Grandma Xiao saw this, she couldn't help being anxious, "You are talking, what's the matter, is it really just tired?"

   "This..." Hongye looked around the people in the room, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was a little reluctant.

   Still Jiang Yunsheng stood up, coughed lightly, and said to everyone, “It’s okay, Miss Yu’s body is healthy, so don’t worry anymore. As for the details, the old man will talk to the prince himself.”

   "Yes." Hongye also stood up and echoed, "Everyone is tired, go back and rest. There are many people in this room, and the air is choked. It is not good for the princess to be surrounded by everyone."

  As she said, she turned her head and said to Jiang Yunsheng, "Doctor Jiang, the second prince and concubine have passed out, you can come here to take a look."

As soon as she entered the door, although she was all focused on Yu Qingluo's body, she also saw that she was extremely anxious. She looked here for a while and Ye Lansheng over there. She took a closer look and saw her eyes closed. Xu Rou was pale and unconscious.

  Jiang Yunsheng was taken aback, and eagerly went to see Xu Rou.

   Xu Rou was only irritated for a while, and her blood sugar was low before she fainted. It was fine to sleep, but it was nothing. Ye Lansheng also understood this, so although he was nervous and worried, he did not panic. On the contrary, he was even more worried about Yu Qingluo, who had passed out of a coma for unknown reasons.

  Grandma Xiao, looking at the red leaves, she kept silent, and she knew how to ask but couldn’t ask much.

  But there are too many people in this room. She felt that her breathing was not smooth, and she was busy arranging everyone to go out.

  Ye Lanwei is most worried and anxious in her heart. At this moment, she heard that it was okay, and she wanted to apologize to Nan Nan. But Nan Nan kept staring at Yu Qingluo, as if he didn't have the time to pay attention to himself, then opened his mouth again, and lowered his head sadly.

  The three princesses followed by the group of people who also took Ye Lanwei out.

And softly comforted, "It's okay, didn't you hear it just now? Miss Jade fainted only because she was too tired. Nannan was too worried, so she spoke loudly. Looking back, wait until Miss Jade wakes up. Now, my mother will bring you to apologize to Miss Yu again, okay?"

   Ye Lan was stunned for a moment, then raised his head to look at his mother.

  This has always been alienated from him, and even pushed him out as a shield mother in order to lie and deceive others. He had always hated her before, and he had never heard her speak to himself in such a tone, and for a while, he was a little uncomfortable.

  The three princesses watched him and did not speak, but kept staring at herself, and sighed inwardly.

  Some knots are not so easy to solve.

"My mother knows that you have a deep grudge against my mother, but there are some things you are still young and don't understand. When you grow up, my mother will explain to you. But you have to understand that you are the only one of your mother. Son, your mother has always cared about you the most. In the palace, the mother can only protect you if she saves herself, so sometimes when you are wronged, it's...involuntary."

  Ye Lanwei experienced many things during this period, and some things gradually became clear.

  Although the three princesses haven’t told him anything specific, they have more or less understanding.

   Therefore, he nodded slightly and said softly, "Aunt Qing, will it really be okay?"

The third princess was overjoyed. It's rare for her son to talk to herself like this. He sighed in relief, nodded, and said softly, "Dr. Jiang and Hongye have said that. It must be fine. But you have to remember next time, you can't do that. Reckless. Mother knows that you are very happy to see Nan Nan, but you should also pay attention to it. Next time you don’t smash like this again, you know?"

   "Well, I got it." Ye Lanwei nodded and stood at the door.

  He has to stand here and wait, and wait until Aunt Qing wakes up before leaving.

  When the three princesses saw this, they also stopped.

  All of a sudden, the huge courtyard was crowded with people, but in the house, only Xu Ruanyu who was unconscious was left.

   and Ye Lansheng and Nan Nan who looked worried, and Jiang Yunsheng and Hong Ye who looked at each other with embarrassment.

Even if Nan Nan doesn't trust Jiang Yunsheng, he still trusts Hongye. Hongye cares about her mother the most. She said it was okay, then it must be okay.

  However, he also felt that Hongye's expression was very strange.

  So, when everyone was almost gone, he immediately got up from the bed, stretched out his hand to reach the sleeves of Hongye and pulled her over.

   "Sister Hongye, tell me what happened to my mother?"

  Hong Ye was taken aback for a moment, and chuckled, "This, Nannan..."

  What should I say about this?

Nan Nan frowned, "What the **** is going on? Is there anything I can't know?"

Ye Lancheng beside    also raised her head curiously and looked at them.

  Hong Ye was looked at by the incomparably pure eyes of the two children, and she didn't know what to say, so she could only cast her gaze on Jiang Yunsheng.

  The latter looked up at the table not far away, studied the patterns on it very carefully, and murmured to himself, “The things that build the palace are exquisite. I didn’t pay attention to it before. Now...”

   "Qing'er fainted, do you still want to study the table in this palace?!" Ye Xiudu's angry and cold voice suddenly sounded at the door.

Immediately afterwards, I saw him walking in in strides, lifted Jiang Yunsheng, and threw him directly beside Yu Qingluo’s bed, "Hurry up and give this king a treat. If Qing'er has a long and two short, this king wants Killed you."

  He seemed to be extremely angry and scared, and his voice was a little trembling.

  After he finished speaking, he felt wrong again, and hurriedly shouted to the outside, "Mo Xian, you immediately fly the pigeon to pass on the book, and let the doctor Qiongshan come back quickly."

  Before he finished speaking, his eyes were firmly locked on Yu Qingluo's body. Seeing her face faintly pale, he stopped breathing.

Hongye and Jiang Yunsheng were both stunned. The corners of their mouths twitched, and they heard Ye Xiudu turning his head and furiously, "What are you still doing? Hurry up, this king wants Qing'er to wake up immediately, do you hear?"

  After he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his hand, grabbed a stool next to the bed, and slammed it against the table Jiang Yunsheng had just studied. With a ‘bang’, the sawdust flew around in an instant, and everything inside and outside the room was still.

   Hongye flicked, Ye Xiudu was clearly out of reason.

  She hurriedly stepped forward, facing the risk of being killed, and whispered, "Master, it’s okay, Miss, it’s just..."

   "Just what?"

   "I'm just happy."

   "..." Ye Xiu stunned suddenly, his whole body froze, and he couldn't recover for a long while.

  As if he was uncertain, he asked again, "You said... Qing'er is happy?"

   "En." Hongye breathed a sigh of relief and nodded firmly.

Jiang Yunsheng on the side also nodded in a hurry, Ye Xiu's smile at the corner of his mouth continued to expand, and then expanded. At this moment, he finally sat on the edge of the bed with confidence and reached out to touch her without worrying that she would suddenly break. . <

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