The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 1065: To live is more terrible than to die

Ye Haoting was finally forced into the woods by Ye Xiudu. Compared with Ye Xiudu's horse, Ye Haoting's horse was quite different. Now he was panicking and dumped Ye Haoting in the middle of the journey. Go down.

  His team of soldiers was even more scattered, and the last one who guarded him was only two people.

  At this moment, the three of them are all surrounded and have nowhere to escape.

  Ye Xiu sat on the horse alone, looking condescendingly at Ye Haoting, who had fallen into the grass, her pale face, her eyes squinted slightly.

"Ye, Ye Xiu Duo, you, you let me go." Ye Haoting sat and moved two steps back, frightened in his heart, and horror in his eyes, there is no longer one of the handsome and intelligent seven princes in the former imperial capital. State.

   Ye Xiu sighed alone. Compared with Concubine Meng, Ye Haoting's temperament is far different.

  The imperial concubine Meng went to death generously. Even if she had a ray of life, she would rather cut it off, just to end her troubles. But today's Ye Haoting is trembling, panicked, and praying to him in his eyes.

  Ye Xiu thought alone, he still looked at him highly.

Fan Xiuyun and Fan Pingyun who surrounded them couldn't help but sneered, and shook their heads secretly.

   "Ye Haoting, when you rebelled with your troops, you should know how you will end up."

"That's not what I want, and I don't want it either." Ye Haoting's face was pale, and he shook his head hurriedly, "My concubine forced me. He insisted on me to fight for it. I didn't have much interest in the throne. , The mother concubine always wants me to deal with you, and I don't want to."

  This is the truth. When he was a child, Ye Haoting still admired Ye Xiu Independence a little. There are excellent people like Ye Xiu Independence, and Ye Haoting didn't even think about fighting for that position.

He felt that there is a mother and concubine who loves him so much, and the father and the emperor. In the future, he may be this outstanding brother and emperor. Then he will have an absolutely worry-free life. In the future, he must be a prince with less than 10,000 people. He thought it was good on such a day.

When did    start? By the way, when he was seven years old, his mother concubine told him that it was his enemy, the one he would defeat in this life, and his mind slowly twisted.

  Later, the desire for power became stronger and stronger, and this is how we embarked on such a path.

   "Mad man, dare to be daring, you just do what you do, what's the point of denying now?" Fan Xiuyun was grumpy and couldn't bear the appearance of crying and crying when he did bad things. He didn't take any responsibility at all.

Ye Haoting didn't go to see him, his eyes were locked tightly to Ye Xiudu, and he said anxiously, "Fifth Brother, Fifth Brother, we are brothers, we have the same blood on our bodies, which are worse than the eighth brothers. Friendly relationship, do you have the heart to drive me to death?"

  "A more intimate relationship than the eighth brother? Huh." Ye Xiudu couldn't help laughing.

  Indeed, it is true to count. Although they are not the same father and the same mother, their mothers are twins. This blood relationship is indeed a little closer.

  Ye Haoting's face changed a lot when he heard his sarcasm. He knew Ye Xiudu's relationship with him, and knew that his mother and concubine were not the same person.

  Looking at Ye Xiu Du's reaction now, Ye Xiu Du must also know it.

  So to convince him with such a statement, it obviously doesn't make sense.

A cold sweat broke out on Ye Haoting’s forehead, and he became even more anxious, “Fifth brother, we, we are all from the Mongolian nationality, my mother and concubine is dead, don’t you even let me go? Think about grandpa, Think about him. He definitely doesn’t want our two brothers to kill each other. He doesn’t want the white-haired person to send the black-haired person to him, right? If he knows that my mother and concubine is dead and I'm dead again, he must be very sad. Yes. He lost his daughter, son, grandson, and grandson in such a short period of time, how could he bear it?"

  Ye Xiu Du's eyebrows were almost twisted into a knot, and the fire in his heart continued to rise.

  He even dared to nominate a clan elder. If he really cared, how could he do such a thing?

Yes, the clan elders really don’t want their brothers to kill each other. He feels guilty for Concubine Meng and has always wanted to compensate her. If he knows the truth about Meng Xin’s **** and the pain and pressure that Concubine Meng has endured over the years, I am afraid More self-blame.

  But, these are not the reasons why he left HARTING overnight.

As soon as Ye Haoting saw his look, he started to feel worried, and said hurriedly, "Fifth brother, and father, the father is not good. I am his son after all. If I die, he will Can't bear it."

Fan Xiujun couldn't listen anymore, "Shut up, you still have the face to mention your grandfather, your father, don't you know what you have done to him? Your grandfather is still lying in bed and unconscious, it was not you who did it. Didn’t the emperor encounter an assassin? Isn’t it your evil hand? Now that you pretend to be here to say that you want to think about them, you are simply disgusting to me. Bah..."

Ye Haoting gritted his teeth, still ignoring Fan Xiuyun, just as he hadn’t heard what he said, and just said to Ye Xiudu, “I never thought about hurting grandpa, nor did I want to hurt my father. I don’t know about those things. The concubine and uncle discussed them. If I know, I will stop them. They are my relatives."

  Fan Xiuyun and Fan Pingyun felt incredible when they heard it. How could he say such shameless words?

he does not know? If he didn't know, the two of them cut off their heads and kicked him.

  Fan Xiuyun just wanted to curse back, but just opened his mouth.

   But Ye Xiu Du took a deep breath, suddenly turned over from the horse, and walked straight towards Ye Haoting.

  The two guards next to Ye Haoting were still dedicated to their responsibilities. They immediately held their swords and stood in front of Ye Haoting with embarrassed faces.

   Ye Xiu made a cold voice and took the two to one side.

  The momentum on his body was wide open, Ye Haoting suddenly shook his heart when he saw this, very disturbed.

   followed, and then began to take a step backwards, and whispered, "Fifth Brother..."

   "Don't worry." Ye Xiu said alone, "I won't kill you."

When Ye Haoting heard this, he was pleased on his face, and heard him continue to say, "You have committed a serious crime of treason, and naturally should be handed over to the emperor. But you know, sometimes, being alive may be better than death. It's even scary."

   Ye Haoting was taken aback, handed over to his father to deal with? His brain started to work quickly, and his father was old, maybe, maybe he still had a chance to live. What is more terrible to be alive than to die, as long as you are alive, everything is possible. He was a little surprised that Ye Xiudu could speak so easily. Could it be that he had any plots?

  He raised his head and looked at Ye Xiudu in a daze, and saw that he had already turned around, and with a big wave of his hand, Fan Xiuyun and Fan Pingyun had already walked towards him with a sneer expression on his face.

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