At this moment, the sky was already pitch black, Ye Xiu looked up at the sky alone, and asked Mo Xian, "Where is Wentian?"

"He... after returning home, he stayed in his own room and never came out. The dinner was also sent in by his subordinates. He was lying on the bed, not knowing what he was thinking. It seemed that Peng Ying's matter was for him. It's a big hit."

  Mo Xian paused, and asked a little hesitantly, "Wang Ye...what should I do with Peng Ying?"

  "What do you think is better?"

   "The one who betrayed the prince... died." After all, it was a feeling of many years. When Mo Xian said the last word, he hesitated. I can think of Peng Ying being so cruel, dealing with Shen Ying, dealing with the young master, he still doesn't miss his old feelings so much, why should he sympathize with him? He chose this path himself.


   "Wen Tian and Peng Ying are cousins ​​after all, and the subordinates are worried that if Peng Ying is executed just like this, will Wen Tian... have suspicions?"

   "I know who my allegiance is." As soon as Mo Xian's words fell, a familiar and cold voice came from behind him.

  As soon as everyone turned their heads, they saw Wentian appear in front of them with red eyes.

He walked to the front of Ye Xiudu and bowed a salute, and then said coldly, "Master, although Peng Ying has a very close relationship with his subordinates, he has unpredictable thoughts and is different from his subordinates. It is him. It was his fault to betray the master first, and his subordinates would not have any dissatisfaction with the prince's disposal. Not to mention that Peng Ying is just a brother, even if he is a brother, his subordinates will definitely not tolerate it."

  Mo Xian pursed his lips, and stopped talking.

  Yu Qingluo and Ye Xiu looked at each other and sighed secretly.

Although his words are very firm, his mood should be very complicated. The relationship between Wen Tian and Peng Ying has long surpassed that of their brothers.

  This time, Wentian personally took him down, otherwise, how could he have been silent in the room alone for so long?

   And just speaking, it clearly shows stiffness.

  Wen Tianyi was worried about Peng Ying, and the other was also worried that Ye Xiudu's trust in him is not as good as before.

In the huge courtyard, a few people were silent for an instant. Nan Nan was sleepy and covered his mouth and yawned, "Mother, I'm sleepy. I'll go to see Xiao Shengsheng first, and then go back to my room to sleep."

The soft voice interrupted the silence of several people. Yu Qingluo nodded to Nan Nan, and the little guy ran into the yard quickly.

  Ye Xiudu only then spoke, and said to Wentian and Mo Xian, "You two come together."

After   , he took Yu Qingluo's hand and went to the house where Peng Ying was imprisoned.

  The guard was Xuanya. She wanted to look at Meng Ziqian during the day, but she didn't go to join in the fun together. At this moment, she also had to contribute her strength to show that she was capable.

  Ke Ye Xiu frowned when he saw her only, and turned back to Yu Qingluo and said, "Why is she still in the house?"

   Didn’t you tell her to leave last time?

Xuan Ya's ears were pointed, and she gritted her teeth when she heard this, and said viciously, "I'll help you look at Meng Ziqian, but you don't thank me, Yu Qingluo, what is your vision, why did you pick this kind of man? "

  Yu Qingluo glanced at her sideways, "Didn't you praise my vision last time? Why, it's only a few days, and my vision is immediately bad? You are too fickle."

   "..." Adulterer**, treacherous, fox and dog, frantic.

  Xuanya grinned her teeth at the two people, snorted coldly, and turned away.

  She'd better go to the cute and kind-hearted Meng Nannan, and she won't be familiar with them.

  Ye Xiu watched her leave alone, and felt refreshed. He took a few steps forward and opened the door directly.

  Peng Ying's hamstrings and hamstrings were all broken, and martial arts were exhausted. Now he is sitting on the ground **** with a rope, embarrassed and bloodstained. He is no longer vigorous and vigorous and has no majesty as the guardian of the palace.

   Hearing the sound of footsteps, Peng Ying raised his head somewhat laboriously. When he saw Ye Xiu's alone, his eyes burst suddenly and he stared at several people.

   "Kill if you want, don't look at my jokes."

  Yu Qingluo's mouth twitched. At this time, his mouth would become stiff. Didn’t it take advantage of the chaos to escape quite quickly?

   "Peng Ying, you have been with this king for fifteen years." Ye Xiu moved his fingers slightly, and Mo Xian immediately went to hold a chair behind him.

  Ye Xiu Duo sat down and stared coldly at the person lying on the ground.

   Peng Ying chuckled, "It's been fifteen years, why, will the prince let me go for the sake of fifteen years?"

   "Since you have been with this king for so many years, you should naturally understand this king's temper. When have you seen this king let go of a traitor?"

  Peng Ying trembled inexplicably. Yes, he had never seen any traitor tolerated overnight.

  All those who betrayed Ye Xiu independence were dealt with cleanly.

  Furthermore, the people who deal with traitors have always been four of them.

  Peng Ying naturally knew those methods and the death of those traitors, so he heard it now, but felt a little cold.

However, after a while, he immediately adjusted his emotions and raised his head coldly, "So, the prince brought Mo Xian and Wentian over today, are you planning to let them deal with me? The prince thinks they can do it. Go to that hand? Ha, I know the prince, but I also know them."

   "Peng Ying, you still don't know how to repent. Do you really think I can't do it?" Mo Xian couldn't stand it, and took a sharp step forward.

  Since knowing that Peng Ying is a traitor, Mo Xian has never spoken to him face to face.

   Therefore, I did not expect that after Peng Ying’s true face was exposed, he would become so unscrupulous that he could not find the appearance of his old friends at all.

Peng Ying glanced at Mo Xian and sneered, "You can do it, but what about in the future? From now on, you will think about killing someone you regard as a brother with your own hands every day and night, and you will not be at peace every night. Mo Xian, among the four of us, you are actually the softest one. Otherwise, why would you have fancy the kind of stupid girl like Yuexin."

  Mo Xian's face was pale, he stepped forward and kicked him viciously, "Peng Ying, I won't be awake at night because of a traitor. You look down on me too much."

"Yeah." Yu Qing said in a cool interface, "Even if Mo Xian can't sleep at night, isn't there still me? The medicine I prepared ensures that he will be able to sleep until dawn as long as he smells a little bit. Even an insomnia can't be cured, what a ghost doctor I am."

   "..." Peng Ying stared at her fiercely.

Ye Xiudu stood up, blocked his sight slightly, and said in a cold voice, "Don't worry, this king will not tell anyone what to do with you. This king is coming over today and I have a question to ask. I ask you."<

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