Although it is the same as Ye Xiudu and the emperor’s plan, but...

"On the side of the Queen Mother and the Queen, I'm afraid it's not so easy to make sense." Ye Xiu frowned, "What's more, he is Lan Sheng's father after all, even if he is in the same situation now, Lan Sheng Not the kind of cruel person."

  The waste prince is the queen’s biological son. Even if the queen feels disappointed by the son’s unworthiness, he can die like this, the queen will not bear it.

  The empress dowager and the empress are nephews, so it is slightly better for the dead prince than for the other princes.

  Although he seems to be insignificant in recent years, there is still a lot of love in it.

  As for Lan Sheng, he really hates what the waste prince did, but how can he bear it if he wants to watch him die?

The emperor also sighed. Thinking of these things, he hated the waste prince even more.

Pursing his lips, he turned his head and said to Ye Xiudu, "On the side of the empress dowager and empress, to me. As for Lan Sheng, he is a smart boy. This time his mother was murdered like this again. He must have resentment in his heart. , I am afraid that the feelings for the waste prince have also faded, and I know that the waste prince will not end well. You can let Nan Nan accompany him and let him take care of his mother at ease. The child has Xu Rou watching, and you guys Taking care of me, I can rest assured. As for the outside world... just say that the seventh prince once held the dead prince and the second prince concubine, and the dead prince was tortured and is at stake and cannot be saved."

  This is... to be executed secretly, so that's okay.

   "Yes, I got it."

  After Ye Xiu finished speaking, he paused again, looked up at the emperor, and said hesitantly, "Father, about the mother...Meng Gui concubine was not killed by a child minister."

  Although the emperor knew that Concubine Meng was not his mother concubine, even if he did it himself, it is not a mother-killer.

   In the end, that was also the emperor’s concubine, his nominal mother, and he didn’t want the prince to feel that he was the kind of ruthless, unscrupulous, unscrupulous person. In front of his father, he has only one face, that is... a dutiful son.

  The emperor was taken aback, "Who killed that?"

  Ye Xiu thought for a while, and after some consideration, he told him about Yufengtang. It was only that Meng Xin's identity was hidden, and it was only that the imperial concubine Meng knew the right guardian of Yufengtang by chance, and colluded with him to dare to be so bold. Both were killed by the left guardian of Yufengtang.

  Meng Xin's identity is sensitive and he is the lover of Meng Guifei. This kind of relationship also undermined the emperor's dignity, so naturally it cannot be said.

After listening to the emperor, his face froze for a moment, "I have always been surprised that the old seven rebelled, and the soldiers met, how could Yufengtang not move at all. It turns out that he has colluded with the old seven secretly."

   "Now that the overall situation is set, the remaining remnants of the remnant party will be handed over to the children."

  The emperor nodded, he didn't want to take care of it.

  During this period, although he didn't manage to manage external affairs, he still had a heart and was restless. Now he can finally get a good night's sleep.

  He exhaled and rubbed his eyebrows again, suddenly as if thinking of something, a smile appeared on his face. Seeing Ye Xiu got up to leave alone, he hurriedly stretched out his hand to pull him to sit down beside him, smiled, "I heard that Miss Jade is happy?"

  The emperor has nothing to do during this period, but there are also news channels.

  Ye Xiu Duo's mouth twitched, and his face was slightly embarrassed.

  He was really too much fanfare that day, ashamed and ashamed.

   "Yes, cough...Father, my son just wants to find an opportunity to discuss this matter with you."

  The emperor rarely saw him like this. His son, who used to be very arrogant and arrogant in front of him, would actually blush now.

  He immediately laughed, Miao Qianqiu outside the door heard the sound, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. The emperor hasn't been so happy for a long time, and sure enough, with Lord Xiu here, the sky must not fall down.

   "I know, you two get along day and night all day, you are full of blood, and there is no concubine in the house, so I can't help it, I..."

  "Father." Ye Xiudu said with a serious face, "Father, you are the emperor!!"

  The emperor gave a cold snort, and looked obliquely at Ye Xiu independence. He would be fake and serious, he bet that this kid is definitely a villain in front of the jade girl.

   "Okay, okay, I won't talk about it. Let me talk about it first. You two are not married yet. How can you suppress the rumors of the outside world?"

  Ye Xiudu then let out a sigh of relief, and explained the method that had been discussed with Yu Qingluo.

Hearing this, the emperor frowned slightly, then nodded again, "That's fine, but you have to write a letter to the Mongols."

   "Already written."

   "……" Now that it is written, what else do you have to discuss? The emperor glared at him fiercely, "You will cut first and then play, what do you do? If you look at it, I will definitely agree to you, right?"

  Ye Xiu Duo also smiled, "I have caught the father's desire to hold his granddaughter."

  The emperor’s eyes lit up, "Are you sure that the child is a girl? That's right, Miss Jade is a ghost doctor, maybe she really knows whether the child is a boy or a girl. Granddaughter is good, and granddaughter is cute."

  The princes are not without granddaughters, but he always thinks that those girls are all of the same temperament, and they are boring and uninterested in speaking sternly in front of him.

  Xiu'er's daughter, her temperament must be different from ordinary children, um, maybe she is as lively and cute as Nan Nan.

  The emperor thought very beautifully, but how did he know that the unborn child in his stomach, the future temperament... is simply a world away from being lively and cute. But the emperor likes that temperament so much, and he loves it so much.

  Ye Xiu looked at the emperor's soft expression alone, his eyes were expecting, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

  He told the truth, “I don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl, but Nan Nan talks about asking for his sister all day long, saying that if it’s his younger brother, he intends to put the child back in, so that Qing'er can be born again.”

The emperor was taken aback, then grinned and smiled even more exaggeratedly, "Hahahahaha, that kid, that little bunny dare to say anything. Hahaha, it has to be, anyway, you two work harder, no matter what this is. Not a younger sister, anyway, just give him a younger sister."

  Ye Xiu Du felt that there was already a problem with the emperor's communication. The emperor and Nan Nan were just the same now, which made no sense.

  He still...

   "Father, my son has not dealt with some things, so I will return to the mansion first."

  The emperor teased him, “I want to go back to see the children, go, go, there are some things in no hurry.”

   Ye Xiu retired and left independently, Miao Qianqiu walked in quickly.

  The emperor laughed for a while, but gradually, after Ye Xiudu's figure was completely gone, his smile slowly closed, "Qianqiu, accompany me, go to the Palace of Harmony and find the Queen Mother." <

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