The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 1052: Don't like that look

The corner of Hall Master Ning's mouth twitched twice, looking at Yu Qingluo and Ye Xiudu's determined appearance.

  It is really...somewhat unreasonable to ask Yufengtang to follow Ye Xiudu's dispatch.

  After all, to talk about status, Yufengtang was created by the ancestors. Basically, which side Yufengtang should stand on, which side has a greater chance of winning.

  Although he chose to stand on Ye Xiudu's side now, there is no reason to listen to him. Doesn't this mean that he has become his subordinate?

Hall Master Ning twisted his eyebrows slightly. Before he could think about it, he heard Ye Xiudu speak again, "Of course, it is normal for Hall Master Ning to have concerns. After all, the traitor Meng Xin has just been cleared. There are also many of his remnants. If they want to say that they are all obedient to me, I am not so relieved. After all, I don’t know Yufengtang, and I don’t know who will be Meng Xin. The top priority of Hall Master Ning and Zuo Hufa is to settle internally first. , The number of people who can be selected is also limited, otherwise Hall Master Ning will find a few trusted people to help me a little bit.

   What does "……" mean? What is this called?

Hall Master Ning's eyebrows trembled severely. He glared at Ye Xiu fiercely. After a long while, he finally sighed and said, "There is some truth to what the Lord Xiu said. I am now seriously injured. There are many things that can’t be done. Zuo Hufa has to rectify the interior of Yufengtang and cannot get away. However, there are a lot of talents in Yufengtang. Even if many people have taken refuge in Mengxin, there are still many people who are loyal to Yufengtang. There are more than a few. Master Xiu has great ambitions, but he is a rare talent. Those people who follow the orders of Master Xiu will surely be able to play a greater role."

  Yixiu's mouth angles upward, and a slight smile is outlined.

   Hall Master Ning felt angry in his heart, but he was helpless, "Anyway, the current internal conflict is the most important thing. There must always be someone who can lead the unified leadership."

  Speaking, he straightened up slightly and shouted, "Left guardian."

   "..." There was no answer in the room, and a few people turned their heads to look around, but there was no such thing as Zuo Fa in the room.

   "Nan Nan is gone." Yu Qing stood up suddenly, glanced around the room quickly, and did not see Zuo Hufa and Nan Nan.

   She frowned, looked at Ye Xiu alone, got up and walked outside.

  Just stepping out of the inner room, I saw Hou Fang rushing over, "Tang, Hall Master, it’s not good."

   Hall Master Ning wrinkled his eyebrows deeply, and almost got out of bed.

   Ye Xiu on the side helped him alone and asked Hou Fang to come in and say.

  Hou Fang took a breath, "Hallmaster, Zuo Hufa... Zuo Hufa and Xiao Shizi are in the courtyard... It seems, there seems to be a misunderstanding."


Nan Nan felt that this was not a misunderstanding. He stood in the yard and was seen by the left guardian with a tremor. He couldn't help but step back two steps, his little foot almost hit the potted plant behind him, and he hurriedly stabilized his body. , Staring at Zuo Hufa in front of him, "Don't look at me with that kind of eyes."

  Looking at him, he felt cold all over, as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

  This left guardian method is simply too annoying.

   "What's wrong with my eyes?" Zuo Hufa sneered and looked towards Nannan.

   "Your eyes are telling me that you want to kill me, you have to deal with me."

  Left Guardian took a step forward, "You are a clever boy."

  "You, you really want to be against me. We have no grudges in the past and have no grudges in the past. We only met today for the first time. Where did I offend you?"

  When he is muddy? Although he is small, he is very courageous. If he dares to take a step forward, he will make a move.

However, Zuo Hufa stopped, and if there was nothing in his sight, he glanced at Nannan's back. The sneer on his face instantly stopped and became soft and charitable, "Little generation son, you can't run around here. Although this yard is small, it is surrounded by people from Yufengtang. If you don’t know you and accidentally treat you as a bad person and hurt you, it’s not good."

When   Ye Xiu Du and Yu Qing Luo came over, they happened to hear such a gentle voice from Zuo Hu Fa.

  Both of them were stunned for a moment, and then they heard Nannan’s blasting hair, “Don’t use this kind of yin and yang tone to speak, I heard that my hair is going to stand up all over, it’s disgusting.”

   "..." The corner of the left guardian's mouth twitched, and he looked at Ye Xiudu helplessly.

  Ye Xiu Duo nodded slightly at Zuo Hufa, but did not respond at all to what the South and South had said, and did not reprimand him for his impoliteness.

   Zuo Hu Fa raised his eyebrows slightly, but quickly changed the subject, "Master Xiu has discussed with the hall master?"

   "Exactly, Hall Master Ning is looking for Zuo Hu Fa at this moment, and there must be something to say to Zuo Hu Fa. Qinger and I will go back first, and come back to the Hall Master for a follow-up visit another day."

  Left guardian thought thoughtfully, and nodded after a moment, “In that case, the guardian will go to see the hall master first. Lord, please. Hou Fang, you send the Lord off for me.”

   "Yes." Hou Fang behind him quickly came forward and led the way.

   Nan Nan pouted, her expression unhappy.

  Yu Qingluo held his hand, but said nothing all the way.

  Until the three got into the carriage, Hou Fang returned to the courtyard. Nan Nan rolled around in the carriage with dissatisfaction, "Mother, mother, I don't like that Zuo Hu Fa."

   "En." Yu Qingluo replied and turned to look at Ye Xiudu, "Do you think that the left guardian looked at Nan Nan in strange eyes?"

"Yes, yes, yes." As if found a common language, Nan Nan immediately stopped his rolling body and leaned directly into Yu Qingluo's arms. "When the Zuo Falun looked at me, his eyes were cold, as if he wanted to Just poke me out a hole, mother, I will never come to this place again."

  Ye Xiu smiled and hugged him over, "Okay, if you don't like it, then don't come. Don't see the Zuo guardian in the future. I don't like the look in his eyes."

"Well, and when he turned his back to his father and mother, he ridiculed me. When he heard the footsteps of his father and mother, the tone of his expression changed, and it became as if it was for me. Really, people of all ages still use such tricks. Hmph, those concubines in the Imperial Palace of Tianyu Kingdom don't use such tricks anymore."

  Yu Qingluo couldn't help laughing, "Yes, yes, you are the smartest."

   "That's not true. My mother and dad are also smart, and they understood the meaning of my words at the time. Humph, that Zuo Hufa didn't receive the reprimand from my imaginary dad, and that expression was just like constipation."

   Ye Xiu Du shook his head helplessly, leaning against the carriage wall and fell into contemplation.

  Not long after, the car stopped at the gate of Xiuwang's Mansion.

  Mo Xian quickly greeted him, "Master, Peng Ying is awake. Master, would you like to see..." <

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