The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 1063: Line up to touch my sister

  As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw Ye Lanwei carefully shrinking behind the door frame, blinking fawn-like eyes to look here, looking very scared.

  He was bumped to the ground by Ye Xiudu. Without waiting for anyone to help him, he hurriedly got up again, still poking his head to look here.

Yu Qingluo was strange, but she stopped Ye Xiudu first by saying, "Don't go, you don't know what's going on outside now? You just invite a strange woman into the house, you can rest assured that I am not at ease. You Don’t be too anxious. There are quite a few experienced women in this mansion. Besides, there are also Mother Xiao and Hongye by my side. One of them is the old woman in the palace. I see this kind of thing a lot, and I have one. Medical skills can help a lot. Besides, there is also the third princess Xu Ruanhuang, who are also people who have given birth to children, and they must also know taboos."

  Ye Xiu frowned upon hearing this alone. To be honest, he was really worried about asking strangers to study in the palace.

  Yu Qingluo's words also have some truth. There are also many experienced women in this mansion who should be able to take care of them.

  Thinking about this, he stopped going outside to invite his wife.

Yu Qingluo breathed a sigh of relief, looked down, turned to the silent Ye Lanwei, and smiled, "Why are you standing outside? Come in, why do you always stand outside and blow the air?"

   Ye Lan was overjoyed when she heard the words, but the next moment, she lowered her head again, licked her lips, and whispered, "I, I, I'm sorry."

Yu Qingluo was taken aback, and suddenly rang out about what happened before he was unconscious, and immediately understood it, and waved at him, "It's none of your business, you just happened to happen. Okay, don't stand outside, come in. When you came back from the palace, I didn't look at you carefully, did you lose weight?"

  Ye Lanwei heard her softly speaking, her nose was sore, she nodded vigorously, and ran in quickly.

   "I have lost a lot of weight. I have no company in the palace. The queen mother doesn't seem to like me so much. I don't dare to always go in front of her. I think Nannan..."

  As he said, his voice suddenly stopped, and he went to look at Nan Nan cautiously, "Nan Nan, you, don't you forgive me?"

   "Huh." Nan Nan snorted coldly and turned his head, as if he was still very angry.

Ye Lanwei was so wronged, she squashed her mouth as if she was about to cry, "I really didn’t mean it, I was just too happy to see you. And, besides, when I hit you like this, I didn’t help you hit a sister out. Am I..."

  As soon as Nan Nan heard this, his thoughts that originally intended to forgive him were immediately rested, and he was furious for an instant, "What do you mean by helping me knock out a sister? Did you knock out my sister? Can you speak?"

  When he mentioned his voice, his tone became hard, the aura on his body was unconsciously exuding, and Ye Xiudu couldn't help but squinted his eyes.

  Ye Lanwei’s eyes were filled with tears in an instant, and he fell down with a clatter, "I, I really didn't mean it, Nannan, don't be angry, I won't say that."

Yu Qingluo was speechless, and hurriedly pulled Nan Nan back, "Okay, Nan Nan, don't take the opportunity to bully him, you know it's not his business if your mother faints. You're so loud again. Be careful to scare your sister."

"Huh?" Nan Nan turned his head and hurriedly explained to Yu Qingluo's stomach, "Sister, don't be afraid, I didn't get angry at you, I am, I am just a little louder. I am also No wonder Ye Lanwei, your brother and mine are still very generous, as long as you are fine, brother will not care about him."

  Ye Lanwei felt that Nan Nan’s words sounded weird, but he also understood that Nan Nan forgave him, and when he smiled, he relaxed.

   Turned his head and stared at Yu Qingluo’s belly curiously, and asked in a low voice, “Aunt Qing, do you really have a sister in your belly? Can I touch it?”

  "No way, no way, I have never touched it. If you want to touch it, it will be my turn first, then Xiao Shengsheng, and finally you." Nan Nan refused immediately, and made arrangements very simply.

  Ye Lanwei bullied Xiao Shengsheng before, but he still remembered it.

  As he said, he stretched out his hand.

  Standing at the back, Ye Xiudu, who was originally listening to them, saw three little things stretching out their hands, waiting to touch his woman's belly. Immediately, the eyelids jumped, and the blue veins appeared.

  He immediately stepped forward without saying anything, and lifted them off the bed one by one, "What are you touching? You can't feel it when you touch your sister now. Wait until she can feel it, then come again."

  Joke, he didn't touch his children well, so why did he take their turn to get these little things.

  Nan Nan’s hand just touched Yu Qingluo’s belly, she was a little unwilling, but it seemed to make sense to hear what Dad said, so she took her hand back anyway.

  Looking at the two beside him again, he smiled triumphantly. Somehow he still touched it, and the two of them looked silly with outstretched hands.

   "It's getting late. Your mother is pregnant with her sister and needs more rest. Don't bother her here. Go back to your room."

  Ye Lansheng and Ye Lanwei nodded obediently, turned around and left.

   is Nan Nan staring at his father very angry, he has a very strong sense of danger.

  He feels that after robbing his mother with his father, he will start robbing his sister again.

  Daddy is too unethical, how can he be his own, anyway, I have to give him one.

   "Daddy, my mother has slept all day."

   "Well, pregnant people are sleepy, don't you know?"

   Nan Nan frowned, as if my mother had also said something like this. He pursed his lips slightly, and then looked at Yu Qingluo's belly unwillingly before turning and leaving.

  Ye Xiu independently held Yu Qingluo with a contented eyebrow and smiled, put her big palm on her belly, and said with a smile, "You said, can our children know that I am touching her?"

   "..." Who said that the child is still young and can't feel it?

  Yu Qingluo couldn't help rolling her eyes, and sighed, "I think I should go to sleep."

   After that, he turned over and lay back.

  But she fell asleep all day, saying it was sleeping, but she really couldn't sleep.

   Turned over, she still turned to face Ye Xiudu and asked him, "You stayed with me all day today. Are you really okay over the city gate?"

Ye Xiu saw that she was always worried. In order to calm her heart, she said, "Naturally, it's okay. There are so many capable people over there. It's not that I can't be without me. You are pregnant with a child now," Don't worry about things outside. With me, I won't let them enter the city."

  Yu Qingluo blinked, "I have been curious about a question for a long time."

   "Well? What's the problem?"

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