The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 1043: Concubine Meng's ending

   Yuqing fell for a moment, "Little..."

  The voice hadn't fallen yet, she had already found Peng Ying's figure following Fan Xiaoxiao's back.

  Peng Ying quietly returned to the house, looking like he was going to escape.

  This... traitor, absolutely can't let him escape.

  Fan Xiaoxiao jumped up to Peng Ying and stared at him coldly. He didn't know when he had an extra sword in his hand and directly intercepted Peng Ying.

  Peng Ying's face changed, and he gave a sneer, and soon met with Fan Xiaoxiao.

  Yu Qingluo didn’t know how Fan Xiaoxiao’s kung fu was compared to the Fan family’s three brothers, but Peng Ying’s skill was even better than before. What's more, as Shen Ying said last time, Peng Ying also hid his skills, even Shen Ying was seriously injured by him.

  She glanced at Zuo Hufa, and wanted him to help, but behind her there was Xu Renren, who could not martial arts, and Ye Lansheng.

  Although Nan Nan is powerful, it is still difficult for one person to protect several people. With this left guardian, it is indeed safer.

  Yuqing squinted her eyes, and began to hate that she couldn't pass over others' heads like Fan Xiaoxiao, and flew past many people in black and Tsing Yi to the house.

  Now... I can only watch.

  Fortunately, Fan Xiaoxiao's skill also looked very neat. Peng Ying was beaten up by Meng Xin again before, and he seemed to be hurt too. Within a short time, he was able to draw a tie.

  Fan Pingyun also saw Fan Xiaoxiao, approaching him.

Yu Qingluo breathed a sigh of relief, and cast his gaze on Ye Xiudu and Meng Xin.

  Meng Xin is really good at skills, and right, as the right guardian of Yufengtang, he is definitely not a person to wait.

  The fighting situation over there became more and more intense, and the two people were fighting hard to separate.

  The man in black was already under the encirclement and suppression of the Tsing Yi man, and gradually began to be unable to support it, and began to fight and retreat.

  Ke Zuo's face was very cold, and he suddenly raised his voice, "For the insurgents in the hall, all beheaded, not one left."

   "Yes." After listening to the order, the Tsing Yi man became as excited as a chicken blood, pressing hard against the black man, becoming more urgent.

   Standing behind Yu Qingluo, Nan Nan was a little eager to try, "Mother, let me help."

  Yu Qingluo hesitated, thinking of what Ye Xiu said alone, Nannan needs actual combat experience.

  Now depending on the situation, it shouldn’t be a big problem, so he nodded, “Be careful yourself, don’t be aggressive.”

   "I know." Nan Nan rushed into the crowd without saying a word. The remaining people in black saw his tiny figure, their eyes shining, and they turned towards Nan Nanwei.

The corner of Yu Qing's mouth twitched, and he secretly cursed despicable, and saw that the wind was blowing under Nan Nan's feet. He left the encirclement and dodged directly into the skill of one of the men in black, with an extra needle in his hand, facing him. The black-clothed man slapped his neck suddenly, and the black-clothed man's pupils were widened, and he fell straight to the ground.

  The other people in black were stunned. Although I heard that the kid was good at it, he always thought that he would not be better than these adults. Unexpectedly... the action was so neat that people were caught off guard.

  Lu Lanfeng didn't know when he flashed to Nan Nan's side, and laughed, "I thought you didn't plan to make a move, you have to hide behind your mother."

   Nan Nan snorted softly, "I was there to protect my mother. What is hiding? Uncle Lu, you really can’t speak."

   "Looking at your skill, it seems that you have improved. It has only been a few days, which really surprised me."

  Nannan got up triumphantly, seeing that there was a man in black who was trying to deal with him recklessly, stepping on Lu Lanfeng’s shoulder and turning over to the man’s back again.

The addition of Nan Nan not only destroyed the last hope of those in black, but also stimulated the fighting spirit of the people in Tsing Yi, and made the people in black show a trace of fear and despair.

  Meng Guifei saw her slowly defeated here, and it was hopeless to kill all Ye Xiu Duyu Qingluo and the others, and even spit out a mouthful of blood with a ‘puff...’.

  The pain in her chest is unbearable, but now it is even more bloody.

  The man in black who was taking care of her was shocked, and hurriedly stepped forward to support her. Concubine Meng suddenly pushed the person away. She gritted her teeth, pressed down the pain in her chest, and looked at Yu Qing with a fierce look.

   "Meng Guifei, let's go quickly. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time." The man in black quickly came forward and wanted to take her away.

  But he was pushed away by Concubine Meng again, and the two fell to the ground at the same time.

  Meng Xin, who was initially a little distracted, turned pale when he saw this scene.

   Immediately held the wind, and after a few steps of retreating Ye Xiu fiercely, he swiftly rushed towards the Concubine Meng.

  Ye Xiu's mouth raised a mocking smile, before Meng Xin came to Meng Guifei, his palm had already arrived, and he slapped Meng Xin's back fiercely.

  Meng Xin only felt a sharp pain in his chest, his face turned pale, and a mouthful of blood spurted far away.

   His legs were even weaker, and he knelt on one knee suddenly.

  Ye Xiu Duo's sword pierced quickly, and the sound of'唰' sank directly into Meng Xin's chest.

  Meng Gui Concubine's eyes burst and bloodshot, she couldn't care about anything at the moment, and stumbled towards Meng Xin.

   "Meng Xin, Meng Xin..." She covered the blood that was constantly pouring up from the corner of his mouth with a face full of fear, her voice trembling.

  Meng Xin lay in her arms, her strength was losing bit by bit, but the eyes of Concubine Meng were still full of tenderness.

   "Kui'er, I didn't expect... I didn't expect that our... ending... would be like this..."

Concubine Meng bit her lower lip, suddenly raised her head and stared at Ye Xiudu viciously, "You **** thing, I regret it, I regret keeping you, I want to kill you."

   As she said, she suddenly released Meng Xin, picked up a sword on the ground, and stabbed Ye Xiudu.

  Ye Xiudu just turned away slightly, and Concubine Meng’s sword deviated from his body.

  When she turned her head and tried to stab him, a person suddenly stood in front of her, and she looked intently, but it was Zuo Fa with a gray beard.

   Zuo Hufa looked at her and Meng Xin, and sneered, "You two Mongolians, you have mixed in my Yufengtang incognito for so many years, and have disturbed my Yufengtang. Today, I will clear the door.

  As soon as his voice fell, the sword in his hand directly pierced Concubine Meng’s body.

Concubine Meng raised her head in astonishment. She didn't expect... her final ending was actually like this.

   She lowered her eyes and saw that Meng Xin, who was lying on the ground, had soft eyes, opened her arms, and hugged her fallen body.

   "Kui'er, we cannot be together in life, and we will never be separated after death."

Concubine Meng opened her mouth, but she couldn't make a sound anymore, but she glanced at Ye Xiudu with a bitter look and leaned on Meng Xin's body.

  Meng Xin's last trace of strength seemed to have dissipated, but he had been holding Concubine Meng tightly, not daring to let go for a moment.

  Yu Qingluo looked at from a distance, but didn't know what to say.

   Just as she sighed, she suddenly uttered an exclamation not far away. She turned her head to look, but saw that Peng Ying stabbed Fan Xiaoxiao with a sword, then turned and left.

  However, where can he go? A figure was immediately blocked in front of him, blocking his way.

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