Jiang Yunsheng and Hong Ye Qiqi breathed a sigh of relief, both of them were frightened in cold sweat by Ye Xiudu just now.

  Although the prince also had such violent and cruel times on weekdays, in the final analysis, he would always retain such a trace of reason.

   But just now, there is no reason at all. When they stood in front of Ye Xiudu, they felt that the blood in their whole body was active, as if they were about to gush out. He seemed to have his life taken away at any time, and he couldn't even breathe.

  If the chair just smashed on them, make sure that they are not dead.

  Now, looking at the expression on his face, it is finally quiet.

Nan Nan and Ye Lansheng beside    were also stunned. Are you happy? Does it mean that you are happy? Does it mean what they think in their hearts?

Nan Nan couldn't help but jumped in front of Hong Ye, "Sister Hong Ye, you, what do you mean, do you mean that I have a younger sister? Isn't it?"

  Hong Ye covered his mouth hurriedly, and whispered, "Shhh, don't let others know about this."

   "Why?" Isn't it a good thing to have a sister? He has been looking forward to it for a long, long time. He has imagined countless times that he will dress up his sister as the number one beauty in the world, make her sister trust him, rely on him, and stay by his side for the rest of his life.

  Hongye's mouth twitched, why? Of course this is not the time.

  Don’t say that it’s a time when the flames are in the air. Even if it’s a peaceful day, this young lady and Lord Xiu have not yet got married, and there is news of joy. How do you look outside?

  Although the two have already booked a marriage and have a son as big as Nannan, it can be the past, but now there must be a wedding. After a ceremony, this pregnancy can be considered logical.

  This is the reason why she and Jiang Yunsheng have been hesitant to speak, although they are in the Palace of King Xiu, but if you want to let others know about things, Ye Xiudu and Yu Qingluo have to decide on their own.

  Hong Ye said the reason, so Nan Nan and Ye Lansheng kept secret.

  Ye Lansheng immediately nodded obediently. He was a little older than Nan Nan, and he lived in a different environment since he was a child. He naturally knew the stakes in this and knew that it would have a bad influence on Aunt Qing’s reputation.

  But Nan Nan was a little unhappy. The sister he had been looking forward to for so long, should have shared this joy with others brightly and normally, but now she wants to hide it, and it is not very happy to think about it.

   Nan Nan felt that he had wronged the younger sister in his mother's belly, so he must double to compensate him after the younger sister came out.

  I just cultivated alone at night, sitting on the bed all the time, smiling at the corners of his eyes and eyebrows, but he couldn't say a word for a long time.

His lips trembled slightly. He heard the news that Yu Qingluo had fainted before. Without even thinking about it, he jumped down from the tower, pulled a horse and rushed into the house, sweating in his hands all the way. , The heart beats even more fiercely. I'm afraid that Yu Qingluo has three long and two short ones, and she is terrified and terrified.

   But now, I know that she is all right, but the heart is still beating so hard.

He hurriedly covered his chest, closed his eyes fiercely, and suddenly turned his head, and asked Jiang Yunsheng with bright eyes, "Can I hold her back to the room? What should I pay attention to? She? Also, what should she pay attention to in her daily diet. Is it better to have a baby? Is there anything you can touch? Will there be any taboos? Also, are there any people or animals in the house? Or things conflict with her..."

   "..." Jiang Yunsheng was a little dizzy, but couldn't answer a word he was asked.

  What and what is this talking about?

Seeing Ye Xiudu, there are still a lot of questions waiting to ask himself. Jiang Yunsheng didn’t care about committing the following, so he interrupted him and said, “The prince, the prince, the girl is okay, don’t worry, you just need to hold her back to the room. Also, Miss Jade is a doctor and gave birth to another child. She has experience and knows these things better than I am. When Miss Jade wakes up, the prince will be more relieved to ask her."

   "That's right, and so is it." Ye Xiu smiled silly alone.

  Jiang Yunsheng looked at him and couldn't bear to look straight.

  Ye Xiu paused for a while, only then cautiously hugged Yuqing to fall, and then cautiously walked out of the door.

  The grandmother Xiao at the door saw this and hurried forward, "The prince, the princess..."

   "Oh, it's okay." Ye Xiu stopped alone, smiled and looked at the people in the yard, and said loudly, "Qing'er is happy, everyone in the house has rewards."

   "..." Hongye and Jiang Yunsheng, who followed from behind, halted in unison. They suddenly staggered and almost fell to the ground.

  When he stabilized his figure, he was completely petrified, and the wind was messy.

  Yaoshou, what are they trying to hide from?

"..." Ye Lansheng and Nan Nanqi raised their eyes to Hong Ye and Jiang Yunsheng, they were very good-hearted, and they didn't say anything, but why did someone say it so daringly? I wish people all over the world would know it. of.

   "..." The people in the yard were stunned, and some of them couldn't respond.

  When he came back to his senses, Ye Xiudu had already embraced Yuqing and walked away happily.

   When he returned to his courtyard, Ye Xiudu directly closed the door, and even Nan Nan blocked him, not allowing him to enter.

  I cautiously saw Yuqing fall on the bed, the smile on her face has not been less, just sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at her face.

When Yu Qingluo woke up again, the sky was already dark.

  She only felt vaguely that someone was lying next to her, lying in a generous and warm arms, very comfortable.

   "Are you awake?"

Yu Qingluo blinked, "Why are you here? Didn't you go to the gate of the city..." She paused, looking at the sky outside, frowning, a little confused, "Is the sky still bright? But How do I feel that I have a long dream?"

   Soon there was a low laughter over his head, “You didn’t dream, a lot of things happened today, and you fainted.”

   fainted? Yu Qing was taken aback and reacted abruptly. He was about to sit up straight, "What happened? I fainted. What about Nan Nan? Is he worried?"

  Ye Xiu watched her move agilely, for fear that she would be broken like this, she hurriedly pressed her body, her voice still soft, "What are you anxious, be careful, pregnant people don't make such big movements."

  "Pregnant?" Yu Qingluo was horrified.

  "Aren’t you a doctor? I was pregnant, but I didn’t find out?"

  Yu Qingluo blinked. Recently, there have been a lot of things, one by one, one after another, and the body has no special feeling as usual. Not lethargy, not addicted to food, she didn't even feel anything when she saw blood all over the floor.

  It seems...It seems that the menstruation has not come for a long time, but she hasn't paid attention now.

  Unexpectedly...there is actually there.

  She scratched her head, showing a rare silly look, smiled and looked at Ye Xiu alone.

   After a while, it suddenly seemed to think of something again, “By the way, I didn’t tell anyone about my pregnancy, so we shouldn’t talk about it now.”

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