The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 1064: Seventh Prince defeated

"In the imperial capital, the imperial guards and the soldiers who captured the sevens and eights of the soldiers are still far from the strength of the seven princes. Our reinforcements are not there. According to the truth, the west camp of the seven princes should have been long ago. It's the attack. But after so many days of fighting, our forces in the city seem to have not been reduced. What's the matter?"

  Ye Xiudu actually didn't want to tell her about the war, lest she always worry about it, let alone she is pregnant again.

  But I feel that she is pregnant now, and some things are not clear to her, she will inevitably think about it, and it will be bad for her by then.

   Therefore, he pondered for a while before he said, "It's not that our military strength hasn't been reduced, but our own military strength is almost the same as that of the seventh brother."

   Yu Qingluo suddenly raised her head, "What did you just say? We have so many troops? Where did they come from?"

   Ye Xiu smiled alone and squeezed her face, then tightened her a little bit. But I was worried that I might accidentally bump into the child in her stomach, so I relaxed a little bit before saying, "Well, in fact, the Mongolian people encountered the start of the coup. Knowing that the uncle and the others planned all this, I feel that this imperial capital's The situation is also very delicate. Concubine Meng knows that her uncle is dead, Mengpo is dead, and after the Mongolian coup fails, she will definitely not wait long to act. So on the way back from the Mongolian, I have already begun to mobilize my troops."

  Yuqing fell stunned, have you started preparing so early? but……

   "You actually have the ability to mobilize troops? At that time, the emperor probably didn't know that the Seventh Prince was going to rebel. There was no reason for you to mobilize troops."

Ye Xiu chuckles alone, "Heh, in fact, the father gave me a permission before. He is very partial to me, and he also feels that Concubine Meng’s attitude towards me is different from that of the seventh brother, but he has no doubts. We are mothers and sons. We feel that we are our own sons. No matter how bad the Meng concubine is, he will not kill me. But he is worried that I will not rely on and the Mongolian people will not intervene in the politics of other countries. He is worried that I bullied in the future."

   "So, my father secretly handed over the rule of a small army to me. Although the number is only tens of thousands, it can be helpful at critical moments."

  Yu Qingluo was shocked. She had always felt that the emperor was fond of Ye Xiudu. But he knew that Concubine Meng was not good for Ye Xiudu, but he never thought of warning Concubine Meng to help Ye Xiudu to vent her anger. After all, this affection is also limited.

  Until this moment, she realized that the monarch of a country, father and son family love such a royal family, the emperor's feelings for Ye Xiudu, but it has reached the point where there is no one before and no one to come.

  She looked at the man next to her carefully, it was incredible that this person could make the emperor of a country trust him so much.

  Yu Qingluo felt incredible, after all, in her thoughts, the emperor was suspicious and wary of everyone. But her attitude towards Ye Xiu's independence refreshed her three views.

  No wonder, the imperial concubine Meng made hands with the emperor, and Ye Xiu alone could not bear it.

  Yu Qingluo took a deep breath, she thought, she must do her best to help the emperor and let him live a few more years.

   "Then how did your army enter the city? Didn't the Seven Princes find out?"

Ye Xiu stroked her hair alone and said with a smile, "They dressed up as merchants from all walks of life, and while entering the city, they also brought the supplies in. The time to enter the city was not long after we came back. In fact, during that time, A large number of people flooded into the four gates. However, the soldiers guarding the gates were mine, so they just let them go without scrutinizing them."

   "And I, at that time, began to look for the faults of the seventh younger brother's close ministers. The seventh younger brother wanted to keep them, and was so distraught that I diverted my attention, so naturally I didn't care about it anymore."

  Yu Qingluo still puzzled, "Then where do they live?"

"I have a lot of properties in the imperial capital, and I can still live in a lot of people. What's more, they enter the city in batches. There are quite a few people who came in a day or two before the city gate was closed. Not much, no problem in a short time."

"Of course, not all of them came into the city, and some were on standby outside the city. Also, in fact, there was an army hidden outside Beijing by the emperor. Only the emperor knew about that army, which was less than 50,000 people. It was founded by the first emperor. The main purpose is to contain Yufengtang. Yufengtang has grown stronger over the years, and they have the right not to listen to the emperor’s words and support the heirs. The first emperor is also secretly training the army just in case. Haha, in the middle of this There are many secrets."

  Yu Qingluo was a little shocked. In addition to the small army of Ye Xiudu, the emperor also has a slightly larger army near the imperial capital.

  Tsk, no wonder the seventh prince couldn’t attack for a long time. I’m afraid he would vomit blood with anger if he knew the reason.

"The original Seventh Brother's plan should be to break the city within a few days. I didn't expect it to be delayed for so many days. I originally planned to inform the army outside the city to encircle the Seventh Brother, but I didn't expect Yufengtang to meet. Helping them, I have scruples in my heart, and I have never acted. Now that Menggui Concubine Meng Xin is dead, Yufengtang is also on our side, and it is time to take them down."

When Ye Xiu said this, his eyes lit up.

  Fighting is not what he wants, and the sacrifices of those soldiers are not what he wants to see.

  Now is the time for the dust to settle.

  The following days, really are just like what Ye Xiudu said.

  Although the Seventh Prince learned that Meng Gui and Meng Xin were dead, he felt grief and indignation, and the offensive began to intensify. The fourth prince gave him a bad idea to spread the news that Concubine Meng was killed by Ye Xiudu, so that the world would know Ye Xiu's mother-killing.

The   Ke plan has not yet taken shape, and the people in the Yufengtang who had been hiding in the West Camp awaiting orders shattered their conspiracy.

The people of Yufengtang actually infiltrated many places, and the soldiers of Xidaying had mixed good and bad, so it was easier to infiltrate.

   Therefore, whenever the Seventh Prince had any plans to attack, Ye Xiudu always knew first.

  He suddenly discovered that the people in Yufengtang were so easy to use.

  Xi Daying retreats steadily, morale is gone, and the generals are almost killed.

  Ye Xiu Duo notified the soldiers outside the city and flanked them to kill the people in Xidaying.

  The seventh prince looked at the situation very unfavorable to him, and had no chance of winning, Dang Even fled with a pair of guards.

  Ye Xiu opened the gate of the city, and Tima chased it out.

  The seven princes couldn't choose their way in a panic. Before the soldiers who protected him from leaving, many of them rolled off their horses and were trampled to death by horses' hoofs.

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