Yu Qingluo and Ye Xiudu glanced at each other quickly, and both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

  Mongol women should not be able to use martial arts. The past behaviors and behaviors of the Meng imperial concubine have never shown that she possesses special skills.

   But now, even taking advantage of the momentum, he can break free from Fan Pingyun's hands.

  Although it was only after he hit Fan Pingyun by surprise, he would get out, but his every move and kick was obviously extremely powerful, obviously not embroidered with fists.

  Xu Rou was grasped by Peng Ying and returned to Meng Xin's side. Concubine Meng had already stood beside Meng Xin, asking him to untie herself.

  Fan Pingyun's face suddenly sank, and he was about to catch up.

   "Ping Yun, stop." Ye Xiudu suddenly drank, and Fan Pingyun took a halt, and could only retreat back.

   Then he lowered his head, and said to Ye Xiudu with a shame, "I was careless, Lord..."

  Ye Xiu raised his hand alone to stop him, but the corners of his mouth tightened and said, "I'm taking care of it too. I didn't expect that a weak woman on weekdays has been hiding her strength."

  Even when he was repairing the palace, he always pretended to be crazy and stupid, but he never used his skills to try to escape from the palace.

  Is it because she knows that she can't escape from the palace, so she has been holding back and waiting for the opportunity like today?

  Ye Xiu Duo let out a deep breath, his eyes condensed slightly, and it fell on Concubine Meng's body.

Ye Lansheng watched her mother get caught back again, her weak body was even being dragged away, anxious for a while, she hurriedly put her hand into her mouth, desperately suppressing her emotions, so as not to call herself. Speak out and affect others.

  Meng Guifei loosened her tie, stroked her hair slightly, and patted the dust on her body lightly.

   was originally a little embarrassed, and under her slightly raised head and triumphant smile on her face, she instantly resembled the glamorous master of the harem back then. Especially standing with Meng Xin, like a bunch of bi people, people can't miss.

But the next moment, she suddenly stretched out her hand, grabbed Xu Rou who was on the side, grabbed her by the hair, and smiled at Ye Xiudu, "With this woman, she can also be compared with the incomparable identity of this palace. Than? Just rely on her, is it worthy to exchange with this palace?"

  Xu Rou's body was faltering, and when she was pulled, her face was instantly pale as paper, and cold sweat broke out all over her body.

  But the more painful the scalp, the more important she is to get her teeth to stand up straight, otherwise the pain will be doubled.

  Therefore, she felt very uncomfortable as if she was being barbecued on a fire at this moment.

  Ye Lansheng's pupils enlarged, and he took a breath, the little hand in his mouth was finally bitten and bleeding, causing him to make a low whimper.

Yu Qingluo was shocked when she heard it, so she turned around and knelt down, put his small body in her arms, and whispered in his ear, "Hey, it's okay, we will rescue your mother. believe us."

   "Aunt Qing, I am afraid." Ye Lansheng's eyes showed a trace of fear, even though he was sensible and smart since he was a child. It can be seen that my mother's life is hanging by a thread, and my heart still can't stop panicking.

  Yu Qingluo was empty in her heart, and hugged him vigorously, and said, "You go over there with the little sister first, be nice."

   "Aunt Qing, I don't want to leave."

   "Lan Sheng, there may be a fierce battle later, you are average, if they attack you, I'm afraid..."

"I know I know I know." Ye Lansheng wiped her tears hurriedly, holding back the tears, and said in a low voice, "Aunt Qing, I will be good, I am obedient, I will leave now, and will not become your burden. "

Yu Qingluo touched his head, let go of him, stood up, leaped to the side and tried to fight, but after listening to Yu Qingluo's words, he could only helplessly come over to hold Ye Lansheng's hand, Fan Xiao Little nodded.

  Ye Lansheng glanced at Xu Rou again, and obediently followed Fan Xiaoxiao back.

  But as soon as the calf stepped away, I heard the sharp voice of Concubine Meng, "Ye Lansheng, you are leaving now? Haha, do you care about your mother?"

  Ye Lansheng paused, gritted his teeth, and moved forward.

   "Ah..." A painful scream soon came from behind, Ye Lancheng turned her head hurriedly, and saw Concubine Meng holding a dagger and stabbing Xu Rou in the arm.

  Ye Lansheng took a deep breath, and shook off Fan Xiaoxiao's hand and ran to Concubine Meng swiftly.

  Yuqing lowered his eyes and bright hands, hurriedly grabbed the person with one hand, and hugged him tightly.

  "Aunt Qing, Aunt Qing, let me go, that's my mother, my mother." Ye Lansheng collapsed, her whole body trembling, her eyes full of hatred when she looked at Concubine Meng.

  Yu Qingluo squeezed Ye Lansheng into Fan Qiyun’s arms, "You take care of him."

  After that, she turned her head and stared at Concubine Meng, "You are so distorted to a certain extent, your purpose is to deal with me and Ye Xiu Duo. Okay, now I am your hostage, you let the people go."

  "Qing'er..." Ye Xiu frowned, his face full of disapproval.

Concubine Meng sneered, "You? I'm not stupid. Xu Rou has no power to bind a chicken. I just do what I want to do to her. You are a dignified ghost doctor young girl. Your whole body is poisonous. Where am I? Dare to touch you?"

  She said, smiling and slowly drew the dagger from Xu Rou's arm.

   Xu Rou took a breath, her body was sweating with pain. But he clenched his teeth, lest he screamed in pain and let Ye Lancheng collapse again.

Concubine Meng looked at the blood-stained dagger, her smile deepened, with a bloodthirsty smile, "But don't worry, you are here today, and we don't plan to let you leave. You will soon become mine. The dead souls under the sword, as long as you kill you, the throne belongs to my emperor."

   Ye Xiudu said nothing, his attention was still on Meng Xin. He knew very well who among the group of people in front of him was the most dangerous and the most powerful. If he didn't keep an eye on such a master, he would probably act at any time.

   "You are so fancy, do you think we guys will be able to catch it with one's hands obediently?" Yu Qingluo sneered.

  Although their people are not as many as Meng Guifei, they are all masters.

  Lu Lanfeng quietly walked to Yu Qingluo's side, and asked her in a low voice, "Can you put poison?" He fought against these people, and they were definitely not easy.

   Yu Qingluo shook his head, "The distance is too far to start. And that Meng Xin is not a general, I am afraid that the poison powder will be discovered soon."

The two of them whispered, but the concubine Meng laughed loudly over there, "Is it a whimsical thing? You'll find out later, your people are amazing, then do you think that the people in Yufengtang are all straw bags? "

  Man from Yufengtang? These people in black... are all from Yufengtang. Can't they?

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