The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 2 Chapter 18: Kneel on the broken tiles

  As expected, the Jinxiu County master expected it. As soon as Lan Shui poured into the gate of the Blue Mansion, the butler hurried over and said that the lady let her pass.

  When the butler said this, his eyes were a little sympathetic.

  The butler has been in Lan Mansion for many years. Although he has a high position, he hasn't been disrespectful to Lan Shui like other maids.

   even took good care of her, but his duty was and he couldn't control the inner courtyard, so he couldn't get in with Lan Shuiqing's food and clothing, and he didn't get too involved, so he could only help silently.

  For example, Lan Shuiqin was able to leave the house silently and there was actually a reason for him.

  This time, Mrs. Tai seems to be aggressive, and she is afraid that the lady will have no good fruit.

   "The eldest lady, the second lady and the third lady are all in the yard of Mrs. Tai, please be careful."

   Lan Shui poured a smile at the housekeeper, "Thank you, housekeeper Liu, I know how."

  Butler Liu sighed and watched her gradually disappear.

Mrs. Tai's yard is very lively at the moment. Not only Mrs. Tai is here, but also Lan Shuiyuan's mother, Jin's who is now referred to as his wife by Lan Shilang, and Lan Shuitian's biological mother, the concubine Xiao Jin's.

  The two of them are sisters, they are both good-looking and docile.

  En, at least in the eyes of the world, their temperaments are very docile.

  Jin never deliberately showed her aggressive and ambitious appearance. She even stood up and said a few words when her mother was left out and her identity was suspected.

  Besides the inside story, it will always provoke Lan Shi Lang and Mrs. Tai to a deeper level of suspicion.

  Back when Lan Shilang wanted to promote her as a normal wife, she also evaded her in every possible way, and even preferred to die, but in the end why she was picked up, I am afraid that only she herself knew.

  She is now in charge of the affairs of the government, and has never treated her and her mother badly in terms of food and clothing. It's just that... everything he gave was the best in the house, saying that this was the treatment that a wife and daughter should have.

  However, this kind of thing will reach Mrs. Tai's ears the next day. Then Mrs. Tai personally reduced their expenses in a rage, even worse than the usual favored maids.

  Yes, Kim’s mistreatment of their mother and daughter is compelling. They are all... forced. She is helpless, filial piety is dilemma, how wronged and embarrassed her.

  Lan Shui Qing couldn't help but laugh when he thought of this.

  How could her mother be the opponent of such a sister flower? Look at Lan Shi Lang has not stepped into other concubine rooms for many years, you can see the extent and means of their favor.

  Now, King Jinshi sits aside, comforting Mrs. Tai in a low voice.

  The two of Lan Shuiyuan and Lan Shuitian sat on both sides of Mrs. Tai, crying sadly with her arms around her.

  As soon as the blue water poured into the room, everyone's eyes fell on her.

  Da Jin immediately said ‘kindly’, “Shui Qi, won’t you kneel down for your grandmother? Please let your grandmother calm down first.”

As soon as Mrs.    heard this, she sneered, and flicked out the tea cup on the side table.

  Lan Shuiyuan and Lan Shuitian have eyesight, and immediately raised their hands to Mrs. Shuntai’s chest, "Grandma, don't be angry, sister, don't you kneel down, do you really want to make grandma sick?"

  Lan Shuiqin looked at this family, suddenly felt like an outsider, everyone was aiming at her, and he didn't hesitate to want her to suffer.

  Take a deep breath, Lan Shui glanced at the broken teacup on the ground, found a clean place, and really knelt down slowly.

Mrs.   's sneer at the corners of Mrs. Tai's mouth became even heavier, "Kneel to the broken tiles, do you hear me."

  Kings and sisters began to persuade again, "Madam, the child is ignorant, and this punishment is too heavy. After all, she is the eldest lady of the Blue Mansion, who has delicate skin and tender meat. How can she kneel and smash the porcelain?

Mrs. Tai glared at them fiercely and told them to shut up, but her venomous eyes kept falling heavily on Lan Shuiqin's body, "I don't understand? She dared to make Ms. Shen fall into the lake. Is it possible to explain it without understanding? Who is Miss Shen? How can she tolerate such an unclear wild species to be humiliated?"

bastard? Lan Shui Qing secretly took a deep breath, although it was not the first time he heard this kind of call.

  But every time I heard it, I felt like a thorn in my heart.

  Who is Miss Shen? Is an outsider! ! Her surname is Shen, and her surname Lan Shuiqin is Lan.

  She raised her head and fixedly looked at Madam Tai, "I made Miss Shen fall into the lake? What does grandma mean? Why don't I understand?"

"Sister, we are all from our own family, so let's be honest." Lan Shuiyuan persuaded, "Even if you don't accept Sister Shen's invitation to swim in the lake, you just have to say it, Sister Shen won't be embarrassed. Why do you, why bother to leave with excuses, but secretly start to make Sister Shen embarrassed?"

"Yes, Sister Shen is the daughter of Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry. That Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry is a powerful method. Whenever a case comes to his hands, the prisoner will honestly explain it. If it is found out by Lord Shen that it was done by the older sister, then our father ......" Lan Shuitian took a deep breath, very worried.

As soon as Mrs.    heard these words, the blue veins on her forehead began to jump, and she said to the grandmother on the side, “Squeeze her onto the broken tiles and kneel. If you don’t kneel all night, you won’t be allowed to get up.”

   "Yes." The mother poured out towards the blue water.

Lan Shuiqing suddenly raised his head, and said innocently, "How could I make Miss Shen fall into the lake? Did the two sisters make a mistake? Since I agreed at the time, naturally I would go. It's just that. When I was just planning to go, I happened to meet Princess Jinxiu, and Princess Jinxiu asked me to speak, but I couldn’t refuse. Otherwise, the princess became angry and said that our Lan family’s daughter was ignorant of etiquette. That’s not a burden to our second and third sisters. Yet?"

   "Wait." The lady was taken aback, and was busy stopping the grandmother who stepped forward. She frowned and looked at Lan Shuiqian, "What did you just say?"

   Princess Jinxiu?

  Lan Shui Yuan and Lan Shui Tian were also stunned, and suddenly looked towards Lan Shui.

  She said that Princess Jinxiu asked her to talk?

   Jin's big and small frowned even more, staring at her, as if wanting to see something unnatural from her face.

Lan Shui nodded and said with a smile, "Princess Jinxiu also said that he would invite me to swim in the lake, but I thought that I had agreed to Miss Shen’s invitation. I was not as embarrassed. I was thinking of a way to get the best of both worlds, or let Sister Shen and Sister Shen and The two sisters were swimming in the lake together, and they heard the news that Miss Shen fell into the water. I heard that they were scared by the bugs that fell from the bug tree. Princess Jinxiu said that fortunately I didn't go, otherwise I might be scared. It will be me."<

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