Three years later.

  The other sister that Nan Nan was thinking about did not come, instead he had a younger brother.

  When the second master of Xiuwang’s Mansion night Qingbei full moon wine, there was another buzzing breeze that had not been seen in the entire Xiuwang Mansion.

  Bai Yifeng came again. Only this time, he brought a child who was one year younger than Nannan in addition to the six-year-old Bailijue.

  Yu Qingluo looked at the child and Bai Chufeng very much alike, and was even more surprised.

   When he turned his head to ask Bai Yifeng, he immediately grumbled and said helplessly, "My eldest brother's son, hey..."

  Yuqing frowned, isn’t Bai Chufeng’s eldest son supposed to be Bailijue? Then this kid...

"When my eldest brother was traveling outside, he met a woman, and the two of them had an affectionate relationship, so they lost their courtesy. Later, when the eldest brother returned home, he originally wanted to let someone propose to the woman, but the woman was missing. My eldest brother sent people to look around, but didn’t find it. Later, I married my sister-in-law under the direction of my parents."

As Bai Yifeng said, he sighed again, "Unexpectedly, a year ago, the woman was so ill that she could only be allowed to bring the child back to confess her relatives. However, although the relative recognized, the identity of the child was somewhat different. It’s not embarrassing. My eldest brother is busy with his affairs and doesn’t care about the inner courtyard. So this child is taken care of by his sister-in-law. But as you know, this child is a heart disease for the sister-in-law. , Where would you really take care of him? I looked at him really pitiful, and I took advantage of this time to come, and I simply brought him."

  Bai Yifeng is just an uncle in the end, he can't get involved in the things in the elder brother's house, anyway, he can only help.

  Yu Qingluo was a little stunned. In his impression, Bai Chufeng was a very rigorous person who took on the important responsibilities of the Bai family and inherited his father’s official career.

  Unexpectedly, he would have such a past.

  It’s just that, it’s someone else’s family. She doesn’t have too many comments. She just asked Nan Nan to take a few children to play.

  Nannan has grown a lot in these three years, especially two years ago, after finally following Zuo Hufa to enter the Imperial Wind Hall, people have become more and more like night cultivation.

  The only thing that hasn't changed is probably the love of Nian-nian, a complete sister-in-law.

   Seeing that Bai Lijue came again this time, he twisted his eyebrows. He hadn't forgotten that Bai Lijue had been dangling around his sister three years ago.

   Therefore, he did not take them to find Nian Nian, as long as they all rushed to the study room, looking like a small adult, only those who taught a few people could learn martial arts.

  He was particularly focused on Bai Lijue, but because of this, Bai Li, which has always been inconspicuous and transparent, also walked out of the study and wandered in the palace of Xiuwang.

  The Palace of King Xiu is very big, far more luxurious and magnificent than the Bai family in the Heavenly Rain Country.

  Bai Si is also steady on his feet. Although his clothing is not comparable to Bai Si Jue, the aura on his body is much cooler and more restrained than ordinary children of the same age.

  Prince Xiu’s mansion did not send anyone to restrict his movements, and even when he saw him, he would nod slightly and simply salute him. Such behavior is much more regular than that of the Bai family.

  Bai Li's gaze has also changed slightly.

  The palace of Xiu is intricate, but the route that Baili also takes is very regular. He found that the layout of this palace, whether it was the palace or the courtyard, seemed complicated, but there were rules. After seeing a lot, it felt very interesting.

  The white sulphur also went away, his eyes brighter, and he stopped abruptly until a rustling sound came in front of him.

  On this look, I realized that I had visited most of the Palace of Xiu without knowing it.

   "Hey... don't bite." The soft and creepy voice suddenly floated into his ears, and Bai Sulfur was taken aback, looking along the source of the sound.

  I saw a small pink figure squatting on the ground, and there was a bamboo basket in front of her, and the lid was lifted.

  And those pink little hands were holding a snake that was twisting around. It was probably the snake who wanted to bite her, so she raised her hand and patted the snake's head. Then she swiped it twice, rolled the one-meter-long snake into several circles, then stuffed it into the bamboo basket, covered it with a lid, and stood up.

  White sulfur also changed his eyes with a sudden change. If he had not read it wrong, the snake, is it poisonous?

  The little figure didn't seem to see him. After she got up, her little hand grabbed the bamboo basket and dragged it forward. Although the bamboo basket is not big, it is still a bit difficult for her to lift it up completely.

  Her body is also swaying, but the expression on her face is very tight, a very serious look.

  Bai Li also looked for a moment, and immediately stepped forward to block her. He lowered his head and looked at her small pink face, her eyes that had always been quiet and bright for a moment, but the next moment, it quickly converged.

  He looked at the bamboo basket she was dragging in his hand, and his voice was a bit low, "You...have you been bitten just now?"

  Niannian raised her eyes and glanced at him, did not speak, and then swayed past him while dragging the bamboo basket.

  Bai Sulfur was also taken aback, and then burst into laughter, what a strange child.

   But looking at her like this, she should have not been bitten. She is so proficient in catching snakes, she has obviously been used to it a long time ago. He was anxious and lost his attitude just now.

  Bai Li was also relieved when he saw a few people who looked like maids running over and following the little figure from a distance.

  It's been a while since he went out for shopping.

  However, shortly after he left, two figures appeared in the dark.

  Shen Ying said in a low voice, “For such a young child, he walked half of the palace for the first time, and he didn’t miss the road once, nor did he go crooked when he went back. It’s not easy.

  Ye Xiu laughed alone, without making too many comments, just saying, "Let’s go, the banquet is about to begin, I will go to pick up Nian Nian and pass."

Bai Li also returned to the original study room, and saw Nan Nan Tieqing staring at him with a face. He was taken aback and explained, "I am not very good at poetry and martial arts, so I can't speak much here, so I went out for a walk. ."

Nan Nan snorted softly, not believing it at all.

  How long can you go for a walk? When he just found out that he was missing? He has known it in less than a quarter of an hour since he left, okay?

  It's just that Xiu Wangfu can't leave, he didn't say anything.

  White Sulfur also pursed his lips, and said nothing. No matter how Nan Nan glared at him, he just stood there quietly, no longer defending.

  Fortunately, Yu Qingluo soon asked Mo Xian to come over and ask them to eat, and the atmosphere in the study was broken.

As he was walking on the road, Bai Li could not help but approached Bai Liye, and said in a low voice, "When you go out, your father and mother have explained that you can’t walk around at will, and don’t break the rules in the palace. What's wrong, it is the second uncle who is embarrassed."<

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