Although Grandpa Du was in the harem all the time, his hand was very strong. Holding the chin of the waste prince, it was useless even if he struggled hard.

  It's wrong, it's because he has no strength at all.

  These days, he is actually not eating well. Although he is not hungry, the food is very poor. At this moment, there is no strength to resist Du Du's hand strength.

  He shook his head desperately, trying to avoid that glass of poisoned alcohol.

  I tried a few times, and found that it was a futile thing. Duke Du's three and two times, he has poured the wine in the glass cleanly, and all of it went into his stomach.

  As soon as Duke Du’s hand was released, the dead prince burst into tears, coughed desperately, and squeezed his throat forcefully.

   "No, I don't want to die, cough cough, I can't die... Xu Rou, Rou'er, come, come soon..." He was very scared, the wine had already entered his stomach, but he was not killed immediately.

  Knowing that this was the result of death made him even more frightened.

  Duke Du squatted down expressionlessly, picking up the pieces of paper on the ground that had just been torn by the waste prince, and the things left by the empress and empress would naturally have to be returned.

  The waste prince seemed to be still struggling. He didn't care about Du Father-in-law or Ye Xiu-independence. He just kept scratching his own throat. She kept calling Xu Rou's name, as if she would say it a few more times, and that woman would appear in front of him.

  He regrets it, he regrets it, if he does it again, he will treat her well, listen to her, she will do whatever she wants to do, and she will definitely not cut her finger.

   "Xu Rou, Xu Rou...Where are you?" He called desperately, squeezing, struggling, and twisting.

  But it is still a futile thing. He feels that his body is getting more and more wrong, and his whole body is weak, as if he is floating.

  After Duke Du had picked up all the pieces of paper, when he looked up again, he saw the waste prince lying on the ground with staring eyes, already motionless.

  The eyes were so frightened, they looked dead.

  Duke Du just took a look, then turned to face Ye Xiu Duo, "Master Xiu, the servant wants to go back and return to the Queen Mother, so he will leave first."

   "Father-in-law walk slowly." Ye Xiu sent the man out of the yard alone, and asked Butler Yang to **** him back to the palace. He returned to the house of just now, looking at the abandoned prince who fell on the ground, his eyes darkened.

  For a while, he confessed a few words to Wentian, and then walked away.

  The waste prince is dead, he deserves it. He understood the empress dowager's mind, and the empress dowager's hands were actually not wanting Lan Sheng to feel grudge against him.

  Now that the matter has been settled, Lan Sheng has become a prince, and his father can take good care of his illness. When Lan Sheng can take his own role in the future, he will also be able to take off the burden of his shoulders and be happy with his wife and children.

  Ye Xiu thought of this alone, and his mood was a lot happier, and his footsteps were a lot lighter.

  When I walked to the courtyard of Yuqingluo, I heard the voice of Nannan chirping from afar.

"Mother, Xiao Shengsheng became a prince, and he actually became a prince, too powerful. Well, but I also think that Xiao Shengsheng is a capable person. I have always had a good vision. It's definitely not something in the pool."

  Nannan was dancing with his hands. He had just returned from the outside and rushed home immediately after hearing that Ye Lansheng became the prince. He still had a rattle in his hand.

  Ye Xiu entered the door alone, and saw the little thing lying on the table, twisting and wriggling, non-stop.

  Fortunately, he also knew that he couldn't get Yuqing down too close, so as not to hurt him.

  Since this little guy knew that Qinger had a child in his stomach, he ran outside every day, started shopping frantically, and then desperately moved to the house.

  He bought more than ten rattles alone, saying that they were all for his sister.

  Ye Xiudu has a hunch at this moment, if the child in Yu Qingluo's belly is really a girl, she will definitely be favored by Nan Nan lawless. This kid even took out all the private money he was reluctant to use to buy things.

"Mother, then I can't play with Xiao Shengsheng anymore?" Nan Nan was so excited, he suddenly thought of something, and his mood fell a little bit. "He is a prince and has to supervise the country. He must have no time, really Pathetic."

   "Ahem." Ye Xiudu finally walked in. It was so glorious to be a prince, he was fine, and kept saying pity, hey.

Nan Nan turned his head and glanced at him, pretending to get out of the chair, arched his hand at him, and said, "I also want to congratulate my father on becoming the regent, but I don't have a good impression of the regent."

  Thinking of Shangguan Jin, Nan Nan's inexplicably look at her father's eyes also revealed a weird look.

  Ye Xiu Duo's mouth twitched, and he stepped forward and knocked him on the head, "What kind of king I am, is your father."

  Nan Nan covered her head, ran to Yu Qingluo, and began to file a complaint, "Mother, father is not good to me."

Yu Qingluo glanced at him with a smile, ignoring the fight between the father and son, but took Nan Nan's hand and said, "Although Lan Sheng has become a prince, his burden is also heavy. He is now in prison again. China is really busy. But no matter how busy you are, you should rest when you need to rest, and relax when you need to relax. As for you, go to the palace occasionally to accompany him for entertainment, let him relax appropriately, and don’t let him I'm pushing too hard."

Nan Nan nodded immediately, "I know, I still know what a combination of work and rest is. After waiting for my mother to give birth to my sister, I can hold my sister and go to Xiao Shengsheng. Xiao Shengsheng named my sister the number one beauty in the world."

   "..." Yu Qingluo and Ye Xiudu both said they were speechless. The child has not been born yet, can he think of something practical?

   "Ah, by the way, mother, my money is almost spent. I used to store the wife's book with you. You can give me some. I want to buy something for my sister."

"..." Yu Qingluo was dumbfounded, staring at Nan Nan in disbelief, "No, you just have almost spent all the money on hand? What have you bought, you will spend it? almost?"

Standing aside, Shen Ying is almost in good shape, and Shen Ying, who has been with him to buy things these days, gave a light cough, feeling a little embarrassed to say, "Nan Nan... I did buy a lot of things, and the money was spent. Quite a lot."

  Even Shen Ying said that? However, Yu Qingluo still knows how much Nannan's private house money is.

  She looked at Nan Nan seriously, and asked seriously, "Tell me, what have you bought?"

"Oh." Nan Nan began to count with his fingers, "There are two Guzheng Guqin, which are said to be made by a master, and they are very valuable. I thought that my sister would become everyone's lady in the future, so I bought her to sculpt it. Sentiment. But my sister also has to learn martial arts so that she will not be bullied. I bought a few daggers for her, all with jewels. They are very beautiful. My sister will marry in the future. I heard that girls will marry someone in the future. There is a dowry, I specifically asked Yue Xin, and Yue Xin said that the dowry includes what estate property, so I bought some for her, and...

   "..." Yu Qingluo almost fainted after hearing this, this prodigal thing.

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