
  Yuqing was surprised, staring at Ye Xiudu's deep eyes, and his heart settled in an instant.

  Ye Xiu Duo hasn’t spoken all the time. Didn’t he already know what to do?

  She smiled and held his hand, and said, "Where is the helper?"

   "I'll find out soon." Ye Xiu looked down and smiled at her.

   Meng Xin did not act for a long time there. Concubine Meng was trembling all over her arms while holding him in her arms, but she was still desperately rejecting Meng Xin, so that he would not let Yu Qingluo and others go.

  The other people in black are staring at them closely, the swords in their hands have all been unsheathed, as long as they give an order, they will immediately besiege them.

  Peng Ying also stood up, watching Concubine Meng frowned slightly, her eyes flashed without a trace, she didn't know what was thinking in her heart.

  And Yu Qingluo, after knowing that there are helpers, he can rest assured that he will treat Xu Rou's wounds first.

  Fortunately, the cut of the imperial concubine just now did not kill Xu Rou, but the blood loss was very serious, and he had to take care of it after returning.

  Ye Lansheng wiped her tears and asked in a low voice, "Aunt Qing, how is my mother?"

   "It's okay, when I go back and recuperate, I can protect you and take care of you again."

   "En." Ye Lansheng nodded, her eyes fell on Xu Rou's hands, her eyes darkened.

Nan Nan glanced at him and patted him on the shoulder immediately, comforting him vigorously, "It’s okay, it’s okay, let’s say it’s done? The most important thing is that Aunt Rou has no worries about her life, Don’t think too much. And in the future, there will be people around Aunt Rou, don’t worry about what she does, besides, your precious son will take care of her. Even if you are blind and lame, you will... oh, Mother, why are you hitting me?"

   "Are you so comforting? Talk nonsense." Yu Qingluo gave him an angry look.

   Nan Nan pouted, and defended, "I call it rough, not rough, mother, I’m kind."

  Ye Lansheng finally laughed out with a ‘pouch’, although there were still tears on her face, her mood was no longer as tangled and uneasy as before.

He looked at Nan Nan, grabbed his hand and rubbed it gently, "Nan Nan, I understand what you mean. I know how you are good to me. How is your wrist? Does it hurt? Some are red."

  It was weird that Nan Nan had to be held by him like this and kept rubbing. It seemed ambiguous. He wanted to withdraw his hand, but he felt that this would hurt Ye Lansheng's heart, so he had no choice but to let him rub his wrist with a bitter face.

  'S head shook like a rattle, "It's okay, it's just that I didn't pay attention to the way at the beginning, and my wrist seemed to be knocked. Fortunately, Aunt Rou is not heavy at all."

  Although it was really painful when she grabbed Auntie Rou on Leopard’s back, but now, no matter how painful he is, he can’t scream, well, this is his principle of dealing with things as a man.

  Yu Qingluo laughed, let Xu Rou lean on Fan Xiaoxiao, got up and returned to Ye Xiudu's side.

Meng Xin over there seemed to turn his head after painful consideration and choice, and said to Yu Qingluo with red eyes, "As long as you give me the antidote, I will let you go. Otherwise, you will die. Stay here for me."

He endured the pain desperately in his arms and did not let himself scream so as not to affect Meng Xin's decision. After hearing this, he immediately stared at him, grabbed the hem of his chest, and panted heavily. Angrily said hoarsely, "No, Meng Xin, if you dare to let them go today, I will die for you to see. Kill them, as long as you kill them all here, Ting'er can lead troops into the imperial capital. Be the emperor, you kill them for me."

   "Kui'er... I can't... watch you die in front of me."

"If you don't kill them, I will die in front of you. Meng Xin, have you forgotten our purpose for many years? This is the only chance, our only chance. If you don't kill them today, it will be even more difficult in the future. Even Ting'er and you will die in their hands."

Concubine Meng said more and more eagerly, probably because she was worried that Meng Xin would not listen to her own words, she was already holding half of her body urgently, even her face turned pale.

Meng Xin's eyes reddened even more, and finally couldn't help but yelled, "Are you going to exchange your own life for HARTING to be on the throne? So even if he sits in that position, he wouldn't be able to sit securely without you. Yes. Kwai Er, neither Harting nor I can live without you."

  Yu Qingluo clearly saw the tears Meng Xin was holding back, as if as long as his eyes blinked, the tears would fall.

  She had to admit that even if Meng Guifei was ambitious, even if Meng Xin suffered unfair treatment. The relationship between the two of them has not changed.

  For each other, it seems that everything can be done for each other, including death.

Tears from the corners of Concubine Meng's eyes have already gurgled down, "Meng Xin, you are obedient, we only have one chance. He does not die today, and we will die in the future. I don't care, as long as we can achieve our goals, I have nothing to do. In the future. , Ting'er has become the ninth-five god, you have become the hall master of Yufengtang, your status is extremely honorable, no one can do anything to you. You still have a lot to do, unify the four kingdoms, and annihilate the Mongolian people, you There are so many things to do, how can you die?"

  Meng Xin shook his head painfully, the tears in his eyes finally fell, "I can't do it, I can't do it."

  Meng noble concubine gritted her teeth and her expression became more and more crazy.

  She suddenly turned her head, her venomous eyes fell on Yu Qingluo's body, and on Ye Xiudu's body again.

  After a while, he gathered all his strength, pushed Meng Xin away, and suddenly picked up the dagger that had just fallen to the ground, his eyes brightened.

  In the stall where Mengxin's pupils were slightly shrunk, he put the dagger directly on his neck.

   "Kui'er..." Meng Xin trembled, and stopped abruptly, his face turned pale in fright, "What are you doing? Put down the dagger."

   "I count to three, if you don't do anything, I will die now."

   "Kui'er, you..."


  Yu Qing Luo frowned, Concubine Meng was really crazy. In order to kill them, he didn't even want his own life.

  She leaned to Ye Xiudu’s ear and asked in a low voice, “Didn’t you say that there is a helper? Where is it? We will be in danger if we don’t show up again.”

   "Two!!" Concubine Meng's voice increased by two points. She was already suffering from cold sweat all over her body, but her tone remained undiminished.

  Bloodshot appeared on her neck, and the dagger got closer.

  Meng Xin stared hard, and finally, as soon as Meng Guifei's "three" word fell, he closed his eyes severely, and said, "Come on, kill them all on the spot..."

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