The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 1074: Everyone betrayed their relatives and left the crown prince dead

  Bonus wine? Give him a ride?

   Even if the abandoned prince is dull and incompetent, the meaning in these words is clear and clear.

  He looked at the Queen Mother’s most trusted confidant in disbelief, looked at the things on his tray, and shook his head vigorously.

   "It's impossible. The queen mother won't kill me, and the queen mother won't agree."

  Duke Du looked at him expressionlessly. To be honest, he had long been very dissatisfied with this waste prince. It is not a day or two that he has been doing nonsense under his own identity, and he has never regarded them as slaves in the palace.

  Now watching him fall and see him being stimulated, there is a hint of joy in his heart.

  It’s just that the surface is still flat.

   "The second prince joked, this is the grace of the queen mother, and the filial piety of the second prince should be accepted."

"I don't want it." The waste prince shook his head vigorously, stared in horror at Duke Du in front of him, breathing heavily, "You and Ye Xiudu are in collusion with me, and you want to harm me. I want to see the queen mother, I want to The queen mother, I want to see Lan Sheng, I warn you, my mother is a queen, and Lan Sheng is a prince, if you dare to harm me, they will not let you go."

  He has a glimmer of hope in his heart, yes, he is not just a dead prince, he also has two flesh and blood relatives who are supreme.

  Queen, Lan Sheng, how could they die?

  It must be Ye Xiu Duo, he must have conspired with Du Gonggong, trying to kill him.

  A trace of impatience flashed across Duke Du’s face, saying that he was in collusion with Lord Xiu? If this old problem of the waste prince is committed again, he will bite others indiscriminately, without any responsibility at all.

He took a step forward slowly and stood in front of the waste prince. Then he took out a folded and boxy piece of paper from his arms and handed it to the waste prince's hand and said, "This is the empress empress. The letter written to you, the second prince should recognize the handwriting on it."

  The abandoned prince was taken aback, his hands trembled slightly, and then anxiously saw the paper unfolded.

He naturally recognized the handwriting of the Queen, and he knew the seal on it even more clearly.

  But, what does the content of this letter mean?

  What does it mean to let him do the last thing for Lan Sheng? What does it mean that he has never done his job as a father? What does it mean to let him die with peace of mind? What is the wine given by the Queen Mother will not be too painful?

What does it mean? What does this mean?

  The waste prince's breathing became more and more rapid, he tore the paper to pieces with force, his eyes were bloodshot, and his face was extremely stubborn.

"What the **** is she talking about? Is she confused? I'm her son, but I'm her biological son. She actually wanted me to die for her grandson. What is her heart? is not it?"

Father Du frowned. It seemed that the decision of the Queen Mother and the Queen was correct. Such a second prince would definitely not allow him to go out to meet people again. Otherwise, he would lose the royal face and ruin it if he said it. Today's little prince.

   Ye Xiu stood alone near, and he also read the letter for a while.

In fact, the Queen’s words were still earnest. Most of them were comforting the prince and told him a lot of truth. Although the final meaning was to let him die for benevolence, it can be seen from the lines that the Queen was actually very sad and intolerant, and her heart was like a knife. Strangulation, painful choice and helplessness.

   But the dead prince, did not seem to see anything, only saw the empress's ruthlessness towards him.

Ye Xiudu sneered, and saw that the waste prince was still clamoring, and his eyes narrowed coldly, "The queen made such a decision because of her clear and clear mind. Brother, what you are doing will be more serious. , Has endangered your parents, wives and children, and has endangered the country and society. Today's treason and separation are caused by you alone."

  The crowd, betrayal, dear, divorced! !

  The waste prince’s brain seemed to have been hammered heavily. Yes, he is now behind bars, but no one has ever seen him, no one has ever cared about his life or death.

  It’s all about Xu Wenren and Lansheng, but the queen and the queen mother seem to have completely ignored him.

  Father and those brothers even wanted to get rid of him quickly.

   Those who cling to themselves, get close to themselves, and praise themselves all day long have long since disappeared.

  No one will pay attention to him anymore, no one will look at him.

  He has been busy sitting on the seat of the prince all his life, busy keeping the seat of the prince, and now he is desperately fighting for the seat of the prince. But in the end, his son sat on it so easily, and he still won the support of everyone, so there was no need to try to grab it.

  He seems to have nothing in his entire life.

  Ye Xiu turned his head and looked at Duke Du. Duke Du understood, took a glass of wine, and walked in front of the waste prince.

   "Second prince, please drink him."

  The waste prince suddenly regained his senses. At this moment, there was panic in his eyes. He moved a few steps back and shook his head vigorously, "No, I don't want it, I don't drink."

  No one will come to rescue him, no one will come to rescue him.

  If he drinks this glass of wine, he will really die. He doesn’t want it, he wants to live, he wants to live.

   "I want to see Xu Rou, I want to see her." Between the sparks and the fire, the waste prince suddenly thought of the gentle and gentle wife.

  Yes, she is so kind, only she will save him and save him.

   "I want to see Xu Rou, she is my wife, where is she? Where is she?"

  Ye Xiu laughed alone, "The second sister-in-law has just been summoned into the palace. At this moment, she should be discussing about Lan Sheng with the Empress Dowager. Do you think she will meet you?"

  Wife? Would anyone betray his wife and cut off his wife's fingers with his own hands?

Ye Xiu squatted down, looked at the frightened prince's face, smiled close to his ears, and said in a voice that only two people could hear, "From now on, the second wife will be high above the top, and one person will be more than ten thousand people. Now, everyone must admire her. She is the mother of the country and the future queen mother. And you, the only failure in her life, buried deep in the ground, no one will remember you again. The difference between you and her. There is no intersection. In this life, your greatest benefit to him is to give her a sensible and intelligent Lan Sheng, and now you cut off a finger from her, it is as if she gave it back to you, and the two owe nothing. "

  These words were made by Yu Qingluo who asked him to tell the dead prince.

  Surely the waste prince screamed, "No, I don’t want it. I owe it. We still have a lot of grievances that have not been paid off. It is impossible to have no intersection. You bring her over, I want to see her, I want to talk to her."

Ye Xiu-du straightened up and said to Duke Du, "It's not early. Father-in-law will finish the business as soon as possible, so he can go back and return to life with the Queen Mother. Lan Cheng is still in the palace at the moment. Such a big happy event will definitely happen to the Queen Mother. Rewarded."

  Duke Du's eyes lit up, he smiled at Ye Xiu, and he went straight forward, no longer caring about the waste prince’s reaction, and squeezed his mouth and poured the wine.

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