"Haha, because the person who rescued me from the mass grave was Wan Fei's person." Peng Ying laughed and even tears came out at this moment.

"Prince Xiu is so favored by the emperor, Wan Fei has naturally noticed you a long time ago. At that time, Wan Fei planned to start with Wen Tian and cultivate Wen Tian to become his masterpiece, but it is a pity that Wan Fei underestimated Wen Tian. After the test, it was found that Wen Tian was very loyal to the master and couldn't proceed."

  However, Wentian’s side is not good, but Concubine Wan has already found out the details of Wentian. Naturally, he knew the existence of Peng Ying.

   also learned from Peng Ying’s usual behavior that Peng Ying was an ambitious person, although it was not obvious at the time, Wan Fei could still see it.

  However, Peng Ying at that time was taken to Yufengtang, and Wan Fei could not find his trace at all.

  It wasn't until Peng Ying stole the martial arts secrets and was pursued and killed, and then gradually revealed his whereabouts.

  It was not a coincidence that Peng Ying was rescued from the mass grave, so he was rescued in the first place.

"The prince must have never imagined that when I met Wentian on the street, it was actually arranged by Concubine Wan. This matter was not even known to me at the time. Later, I followed the prince into the palace and met Concubine Wan, only to understand. Do you really think I will be fine as long as I act in a low-key manner in the palace? Concubine Meng will not let go of anyone around the prince, let alone someone of unknown origin like me."

   "At that time, the concubine Wan was naturally able to help. It's a pity that the prince was young at that time, and the intricate relationship between this was not understood. If the original matter was changed to the present, the prince would have been suspicious long ago."

   Ye Xiu Dudu slowly closed his eyes. At that time, he did not doubt it at all.

  Because he trusts Wentian, he naturally has no doubts about this cousin who is very good to Wentian.

   There was a crisp sound of "pop", Yu Qingluo turned her head abruptly, and saw Wentian kneeling to the ground.

  Yu Qingluo couldn’t help but tremble. Wentian, I managed to save your leg. You have to take good care of it. If I am lame in the future, wouldn't Hongye cry to death?

   "The prince, it was the fault of the subordinates. If the subordinates were not soft-hearted, they would have to keep Peng Ying, it would not be..."

"You get up first. This matter has nothing to do with you. This king is not a person who has no right and wrong, and is jointly and severally responsible." Ye Xiu asked Mo Xian to help him up and looked at Peng Ying, "You help Wan Fei. , Because she was kind to you. Then why did she help Concubine Meng again?"

   "Hahahahaha." Hearing this question, Peng Ying suddenly got excited, laughed, and even trembled slightly.

He stared at Ye Xiudu fiercely, his eyes brightened, "Because I want power, I want to be a master. I was bullied and scolded by those officers and soldiers in exile, but after I escaped, I was caught by those squires. Bully bullying, during that period, I was not as good as a pig or dog. I have had enough of this kind of life, and I want to step on all these people under my feet."

"Hahaha, prince, you are a prince, but you are just a prince, let alone me? Originally, the emperor chose you, as long as you inherit the throne, I will naturally rise with the tide. But I didn’t expect that the prince would have no interest in that position. Interest, what's the future of me following you? I will always be a guard, a guard who is called by those who are in power and who are officials."

   "Not to mention those prince officials, that is, the dogs around the prince can bark at me, but I can't kill them. I don't want to live this kind of aggrieved life."

"Meng Guifei promised me that as long as I help the Seventh Prince, my future will be limitless. In the future, I will be an extremely human minister. I have the merits of being a dragon. I can make those who once despised me become prisoners and let them treat me. Bow your head and proclaim your courtiers. In the middle...maybe you include the lord. Hahahahaha

  Yu Qingluo felt that Peng Ying was crazy. There were such ideas. How fantastic this idea is.

  She shook her head and couldn't help but said, "You believe in Concubine Meng that way? You don't know what kind of concubine Meng is? Do you think you will not be killed when the Seventh Princes register in the future?"

   Peng Ying laughed, and suddenly he became a little dazed, his head drooping slightly.

  For a long time, I heard his voice sound in a low voice. This time, he even brought a trace of weakness and sentimentality. I don't know if it was hit by Yu Qingluo's words.

"In the beginning, I naturally didn't believe it... I also thought about it. In fact, the days are pretty good. Although there is no supreme minister or supreme power, ordinary people dare not look down on the guards around the prince. Besides, these years The prince treats me well, even for me to spend half of his net worth. I am in danger, and the prince will rescue me at all costs, just like when Shen Ying was arrested by the imperial concubine Meng, although he would suffer a little bit. , But the prince still brought the person back, and even treated him better than before."

   "So, I think that since Wan Fei is finished, then I will have no ownership, just follow the prince well."

   "But...but...in the prince's heart, he is still very eccentric." Peng Ying said, and suddenly raised his head, staring at Ye Xiudu fiercely.

   Ye Xiu frowned, "Eccentric?"

"Yes, obviously I was moved by Hongye first, and I clearly confessed to her first, and obviously I can give her happiness. As long as she wants, I can give up all ambitions for her. But the prince? Why let Hongye Take care of Wentian? Why did the prince not want to cut off after he and Wentian have a relationship? Didn’t the prince know that I have a heart for Hongye? Why did the prince turn a blind eye and even push the leader and give them more The opportunity to get along, hasn't the prince ever thought about my feelings?"

   "Peng Ying, your idea is too extreme, too unreasonable." Mo Xian frowned.

  Emotional matter, where can the prince stop? If Peng Ying has the ability, his heart to win Hongye back is, why count all the faults on the prince's body?

   "Peng Ying, I didn't know you had been to Hongye long ago..." Wen Tian frowned, and wanted to say something, but he felt dejected. He is sincere about Hongye. Even if he knew that Peng had an idea for Hongye, would he give up?

  He had thought of giving up, but it was because of his injuries to his legs, for fear that Hongye would be hurt, but he never thought that other men would give up on her.


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