In the beginning, the emperor loved Ye Xiu-independence, and perhaps there were other factors in it.

  For example, to maintain the Mongolian relationship, such as to protect his son, such as to miss the dead woman.

   But pampering, it becomes a habit, it becomes a strong feeling.

  Especially Ye Xiu is smart and filial, and he loves it more and more. Almost all the royal paternal love was concentrated on him.

  Now, it is even more possible to entrust all the burdens to him. He knows that Ye Xiudu will not live up to his expectations.

  The emperor didn't know that Ye Xiudu had clearly understood his life experience. He would open his mouth today to tell the secrets that had been sealed for many years, because he didn't want Ye Xiudu to feel that he was guilty of killing his mother.

  This son, he knows too well.

  So, he wanted Ye Xiudu to know that his mother was already dead, and he didn't need to feel guilty about anything he did to Concubine Meng.

  Ye Haoting was already weak, and the whole person fell to the ground, as if all hopes were shattered.

   Ye Xiu dug his fingers gently, watching the emperor’s eyes full of admiration.

  Although the concubine Meng, who he thought was his biological mother, framed and hunted him in every possible way, he enjoyed the paternal love that no brother had ever enjoyed. It was enough.

  The main hall fell silent. At this moment, Miao Qianqiu's voice suddenly sounded outside, "The emperor, the six princes are here."

  The emperor was taken aback, then raised his voice, "Let him in."

  When the Sixth Prince came in, he grabbed a person and pushed in.

  This person is the fourth prince who escaped in the chaos.

When he saw the scene in the temple, he turned pale, he knelt on the ground busy, and shouted, "Father, father, Ye Haoran, he is here, Ye Haoran entered Beijing privately to disobey the will of his father. He deserves to be guilty. Thousand deaths."

The emperor frowned and looked at Ye Xiu alone.

  Ye Xiu Du said nothing, just lowered his head slightly.

The emperor became even more disgusted with the four princes. He knew about Concubine Kang. Now that the four princes who had always been timid like a rat following behind the third princes were also cruel and cruel people, their attitude towards him was even worse than that of the seventh princes. How about.

The sixth prince also glanced at Ye Xiudu, and immediately came forward and said, "Father, the criminal Ye Haoque has been brought, and he is waiting for his father to deal with it. Ye Haoran did not return to the imperial capital. Ye Haoque was irritated and already conscious. Unclear."

"No, Father, I was wronged. Ye Haoran really came, they..." He pointed his finger at Ye Xiudu and the sixth prince, and exclaimed, "They are colluding secretly, Father, they are the opposite. thief."

  He was caught by Ye Haoran personally, how could he admit his mistake?

  The emperor has completely lost his patience. He didn't like the four princes. At this time, he knew that he was in danger, but he still wanted to pull someone into the water.

  The emperor stood up suddenly and said loudly, "The four princes Ye Haoque, the seventh prince Ye Haoting, committing rebellion and raising troops to rebel, are really unforgivable. The sentence..."

  The emperor paused suddenly, his face was a little pale, and his two sons, even if they didn't like him any more, were still two sons.

   Ye Xiudu secretly sighed, walked to the emperor’s front, and proposed, "Father, didn’t you say that this matter should be handled by me?"

  The emperor was taken aback and turned to look at him.

   Ye Xiu smiled alone, "If that's the case, then the emperor should leave it alone."


  Ye Xiu Duo turned his head and said to Miao Qianqiu, "Take the two of them down, put them in prison, and imprison them for life."

  Everyone was stunned...Don’t kill?

  Even Ye Haoting, who thought he was dead, couldn't help being stunned, and looked at Ye Xiudu in disbelief.

  Ye Xiu Duo only smiled slightly, the smile was very cold.

  He said that sometimes life is more painful than death.

  This is really true. Although the fourth prince and the seventh prince were not dead, they were kept alone in a huge cell, empty, and even if they spoke, they could only hear their own echoes. The two have not suffered much since they were young. In the cell, they have to endure mosquito bites every day, cockroaches and rats raging, and no meal is not bad.

   Called not every day, called the ground is not working, and no one cares about sickness, so I can only hold on to it.

   In the middle of the night, there will be screams of horror in the next cell, and I can’t sleep at night.

  This kind of day, the four princes were the first to be unbearable, but within three months, they were almost insane, began to go on a hunger strike, and starved to death.

  The seventh prince has lasted for nearly a year, but there is only a skeleton left, which is thin and inhuman.

  It didn’t take long, but also died of illness.

  Of course, Ye Xiu Duo would not say that he was imprisoned for life, only that he was put in a jail pending trial. After all, the prince committed the same crime as the common people. Even if the emperor did not want his son to die, the common people would not understand it, and the soldiers who fought on the battlefield would not agree.

  It’s just that the wait for this trial has been a long time, until the fourth and seventh princes are dead.

   But since the person is already dead anyway, there is no need to investigate further. However, the relatives and family members of the fourth prince and the seventh prince's mansion were still dealt with.

  This is the best of both worlds. It not only fully overcomes the unbearable feeling of the emperor as a father, but also gives the world an explanation.

  As for this, it is unknown whether Ye Xiu has done anything.

  Of course, these are all things later, so I won’t mention them for the time being.

  After Xiu Duo asked the sixth prince to push the fourth prince and the seventh prince down day and night, he saw that the emperor's expression was a little worse, his eyebrows were twisted again, and he was seated on the dragon chair.

  Miao Qianqiu saw this, and then silently retreated, closing the door of the hall.

  The emperor leaned aside, a little tired.

   "Father, the war has subsided now. Leave everything else to your ministers. The two of them... somehow are still alive."

  The emperor sighed and shook his hand heavily, "It's hard for you."

   "Erchen should do it." Ye Xiu laughed alone. Knowing what the emperor has done for him over the years, there has been a warm current in his heart, "Erchen help the emperor go back to rest."

  The emperor laughed, waved his hand, and said in a low voice, "Old fourth and old seven are alive, but there is someone... who can't survive."

  Ye Xiu was taken aback, and the corners of his mouth tightened.

  He knew that the emperor was talking about the waste prince.

   "This person is cruel, and even said that Shenger is not his son. It would be a curse to stay." The emperor's eyes were firm and his face was blue.

  Ye Xiu Duo knew that although the dead prince was also the emperor’s son, he would kill everyone if he lived. The emperor had no choice but to abandon him.

  It’s just that this person’s current position is a bit subtle, and they can’t deal with him openly. If he is said to be an anti-thief, then Ye Lansheng must also be implicated. In the future, he will be the son of an anti-thief, and the situation will be very bad. But if he is also a victim, then he will still be the second prince. Who knows what he will say and who will harm him?

  Xu Ruanlansheng at night, still living in dire straits.

  So even for their mother and son, the dead prince must die.

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