As soon as the people in black got the order, they immediately madly moved towards Yu Qingluo's group.

  Fan Xiuyun, the three brothers, Lu Lanfeng, Qin Jiaopiao, and others had long been waiting for them. Now that they came, he immediately rushed into the crowd without hesitation.

  No one said a word, all the shots were lightning fast and the tricks were fierce.

   Meng Xin over there instructed a man in black to take good care of Concubine Meng, and then locked his eyes tightly on... Yu Qingluo's body.

  The poison she put down, naturally, she wants to solve it.

  Therefore, Meng Xin didn't hesitate at all, and rushed straight towards Yu Qing.

  It's just that his palm was about to sweep her, he was decided by Ye Xiu alone, and suddenly he gave her a palm.

   "Guardian right, this king is standing here, is there no sense of existence just like that?"

Meng Xin stared at him angrily, especially when he saw his idle expressions. Even if fewer people dealt with more people, even if he was entangled for so long, he still had the same expression and demeanor, as if there was no sense of urgency at all, and his heart became more and more emotional. resentment.

   "Lord Xiu is tall and tall, how can there be no sense of existence." He snorted coldly, "It's just too existential. This protector will not let you go today. Today, you will die here for this protector."

   As he said, he didn't even look at Yu Qingluo. He immediately shifted the target and attacked Ye Xiu alone.

  "Nannan, take care of your mother." Ye Xiu left a sentence from a distance, and rose up to greet him.

  Both of them are very skilled, and they seem to be even more evenly matched. In an instant, dozens of tricks were dismantled.

  Yu Qingluo and Fan Xiaoxiao worked together to help Xu Rou on the back of the Panther, and the group immediately retreated to a safe place.

  However, the goals of several people were too big. After a while, there were extra people in black rushing towards this side.

  Yu Qingluo frowned, seeing the sword dance fiercely, and her heart was quite nervous.

   Nan Nan's face was pale, and he picked up a sword on the ground to meet him.

  However, the man in black hadn't gotten closer, and suddenly there was another person in front of him. Without even seeing it clearly, the man in black lost his life.

  Yu Qingluo and the Nannan people looked surprisedly at the stranger who had fallen from the sky with their backs to them.

  The man was standing in front of Yu Qingluo, with a slender figure and a kind of fairy-style bones.

  When he turned his head, several people could see his appearance clearly. It turned out to be an old man in his seventies or eighties with a thin face and a white beard on his chest.

  "Excuse me..." Yu Qingluo was very sure that she really didn't know him.

Nan Nan also looked at him curiously for a while, just about to ask a question.

  Ye Xiudu, who was fighting with Meng Xin over there, slowly showed a smile, with a loud voice, "Left guardian, you are really slow enough."

  As for Meng Xin, who was opposite him, his face changed drastically, and he made a mistake in his hand, revealing a flaw.

  Ye Xiu's mouth twitched slightly, and kicked him to his chest, and the soft sword in his hand approached his door.

  Meng Xin was busy stabilizing his mind, and suddenly stepped back.

  However, at the next moment, many people in Tsing Yi suddenly ran out behind the house, all looking serious, and directly handed over to the people in black.

  As soon as they joined, the Fan family’s three brothers, An Fusi and others immediately became more relaxed. At first, they played against a few, but now they play more vigorously.

  The number of martial arts of the Tsing Yi man seemed to be about the same as that of the black man. Coupled with Ye Xiudu's left guardian, Yu Qing Luo couldn't help blinking and suddenly realized.

  Meng Xin is the right guardian, and this old gentleman with the fairy style is the left guardian. So, they are also from Yufengtang?

  Is Yufengtang a civil strife? She thought Meng Xin had mastered the entire Yufengtang, but she didn't.

  Ye Xiudu, this boring gourd, had hooked up with Yufengtang’s Zuo Hufa early in the morning, and had an unpredictable look that didn’t tell her anything, which was absolutely horrible.

   "Left guardian, I just thank you for saving your life." Yu Qingluo saw that Zuo guardian turned around, and opened his mouth with a smile.

   Zuo Hufa touched her gray beard and looked up and down at her, and asked, "Are you a ghost doctor?"

Yu Qingluo was hairy all over her body, and her body trembled involuntarily. He quickly took a short step backwards, gave a dry laugh, and said, "Left guardian, your martial arts should be very high, I think, it's not as good as you and The right guardian can learn from each other so that we can have a glimpse of your demeanor, right?"

  Go, let’s change our family’s Yexiu alone, lest the frantic Meng Xin tires our prince.

   Zuo Hu Fa shook his head, and this time he stroked his chin, still staring at her, “If it doesn’t work, I’d better stay to protect you. After all, you are of great use to us.”

  Yu Qingluo's whole body is shaking more severely, don't look at her with this kind of experimental research eyes? Does she look like a white mouse?

  She was thinking about it, so she rushed the two men in black behind Zuo Jiao Fa, and slashed straight at his back.

  Yu Qingluo was about to whisper, when he saw the left guard wave his hand, he turned around and kicked one by one. One person was directly kicked by him to a tree not far away, and fell heavily to the ground, killing him on the spot.

  The other one was pinched by his neck, his face flushed, and his face was extremely painful.

   Zuo Hufa sneered, "I am so courageous, even I dare to attack?"

  "Left, left guard...cough cough..."

   "Why, your master didn't tell you, at least he would have to do it yourself if you want to kill me?" The left guardian's voice became colder, and his voice fell, his fingers pressed hard.

  Yu Qingluo heard a ‘crack,’ and the black man’s head tilted and he lost his breath.

  Yu Qingluo's mouth twitched, and he saw the left guard patted his hands and turned his head with a smile. "Young girl, don't worry, there will be no accidents with me. You back up a little bit so as not to endanger the pond fish. Don't worry, it will end soon. I promise that we will win this time."

  Yu Qingluo gave another dry laugh, waved to Nan Nan, the little guy held Ye Lansheng with one hand, patted the black panther on the back with the other, and walked a few steps behind.

Ye Lansheng finally showed a smile on his face, and he was worried just now. There are obviously a large number of people in black. In case someone on the Wushu side hurts or... hurts their lives, all this is because of him. If the mother and son cause it, then they are really guilty.

  Now, Uncle Wu unexpectedly finds so many helpers, and looking at the scene in front of him, it is obvious that the people on their side have the upper hand, presumably there is no need to be afraid.

  A few people walked back a few steps, but Fan Xiaoxiao, who had been supporting the black panther on the back, suddenly stopped and his eyebrows twisted.

  The next moment, before Yu Qingluo could react, she suddenly jumped over their heads and rushed straight in one direction.

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