The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 1054: Peng Ying's calculations

  Peng Ying focused his gaze on him and smiled, "I know, the prince wants to know, when I have been with the prince for fifteen years, when did I join Yufengtang, right?"

  "Yes." This is a very strange place for Ye Xiudu. According to the truth, Peng Ying should not have the opportunity to join Yufengtang.

  Peng Ying has moved to the side of the pillar, leaning slightly there.

  It seems that the exhaustion of martial arts is indeed a bit painful for him, even if he speaks, he is slightly breathing.

  However, the matter is over, and he didn't mean much to hide it.

   "Does the prince know what my previous name was?" Peng Ying asked.

  Ye Xiu squinted his eyes alone, he naturally knew, "Huo Mingfei."

"Yes, Huo is my father's surname. Back then, my father was an official of a parent. Although he was only a seven-rank Sesame official, he was domineering, corrupted and dereliction of duty, and forcibly robbed the daughter of the people as a concubine. A couple whom the people called the knights were killed, and they gave me a piece of my mother and sister to death."

  Ye Xiu pursed her lips alone and was silent. Indeed, this event was very shaken back then.

The emperor heard that someone had killed the imperial order officer, and Long Yan was furious. He ordered a thorough investigation at that time. Unexpectedly, such an investigation revealed that the Huo family was guilty. He sent the Huo family and the whole family to the frontier in anger. Whether the couple continued to be arrested, there is no more information.

  Peng Ying, as the only descendant of the Huo family, was naturally on the distribution list. It's just that he escaped by himself and disappeared.

  That year, he was only a six or seven year old child.

"Back then, after I escaped, I was hungry and cold, and almost starved to death by the roadside. I didn’t expect to meet a person from Yufengtang. That person seemed to have a high position at the time. I think I have good muscles and bones. It is a material for martial arts training. You can help Yufengtang, so he took me back."

   "Yifengtang doesn't care if I am the son of a criminal or a fugitive. They are not afraid of these, but agreed to keep me behind and start training me."

  It’s just that Yufengtang didn’t know that Peng Ying was actually ambitious, and he was eager to learn martial arts until he went to the library to steal Yufengtang’s martial arts secrets.

  This incident happened to be known by the person who took him back. He immediately went to Peng Ying, asked him to hand over the book, and stabbed him on the spot.

   originally thought that the sword had been killed, he had even thrown Peng Ying on the mass grave.

  Unexpectedly, Peng Ying still took a breath, was rescued back, and what the person didn’t know was that Peng Ying had already copied another copy of the martial arts secrets.

  It’s just that, with the martial arts secrets, he has nowhere to stay.

  Unintentionally saw Wentian next to Ye Xiudu on the street that day.

  Wentian’s mother and Peng Ying’s mother are sisters, but when they got married, one married to the south and the other married to the north.

  Wen's family has fallen into this generation, and when Wentian was still very young, he experienced great changes, and his parents died in the plague.

  At that time, Wentian was escorted by the servants of the family and went all the way to Huo’s house to seek refuge with Peng Ying’s mother.

  Wen Tian lived in Huo’s house for a period of time. During that time, Wen Tian and Peng Ying also knew each other well, and the relationship between the two was very good.

  I just didn’t expect that Huo’s father was narrow-minded and was unwilling to raise an idler, so he tried every means to drive Wentian out.

  Wen Tianyuan is a spine. Although he is young, he can see his aunt because he is becoming more and more unwelcome to his uncle, so he quietly leaves Huo's house at night.

  It was also his good luck. Just a few days after he left, Huo's father was killed.

  Later, he moved to the imperial capital, was favored by Ye Xiu alone, worked as a guard, and was trained since he was a child.

  So, he had to come to Ye Xiudu a year earlier than Peng Ying, and he was highly regarded by Ye Xiudu.

   Peng Ying saw that he stayed with Ye Xiudu's side with great prestige, so he went to take refuge in Wentian, and at that time he also deliberately showed some of his abilities in front of Ye Xiudu's.

Wentian was very kind to Peng Ying, and he didn't know that Peng Ying was still alive until he saw Peng Ying.

  He had heard something wrong, thinking that Peng Ying was also killed by the chivalrous couple. If he knew that Peng Ying was alive, he would definitely go to Ye Xiudu to rescue him.

  Just like that, Wen Tian and Peng Ying got together, and both became the guards trained by Ye Xiu from an early age.

  It's just that compared to Wentian who can follow Ye Xiu alone, most of Peng Ying chose to stay in the palace and never go anywhere. For one thing, if he went out, he might meet the people of Yufengtang and be recognized, and second, he also took this opportunity to show Ye Xiudu that he was low-key and hardworking and would not try to squeeze in front of him.

   However, at the time of Ye Xiu independence, it was not easy to save a son of a criminal official in the situation that the imperial concubine Meng wanted to get rid of and soon afterwards.

Therefore, I also deliberately asked Peng Yingshao to show up, and even more simply concealed Peng Ying’s identity, and asked him for his opinion to change his name temporarily, and then let him change back when he has the right to call the shots. .

  Peng Ying had the intention to change his name. Huo Mingfei’s name was too bad for him. Whether it was Yufengtang or the emperor, his life could not be saved. He did not expect Ye Xiudu to take the initiative to propose it.

  He also took the opportunity to show that he had a deep feeling for Huo. If it weren't for his father, their family would not fall to this point, and his mother and sister would never die. He didn't want the surname Huo, so he changed his mother's surname to Peng Ying, and planned not to change it back for life.

  Peng's surname is also Wentian's mother's surname. When he heard this, he naturally jumped for joy.

   And Peng Ying is also secretly practicing Yufengtang's martial arts, and martial arts has improved a lot.

  When he met Yu Qingluo for the first time in Jiangcheng, he was seriously injured and brought in. In fact, he knew the knife in his heart, and he wouldn't hit it to the point. As long as he stands alone for Ye Xiu, his status will rise sharply.

  Sure enough, Ye Xiudu did not hesitate to exchange half of his net worth for his life for him.

  It's just that what he didn't expect at the time was that the dagger that pierced himself was extremely poisonous.

  Fortunately, he should not be killed, and happened to run into Yu Qingluo.

  Yu Qingluo heard it at the moment, regretting that she hadn’t said, “Hmph, I knew it, I wouldn’t save you at that time, but it was a waste of my antidote.”

   "Heh, I didn't expect you to be by the prince's side, but it makes the prince more powerful." Peng Ying snorted coldly.

  Ye Xiu Duo pressed his lips tightly, his face was very ugly.

  Wen Tian gritted his teeth tightly. He did not expect that the long-distance reunion between himself and Peng Ying was also in the midst of a calculation. He was really stupid, and it was his fault to bring such a white-eyed wolf to the master's side.

   "Then how did you become a concubine Wanwan?" Ye Xiu asked in a cold voice. <

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