Yu Qingluo turned her head and looked at Ye Xiu alone, her eyebrows twisted tightly.

   Yufengtang... Peng Ying is also from Yufengtang, she really knows that everyone in Yufengtang is a master.

  Ye Xiudu also talked to her about the things in Yufengtang in detail earlier, and found that the rules of Yufengtang were not because of the number of people, but the precision.

  They are all masters with one enemy and one hundred, and she just saw it just now. Lu Lanfeng and several people played against them, although there is a little meaning to gain the upper hand, but the problem is that here, they only have so many people.

  While Meng Guifei and Meng Xin were surrounded by many people in black, they were basically twice as many as them. It was very difficult to fight.

  Hua's father and her mother-in-law are even older, unable to do what they want, and their expertise is not martial arts.

  Besides, there is Xu Ransheng on their side who needs protection, and they are bound to fight.

  It seems that we can only delay time...

   "The Concubine Meng is really capable. I didn't expect that after so many years of business, even Yufengtang would be on your side."

   "Yufengtang, this is ours." Concubine Meng sneered.

  Yuqing squinted, Yufengtang is theirs...

   "It's a big tone." Ye Xiu Duo, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly curled her lips mockingly, "Yufengtang was created by the ancestors of Fengcang Country. When did it become the Mongols."

  Meng noble concubine narrowed her eyes, and a trace of annoyance flashed across her face.

  I don't know which part of Ye Xiu Ducai's words hit her body, she didn't say anything to refute.

  It’s just that her face is extremely ugly, and Yu Qingluo is afraid that she will vent her anger on Xu Rou again, and hurriedly said, "So, Concubine Meng is the master of Yufengtang?"

  Speaking, she turned her gaze to Peng Ying who was aside, "Then what about Peng Ying? What kind of position does she hold in Yufengtang?"

  For this traitor, Yu Qingluo really wanted to stab him.

  She has carefully watched the injury he raised on Shen Ying. It was really merciless, regardless of the feelings of the past, and directly beat him to death.

  If it weren’t for Nan Nan to take his life-saving pills immediately, plus Jiang Yunsheng’s timely return, I’m afraid Shen Ying would be dead.

  And among the people present at the moment, there is still one person who also hates Peng Ying.

  Fan Xiaoxiao pulled her fist. If she hadn't received her brother's eyes, she would have rushed to avenge her beloved Shen Ying.

   "I'm just a small subordinate, I can't talk about a position." Peng Ying gave Yu Qing a sarcastically, with a hint of provocation.

Yuqing squinted his eyes, "When you were in the Mongolian people and persuaded the prince to let Wentian stay, I thought it was strange. If you really count it like this, you still have a bit of brotherhood towards Wentian. ."

   "Brotherhood? Ha."

  Yu Qing fell for a moment, he let Wentian stay in the Mongolian, isn’t it to save his life?

   "I'm afraid he's by my side, I can't help but shoot him, and kill him first. If it wasn't for Hongye..."

   Yuqing's eyes are bright and bright, for the red leaves? So, his feelings for Hongye are true?

"So, are you sincere to Hongye?" Yu Qingluo cut off his words directly and laughed. "No wonder Hongye was seriously injured by Mengpao. When Mengpao was dying, you also saw it and watched. He was killed by Shangguan Jin. It turns out that you are because of the red leaves. No matter how bad a man is, he will inevitably be selfish when he meets his sons and daughters."

  When Peng Ying heard this, he couldn't help but frowned. The next moment, he was shocked and suddenly felt bad.

  He immediately turned his head, and just opened his mouth to say something, he already flew out.

  The next moment, I saw Meng Xin's face black as charcoal fire, with a sullen expression, "You actually treated my brother...you can't help me?"

   "Guardian right, don't listen to that woman's nonsense, Mengpo was killed by Shangguan Jin, and she is instigating separation."

"I'm provoking divorce?" Yu Qingluo coldly, "You dare to say that you were not there at the time? Do you dare to say that Hongye was not injured at that time? Do you dare to say that you didn't stand by when you were dying? I want to use your abilities. There is no problem at all if you want to save the next time?"

  It turns out that this Meng Xin is a right guardian, and his status is...so high? No wonder so many people can be mobilized.

  Meng Xin grabbed Peng Ying by the skirt of his clothes, as if he wanted to eat him.

Peng Ying hurriedly stretched out his hand to block, and urgently defended, "The Right Guardian, I had no other choice at the time. If I rescued Mengpa on the spot, my identity would be exposed, and there would be no way to do more for Right Guardian and Niang Niang. , I am also focusing on the overall situation."

  "The overall situation?" Meng Xin slammed his face with a punch, "Even if your identity is revealed, you must save my brother. If you don't save my brother, you deserve to die. That's the only one in my family..."

  He didn't say the following words, but Yu Qingluo thought and knew that since Meng Po and Meng Xin are brothers, and Meng Xin has become an eunuch, the inheritance of the ancestry will naturally fall on Meng Po's body.

  It’s just that Mengpo also likes Menggui concubine, so she has not married for many years. However, he is only in his 30s after all. There is still time to have children. It is not impossible to find a woman to marry and have children in the future, and to leave offspring for their family.

  Now people die like a lamp, and no descendants of their family stay.

   Yu Qingluo smiled secretly, maybe this is their fate. If it is good, those conspiracies and tricks between Meng Xin and Meng Guifei do not involve Meng Po, their family will still have roots.

  It's just a pity...

  Yuqing squinted her eyes and moved her eyes to Concubine Meng's body.

   found that she suddenly frowned slightly, her hand holding Xu Rou loosened slightly, and there was a little trembling sign.

  While Meng Xin was still dealing with Peng Ying angrily, even Concubine Meng did not hear his name.

  As for the other people in black, although they are still observing their every move, they are obviously not as rigorous as before.

good chance.

  Yu Qingluo and Ye Xiu looked at each other independently, and the next moment, she gently lifted her fingers and stroked her hair.

  Everyone is unknown, but Concubine Meng’s complexion is getting worse and worse, she finally releases Xu Rou and slowly falls to one side.

  Those people in black whispered, and Meng Xin hurriedly turned around to support Concubine Meng.

  Xu's soft body fell to the ground, and a man in black stepped forward to take over.

  But at this moment, a gust of wind came from inside the house, violently past the man in black.

  In the next instant, the man in black felt his hand numb, and the hand holding Xu Rou froze suddenly, and he suddenly screamed, "Not good."

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