The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 1062: Must be younger sister

   By the way, I didn’t tell anyone about my pregnancy, and it’s not appropriate to talk about it now!

  Ye Xiuduo was slightly stunned when he heard these words, and then suddenly reacted. It seems... that's right, the two of them haven't gotten married yet. Although it is unreasonable for them to be so close in the eyes of outsiders, after all, there is already Nannan, and the situation is different from ordinary people.

  But this is pregnant's not justified.

  Thinking of this, and thinking that I was only excited and happy just now, I had already loudly said that I was going to be rewarded in front of all the lives of the people, and for a while, I had forgotten everything.

  Ye Xiu Duo suddenly felt a little guilty, coughed lightly, and smiled dryly, "Actually, it doesn't matter much."

"Why doesn't it matter? Our identities are different now, so many eyes are staring at us, we want to be examples, okay?" She still wants fame, she values ​​fame now, she values ​​it very much, um, after all she The image cannot be ruined.


  Yu Qingluo frowned, only then did he realize that Ye Xiudu's expression just now seemed to be something wrong.

  She turned her head to look at him, "Couldn't you be... have told everyone?"

  "..." What's more, he also rewarded all the people in the mansion, forgetting that it was wartime at this moment, so he had to save money.

   Ye Xiudu was a little upset, and seemed to be really overwhelmed.

But he turned his mind quickly, and said hurriedly, "You have something you like, and you can't hide it for a while, don't you? When you show your love, everyone will know it sooner or later. In that case, you don't need to hide it. . And now that the war is not over, we don’t have the energy to get married in a short period of time."

  So, when the child is born, the outsider counts the days, it's still the same.

  Yu Qingluo frowned, which is true.

  She stretched out her hand and placed it on her flat abdomen, and there was an inexplicable warm current.

  When she came through, it happened to be when Nan Nan was born, and it was still difficult to give birth at that time. Therefore, she has never experienced the hardships of being pregnant with a child in October.

  Strictly speaking, this was the first time she really felt a little life in her belly.

Ye Xiu duo saw that she had not pursued what she had advertised, and slowly heaved a sigh of relief. Only then did she express her intentions, "Actually, you don't have to worry about it, I also thought about it. Let the father post it later. A notice said that when we were in the Mongols, our grandfather was in a coma because of an adulterer. In order to cheer him up, we had already married in Mongols. It's just that the ostentation is not big. , So it’s normal to enter the bridal chamber. But our identities are different. You are now the princess of the Heavenly Rain Kingdom. You can’t wrong you. So when you return to the imperial capital, you have to compensate you for a grand wedding."

  Yu Qingluo twitched the corners of her mouth, turned her head to see the serious look he was talking about, and was speechless for a while.

  Well, it seems that this can only be done.

  This child is definitely going to be born. If you want to stop the gossip, the censor, this kind of statement is the most appropriate.

  What's more, those people can't control the Mongolian people.

  Thinking about this, Yu Qingluo also felt relieved, and looked down at her flat stomach again. After a long time, he turned his head and asked Ye Xiudu, "You said, is this a boy or a girl?"

   "It's all good, I will hurt both boys and girls."

   "Boom boom boom." The two were talking, and suddenly there was a knock on the door outside.

  Ye Xiu Duan frowned, got out of bed and opened the door.

  As soon as the door was opened, a small figure rushed straight into it.

  Ye Xiu's one-eyed and smart hands quickly grabbed the person back, "What are you doing?"

"Daddy, you are too unkind. I have been waiting for a long time. I want to talk to my sister. Do you keep shutting me out because you want to fight for favor with me? You already have a mother. From now on, my sister will be I am alone."

  Nan Nan spoke straightforwardly and forcefully broke away from Ye Xiudu's hand, and then ran to the bed.

  Fortunately, he didn't run to the edge of the bed, he knew to lower the speed, carefully approached Yu Qingluo's side, staring at her stomach tightly.

  Yu Qingluo's mouth twitched, "Nan Nan, I don’t know if it is a man or a woman. How do you judge that he is your sister? Maybe it is your younger brother?"

   "It can't be a younger brother, absolutely not." Nan Nan bulged his cheeks and looked up at Yu Qingluo, "Mother, it must be my younger sister."

   "...This mother can't be the master."

Nan Nan sat on the edge of the bed, slowly touched Yu Qingluo’s belly with her little hand, and said with a smile, “It’s okay. Become a sister."

   Yuqing lowered his forehead, "Who did you listen to?"

   "Aunt Ya, grandma, uncle Lu, wait, wait, they all said that."

   "..." Those few guys who deceived the crowd were simply afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

   "Mother, don't be too tired in the future. Just tell me to do something. Although I am small, I can...I can let others do it."

"Puff" Ye Lansheng who came in afterwards couldn't help but laugh, and then sat side by side next to Nan Nan, and smiled, "Nan Nan, you just said that you will help your sister do everything well, why now He said let someone else do it again?"

Nan Nan pouted, "I take care of my sister, and others take care of my mother. After all, my mother is an adult. I am small, and there must be many places that I can't take care of. My mother understands me, right? Mother?"

  Yu Qingluo laughed, and then sighed, "If you have a sister, you will forget your mother, hey, so sad."

   Nan Nan hugged her hand and comforted, "My mother is not sad, and I will love you with a younger sister. Don’t worry that you will fall out of favor."

Ye Lansheng couldn’t laugh, and it took a long time to shook his head at Nan Nan speechlessly. Then he looked at Yu Qing Luo again, with a smile full of eyebrows, "Aunt Qing, my mother said, although you are a doctor, this I know a lot about this, but I still have to find a few more experienced mothers and gentlemen around me. They can take care of me, and I can feel relieved."

Standing aside, Ye Xiu Duo, who was watching the scene of a few people enjoying themselves, was startled when he heard the words, and nodded again and again, "It makes sense, and it makes sense. I will now let people find more experienced women. Come and take care of it."

  As soon as his voice fell, people walked out. Who knew that when he first walked to the door, he ran into someone on the face.

  The man sat down on the ground and let out a painful cry.

  Yu Qingluo just planned to stop Ye Xiudu and told him not to go. When he heard the sound, he was taken aback for a while, and immediately turned his head to look.

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