However, when he was halfway through the lunge, the chain under his feet was suddenly stretched, and he stopped his footsteps.

  The waste prince used too much force and suddenly fell to the ground.

  Ye Xiu laughed alone, without even looking at him, shut the door of the room.

  After that, I walked slowly to the opposite side and opened two windows to let in the wind from outside.

  The smell in the room disappeared in an instant.

  The waste prince looked at him so calm and leisurely, the blue veins on his forehead began to jut out of the paper, and his teeth and claws became more and more open.

   But no matter which direction he pounced, he was always caught by the chain when he was still half an arm away from Ye Xiudu, and could no longer move forward.

The waste prince became more and more annoyed, "Ye Xiudu, come here, you come, I will kill you, if you have the ability, don't hide, don't hide. You bastard, you kept the prince here for such a long time. Time, you have to die."

  Ye Xiu Du was finally finished, and then he stood in front of the waste prince and began to look at him carefully.

  He may not have seen him for a long time. Since he was locked up here, he has only appeared once, so he doesn't bother to pay attention to him anymore.

  Now when I look at him again, I can't help but sigh. He no longer looked luxurious, unkempt, with a hideous expression.

  It’s just that, it’s not much thinner.

  Wen Tian had just lied in front of outsiders, but he lied about it on the fly. What kind of curse? Heh, he has started cursing people since he was imprisoned.

  It’s just that every time he scolded someone, he ordered someone to stun and didn’t even have to eat.

  Who is the abandoned prince? How could he stand the hunger? After coming down several times, he didn't dare to curse another word.

  Now that he has been detained for such a long time, he has already been cleaned up and dare not swear.

  I just didn’t expect that when I saw myself now, I had the courage again, and it was so unpleasant to open my mouth and curse.

  But it doesn’t matter, he won’t be screaming for long.

Ye Xiu alone pulled a chair from the side, and sat opposite him Shi Shiran, looked at the appearance of the waste prince gritted his teeth, laughed, and slowly said, "Today, the emperor, the emperor is issued, and the new is issued. Prince."

  The body of the waste prince who was still leaping forward suddenly stiffened and was startled.

   Ye Xiudu continued to laugh, "Do you know who the new prince is?"

For a moment, the waste prince seemed to be pricked to the point, frantically pulling the chain on his foot, and yelling angrily, "It's you, it's you. You are really wolfish ambitions, you tried your best to pull me from my position," Now finally got what you wanted? You can't die, you can't die."

   "This time, you are really wrong, the prince is not me."

  The pupils of the waste prince shrank, not Ye Xiu alone? If it's not him, who else?

  He stared at Ye Xiudu, his hands squeezed tightly, "Who, who is it?"

  "Your son, Ye Lansheng." Ye Xiu smiled maliciously.

   "Bang..." The waste prince plummeted to the ground with an incredible face.

how come? How could it be Lan Sheng? How could it be him?

  How could the father give him the position of prince? Why is it so.

Ye Xiu raised his legs, shook his clothes, and said with a smile, "From the very beginning, my father and I had high hopes for Lan Sheng. Lan Sheng is the most suitable position. Brother...Lan Sheng is more suitable than you. do you know?"

  The waste prince stared, as if it was difficult to digest this fact for a while, opened his mouth and couldn't speak.

"Second brother, you are too stupid. If from the beginning, you would obey your second wife honestly, know how to be low-key and introverted, maybe you are still the prince now. Although the father doesn't think you are a talent for governing the country , It can be seen that Lan Sheng is your son, the throne will be yours. Even if it is not, you will be a comfortable and stable Supreme Emperor. With Lan Sheng’s temperament, he will naturally respect you, Even if he is the emperor in the future, he will listen to you, and you will still be the emperor behind the scenes among 10,000 people."

"It's just a pity that the second brother doesn't know how to know how to use people well, and doesn't know how to cherish his wife and children. If you didn't collude with the seventh prince, didn't use the second wife to threaten Lansheng, and didn't cut off the second wife's finger personally, then you will be reunited now A happy family life."

   "Second brother, the throne belongs to you from the beginning, and you pushed it out yourself."

  The waste prince only finds it difficult to breathe. Did he personally push out the throne? The throne belongs to him from beginning to end?

How could this be? How could this be?

   "Where is Lan Sheng? Where is Lan Sheng? I want to see Lan Sheng, he is so filial, he will definitely obey me." Suddenly, the waste prince grabbed the sleeve of his clothes eagerly and asked Ye Xiu Duan eagerly.

   Ye Xiu laughed alone, "Do you think that after you have done so many wrong things, after you hurt Lan Sheng, will he still come to see you?"

"No, no. I am his father, he will come to see me, he is now the prince, he is the prince." The waste prince felt a dull pain in his head, and his mind was full of messy thoughts, intertwined. Chaos and very uncomfortable.

  The word ‘prince’ is like a curse, nailed to his heart.

  The throne is so close to him, so close to him.

  Although he was abolished, his son turned out to be a prince. What's the point of trying to **** him?

  From beginning to end, he doesn’t have to do anything at all. The crown prince has always been in his hands. What is he fighting for? What is there to compete for?

  Ye Xiu's sarcasm became deeper and deeper, "You have no chance to see him, and no chance to see anyone."

  The waste prince suddenly raised his head and stared at him suddenly, "What do you mean? What do you mean? You want to kill me?"

   "You have done so many things, it is not a pity to die."

"No!" The waste prince yelled, "I am the prince's father, I am the father of the future emperor, and we have the same blood. You kill me, he will avenge me in the future, and he will smash you. Ashes. By the way, there are my mother and queen mother, they will not let you go, they will not let you go.”

  Ye Xiu Duo's ridicule is deeper, dad? Didn’t he say that Ye Lansheng was not his son? Is it so happy to admit it now?

   "Don't worry, I won't kill you."

  The waste prince was taken aback, and a hint of joy flashed on his face, "Then you let me go, let me go quickly, I'm going to find my son."

  Ye Xiu Du shook his head, "I will not kill you, but someone has to kill you."

  As he said, he opened the door of the room, and the backlight, the person who had been with Ye Xiu before, walked in slowly with a tray.

  The waste prince squinted his eyes, and he couldn't see clearly until the door was closed again. But the next moment, his pupils shrank, and he took two steps backwards suddenly, "You, are you Duke Du?"

  "The servants have come to give wine to the second prince by the Queen Mother’s decree, and send the second prince a ride."

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