who had already pushed Xu Rou forward, suddenly pulled her back, with five fingers into claws, and pinched Xu Rou’s neck.

  Fan Pingyun also reacted very quickly, and immediately took the action to pull Meng Guifei back.

  But at this moment, Concubine Meng, whose hands were restrained, suddenly slammed against him, kicked her feet to the ground, her body suddenly volleyed, and kicked towards Fan Pingyun’s chest.

  Fan Pingyun was anxious, and subconsciously stepped back.

  When he stabilized his figure again, Concubine Meng suddenly came to Meng Xin's side.

  Everyone was stunned, Concubine Meng... can martial arts?

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