White Sulfur also cast his eyes down, but he responded in a low voice, still saying nothing.

Seeing that he still looks like this, Bai Li gritted his teeth, "Don't be tempted. You are a child of the Bai family. Although my mother doesn't like you, you can go out. The label of the Bai family is stuck on your body. There was a slight mistake. The Bai family of the Tianyu Kingdom was lashed out by others, do you understand? What's more, this is the Royal Palace of Xiu, not an ordinary family."

  Bai Li also twitched slightly at the corner of his mouth, and at any rate said a few words, "I see."

  Bai Lijue sighed involuntarily, ignored him, walked a few steps forward, and followed Nan Nan.

  Nan Nan was talking to Ye Lanwei. His ears were pointed. In fact, he heard the dialogue between the two brothers Baili Yibailijue.

  I just feel a little awkward. This white sulphur is also bigger than the white sulphur. Why is it that the younger brother teaches the older brother?

  Several people came to the banquet place one after another, and were taken to the seats by their respective families.

  White sulfur also glanced at the main table from a distance, and saw that the pink and tender girl I saw earlier was also there. And Nan Nan, who was still serious just now, was squeezed in front of the little girl at this moment, and accompany the smiling face to please her.

Bai Lijue called him twice and didn't get a response, so he followed his gaze and smiled immediately, "I know, it must be Nan Nan's sister Nian Nian. I didn't expect that the bigger the better. She still I saw it when I was a baby, and it looked very good at that time."

  He said this with a somewhat triumphant appearance, and his expression was very excited.

  Read it?

  Bai Li did not speak any more, withdrawing his eyes, began to eat quietly.

  Children eat fast, and before long, some naughty children eat well and get off the table. Yu Qingluo has always been very casual about this phenomenon, letting those children eat and play by themselves.

  It was Baili Yi. Even after he had eaten it, he still sat on the table very well. Baili wanted to take him away, but he didn't leave.

  Nian Nian also ate quickly. Nan Nan watched her get off the table and immediately guarded her back like a cub.

But it was still a step too late. He took Nian Niangang out of the banquet and went back to the back of the hall to rinse his mouth. Ye Lanwei Ye Lanli Yu Bao'er and even Ye Lanping, who had become an adult, were all overwhelmed. When he came in, Bai Lijue followed a few children.

  As soon as Nan Nan saw this posture, her heart was refreshed, and she hurriedly pulled Nian Nian behind her.

   "What are you doing?" Nan Nan watched the crowd guardedly.

   Ye Lanwei and him are already very familiar, and he immediately said with a smile, “Nannan, why have you been hiding Niannian? We have been here for a whole day, and we haven't said a word with Niannian."

Nan Nan snorted coldly, "What to say? There is nothing to say, you have a generation gap, and you don't have a common language."

   Ye Lanwei's mouth twitched, "Then there is a generation gap between you and her."

   "Nonsense, I'm her brother, we are all right, don't we, Nian Nian?" Nan Nan turned around and asked his sister.

  Niannian was absent-minded, "It's okay." In fact, her attention is not here at all. She just climbed onto the bed and saw her father and mother coming over from the window.

  South-south is awe-inspiring, "Have you heard? You guys go quickly and don't stay at my house if you are full and full. And today's protagonist is Ye Qingbei, not Niannian, you can go see Ye Qingbei.

   "Ye Qing is coming from the north." As soon as Nan Nan's voice fell, there was a clear laugh outside the door.

   followed closely, and everyone saw Bai Yifeng walking in with the baby Ye Qingbei. Behind him, he was still following Yu Qingluo and Ye Xiudu.

  Nannan blinked, surprised and inexplicably, is it the end of the banquet? Why are mother and father here?

   was thinking about it, and saw that Ye Xiudu gave Bai Yifeng a light look, and said, "What the **** are you asking us to come over?"

"Haha." Bai Yifeng handed Ye Qingbei to Yu Qingluo again, and then he coughed lightly, and pulled the Bailijue on the side, and laughed, "That's it, our family Jue'er, fight yourself. After I met Nian Nian three years ago, I kept talking about it when I went back, so I thought about coming over this time and just be a matchmaker for him and make a kiss for the two dolls?"

  The so-called fat water does not flow into the field of outsiders, Nian Nian, this child is beautiful and cute, and there are so many people pampered and loved. In the future, even if you marry into the Heavenly Rain Country, there will be the emperor and the second prince who will be covered by them, and they will not be wronged.

  Furthermore, Nian-nian will grow up in the future, and there must be many people rushing to ask for it, so we must take the lead in determining what to say.

  Of course, the eldest brother and sister-in-law have no objection.

  Ye Xiu Du and Yu Qingluo are both stunned, order a baby kiss?

   "No way!!" Nan Nan was the first to explode and object, and his eyes were staring at Bai Lijue.

  The latter was originally surprised to look at Nian Nian, but now the hairs that Nan Nan looked at were all standing up.

  Bai Yifeng laughed, "Nan Nan, your parents are in charge of this matter. Besides, this is also Nian Nian's lifelong event. You have to ask Nian Nian about it."

   Nan Nan snorted coldly and shook her head, "My sister doesn't know how to order dolls, so don't even think about it."

  Speaking, he turned around and asked his sister, "Nian Nian, isn't it?"

  Nian-Nian was lying on the edge of the window, she didn't know what she was doing, she didn't seem to hear what they said at all. Only when Nan Nan asked her, she habitually replied, "It's okay."

Nan Nan was stunned, and Bai Yifeng said hurriedly, "Nan Nan, you also heard it, and Nian Nian said it was okay, indicating that she has no objection at all."

  Nan Nan pursed his lips and stared at Bai Yifeng hard.

  Bai Yifeng ignored him, and took Bai Lijue a few steps forward, and got close to Nian Nian, "Nian Nian, how about becoming the wife of Brother Jue in the future?"

  Everyone's eyes fell on Nian Nian, Nian Nian blinked, and finally understood that they were talking about themselves.

  The small eyebrows were slightly twisted, her eyes fell on Bai Xijue's body, and for a while, she shook her head, "No."

  The smile on Bai Yifeng's face suddenly froze, and Bai Lijue also showed an aggrieved look.

  Yu Qingluo and Ye Xiu Duo's mouth twitched twice, and sighed helplessly.

  Ye Lanwei on the other side got interested, and followed him, smiling at Nian Nian, "Then Nian Nian, will you be my wife in the future?"

In fact, Ye Lanwei also understands that Nian-nian and he are cousins, and it is impossible to marry Nian-nian in the future. Although he used to say that he wants to marry Nian-nian, now that he is older, he understands it. .

  Niannian still shook her head, "Not good."

   Ye Lanwei held her chest in disappointment, "Then Ye Lanzhao's wife?"

"not good."

   "What about Brother Ping?"

"not good."

   "Niannian, whose wife will you be in the future?"

   Nian Nian frowned, she thought, why must she be someone’s wife? Can she not do it? What a bunch of idiots.

  She turned her head, ignoring these people who she thought was a little abnormal, twisted her body and sat on the bed, and touched a bottle on her waist.

  Who knows, as soon as I sat down, I saw Baixi coming in.

  Niannian glanced at him, then pointed her little hand towards him, "He..."

   is a bit familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere.

  Ke Ye Lanwei was horrified, and pointed to Bai Li and asked Nian Nian, "Nian Nian will be his wife in the future?"

  Niannian was stunned, and after thinking about it again, she felt that this person didn't make a fuss with her cousins. He seemed to be quiet, which should be good.

  So, she nodded vigorously.

   Then... the people in the whole room were horrified.

  Bai Li also walked in inexplicably, but Nian-nian got off the bed and handed him a piece of warm jade that he was wearing on his neck, "Take it away."

   After finishing speaking, she began to walk out of the house staggeringly. Her snake has not been cooked yet, and she is going back to her yard.

  As for what happened in the house later, she didn't care much.

  [Author's digression]: This concludes the text of the article, and the story about Ye Xiudu and Yuqingluo ends. Later, I will write the story of Nan Nan and Nian Nian, which is a brand-new story. Those who are interested, hope to continue to support Sensen. <

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