Peng Ying looked at the familiar face that suddenly appeared in front of him, and was stunned. He looked at him incredulously, "You, when did you come back?"

   "The day before the city gates were closed." Wen Tian had a cold face with a gloomy expression.

  Peng Ying was astonished. It has been a long time since the war has been going on here. Isn’t he back for a while now?

   "Red, where are the red leaves?"

  Wen Tian sneered, "Do you still have the face to ask her? You traitor."

   "Stop talking nonsense, get out of the way." Peng Ying didn't plan to tell him more. The situation is very unfavorable for him now. If he continues to entangle him, it will be impossible for him to escape.

  Speaking, he quickly separated Wentian's sword tip, and rushed straight forward.

   Wen Tian narrowed his eyes, and suddenly raised his sword to pierce him in the back.

  Peng Ying resented and hurriedly turned around to deal with it.

  Fan Xiaoxiao, who had just been stabbed with a sword in his arm, also followed and greeted Peng Ying.

  Peng Ying was one-to-two, and his heart was very anxious, and he gradually fell in love.

   Fan Pingyun, who had heard Fan Xiaoxiao’s exclamation, secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then turned his head and stabbed a man in black with a sword.

"Wen Tian, ​​your brother, why should you rush to kill?" Peng Ying began to struggle. Although his skill is extraordinary, Wen Tian's original skill is the best among the four guards, even if his legs were injured before. , It's almost okay now, and his heart is full of hatred and anger at the moment, maybe even if his legs are broken, he won't care, plus Fan Xiaoxiao, he has very few chances to win.

   Therefore, Peng Ying can only move him with words.

Wen Tian's movements were really slow. In the final analysis, he is different from Mo Xian Shen Ying. Shen Ying still has concerns about Peng Ying and did not kill him. What's more, he and Peng Ying were cousins. It's even more intimate in blood.

Fan Xiaoxiao looked at the corner of Peng Ying’s eyes with a hint of sly, and he was anxious, and immediately blurted out, “What about Shen Ying? Aren’t you and Shen Ying also brothers? You can put him to death without hesitation, now Is there any face to talk about brothers? It's ridiculous."

   Hearing Tian's eyebrows, his face became more determined.

  Yes, Shen Ying and them have been together for more than ten years, not the same as the deep affection, the feelings are already closer than their brothers, and Peng Ying can handle such people, let alone others.

  Furthermore, they are loyal to the prince all their lives, no matter who the traitor is, no matter how deep the traitor is with them. They all have to... get rid of it.

   Thinking of this, Wentian's movements sharpened again.

  Peng Ying was annoyed, looking at Fan Xiaoxiao's eyes as if he had been poisoned, it was extremely vicious.

With Wentian's help, Fan Xiaoxiao's momentum soared, especially when she thought that Shen Ying was still lying in bed because of the man's relationship, and the appearance of life and death at the beginning, she wished to chop him into ten or eight segments. Take it to feed the dog.

  Wen Tian tightened his lips, before giving Peng Ying a chance to speak, the sword dance in his hand was fierce.

  At the end, the people in black had all been resolved, leaving Peng Ying who was still struggling.

  The more so, the more panicked he became, especially when Ye Xiudu and others trapped him in the middle, he simply had nowhere to go, and he became a little desperate.

  Fan Xiaoxiao’s smile became deeper and deeper, and his movements became faster and faster. Even if Wentian hesitated for a while at the end, it would not affect much.

   With a "唰" sound, Peng Ying's wrist was slashed. As soon as he suffered a pain, the sword in his hand fell to the ground with a bang.

  Fan Xiaoxiao sneered, even the injury on his arm was gone, and he pierced a sword directly at his chest, and then slapped his chest fiercely.

  Peng Ying's body flew back suddenly, and when he landed again, a mouthful of bright red blood was spit out, and the clothes on his body were quickly stained with blood.

  When he wanted to stand up again, Fan Xiaoxiao's sword had already pierced his heart.

  However, the tip of the sword didn't pierce his heart, so he was ‘husked’ away.

  Fan Xiaoxiao frowned and glared at the person who shot, "You get out of the way, I will kill him to avenge Shen Ying."

  Wen Tian pursed his lips, turned his head to look at Peng Ying who was lying on the ground in pain, his eyes darkened.

When Fan Xiaoxiao saw this, he sneered, "Why, before I want to announce your brothers, did you show that your unity and friendship could not be achieved? He is a traitor, a spy, and he worked so hard to trick Nan Nan out of the Palace of Xiu. The unrighteous, do you still have to protect him?"

Wen Tian took a deep breath, turned his head and looked at Fan Xiaoxiao with a deep voice, "Since he is a spy in the palace, he should be dealt with by the prince. If the prince says to kill, he will kill. It is not your turn. To decide."

   "You..." Fan Xiaoxiao was very angry, squeezing the hilt of the arrow with both hands, wishing to give Wen Tian a sword too.

  "Xiaoxiao." Fan Pingyun stepped forward and pulled Fan Xiaoxiao back, "You get back, go and bandage the wound first."

  Fan Xiaoxiao stomped fiercely, then gave Wen Tian a stare, and then reluctantly returned to Yu Qingluo's side.

  Yu Qingluo saw that all the people in black were dead, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, and first gave Fan Xiaoxiao a simple treatment of the wound.

  Fortunately, although Lu Lanfeng and his group were extremely tired, they were all intact, even if they had a small injury, they could deal with it by themselves.

  It is the people in Tsing Yi brought by Zuo Hu Fa, who lost a lot of people.

  Think about it, the people in Tsing Yi and the people in black are both people in Yufengtang. It can be said that they know themselves and each other, and their skills are similar. This result is already considered very good.

  The old man Hua and the old woman are very smart. The two knew that they were not good at this kind of thing. When the people from Tsing Yi came, they hid away to watch the battle.

  Yu Qingluo breathed a sigh of relief. If something happened to the two of them, she wouldn't know what to do.

  Wait until his side had taken care of it, Yu Qingluo walked to Meng Guifei and Meng Xin's side. Seeing the scene where they hugged each other to death, she suddenly felt deeply moved.

  The imperial concubine Meng conspired for a lifetime, thinking about revenge against Feng Cang country, revenge on Ye Xiu independence, revenge on the Mongolian people, but in the end, she died here.

  She thought, in today’s tough battle, in fact, she had planned to kill them all.

  So they had a large number of people in black, and they believed that Nan Nan was deceived so easily.

  Perhaps, Meng Xin didn’t care at first whether Nan Nan was really deceived. His purpose was to change back to Meng Gui concubine, to let her or Ye Xiu Duo come here, and then catch it all.

  Actually, Meng Xin is really successful, Yu Qingluo still feels a little scared when she thinks about it now.

  There are not many people she brought here. There is no Yexiu Independence, no Yufengtang people in Tsing Yi. They are indeed outnumbered, and they might just hang up like this.

   Ye Xiu didn’t know when he came to stand beside her, and gently squeezed her shoulders, "What do you think?"

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