The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 2 Chapter 19: She will visit tomorrow

When Mrs.    heard this, a trace of suspicion flashed across her face.

  Princess Jinxiu knows that her mother, Princess Wanyan, was once the daughter of the Taishanghuang, and later became acquainted with Princess Xiu and married Master Kong who is a family of literature.

  Although Kong Yunsheng did not enter the court as an official, there are many family students behind him, which should not be underestimated. In addition, Princess Wanyan has been walking around in the imperial capital for so many years, and has a good relationship with several princesses, and the current emperor treats this aunt very respectfully.

  So Mrs. Tai always wanted to let the two sisters of Lan Shuiyuan and Lan Shuitian look for opportunities to befriend Princess Jinxiu, but the princess was so arrogant that they didn't take their sisters seriously.

  Now, why are you talking to Lan Shui on the contrary?

Lan Shuiyuan and Lan Shuitian looked at each other even more, their faces full of disbelief, "Impossible, how could the eldest sister lie? How could Princess Jinxiu talk to you so well? You are trying to conceal your crime, just Have something to do with an irrelevant person?"

"That's right." Lan Shuiyuan echoed, "After all, today's famous ladies, the eldest sister doesn't know anyone. The only person who knows is the name of Princess Jinxiu we mentioned in that herb garden. But eldest sister, you are biting indiscriminately. If Princess Jinxiu knows about it, she might still think of our Lan family."

Mrs.    heard the words and felt reasonable, and her eyebrows began to twist when she watched Lan Shui's leaning.

   Immediately, he slapped the table fiercely, and said angrily, “You really don’t know what to say, and you dare to speak so boldly in front of me. Come..."

"I didn't lie." Lan Shuiqi raised his head, still looking calm, "It was indeed Princess Jinxiu who was talking to me and asked me some questions. I know this is a serious matter, so I definitely won't talk about it. Grandmother. If you don’t believe me, then please ask Miss Shen’s father, Mrs. Shen, to thoroughly investigate the matter. Princess Jinxiu still likes me and will testify to me at that time."

  The hand that Mrs. Tai had just raised suddenly stopped. Lan Shuiqin said this, which made him worry.

  Looking at her eloquent and confident, she doesn't look like a lie.

  It doesn’t matter if she slander Lan Shuiqin, but if she is punished for this, and she is still reluctant when she puts forward Princess Jinxiu as a witness, isn’t she also questioning Princess Jinxiu’s integrity? And it will make the matter a big deal, and it will really spread to the ears of the Shen family, and that will affect their entire Lan family.

Mrs.    was a little bit undecided in her heart. People of the royal family, she still dare not offend.

  I just want her to let Lan Shuiqi go like this, and she is not reconciled.

  In the past, she punishes Lan Shuiqing, she just needs to find a reason, and who cares whether she is justified or unreasonable?

  Today, a Princess Jinxiu was inserted, but she started to be shackled, so she couldn’t even control her granddaughter?

  She knew that Lan Shui should not be allowed to pour out, and she found a backer for her.

and so on……

  Madam Tai's eyes narrowed, and Lan Shui was going out of the house privately. She hadn't settled accounts with her yet.

Lan Shuiyuan and Lan Shuitian beside    were angry, thinking that the Princess Jinxiu, who had always ignored their sisters, would treat Lan Shui differently, and the anger that had accumulated in their hearts was burning at this moment.

  The two looked at each other, and at the same time saw the coldness in the lady's eyes.

  Lan Shuiyuan smiled immediately and winked at his mother.

Jin raised her eyebrows slightly, and then she persuaded, "Madam, since the matter is clear, then don't punish the eldest girl anymore. The eldest girl went out early this morning, I am afraid that she is also tired, so let her go back to rest. "

  Go out early in the morning...

Mrs. Tai sneered, "That said, the eldest lady in our family went out early in the morning. Well, you said that Miss Shen's family had Princess Jinxiu to testify for you, so grandmother won't blame you. But how did you explain what happened this morning? You told us that you were ill. Since you are ill, why did you appear at the banquet in the Palace of Xiu?"

  The incident of Shen Wenxian falling into the water was supported by Princess Jinxiu, and she could not blame her.

  But, she deceived the top and concealed, and lied all the time, this is her unfilial piety.

  As Lan Shuiqin’s grandmother, she was going to teach a disobedient granddaughter. Even if Princess Jinxiu knew about it, she couldn’t say anything.

   Lan Shui sneered in her heart, she knew it.

   Anyway, Mrs. Tai must make her suffer.

"Grandma's forgiveness, this matter is not good for the granddaughter. The granddaughter feels that her body is well this morning, thinking that this is the first time that Princess Xiu has hosted a banquet. If I don't go, wouldn't it be the face of Princess Xiu? It's a girl from the Lan family, so she can't embarrass the Lan family. That's why she went out hurriedly, hoping to make Princess Xiu have a good impression of the Lan family."

  She kept talking about the Lan Family, but Mrs. Tai couldn't hear it at all.

She cut off her words directly, "Enough, you said you don't want to lose the face of Princess Xiu, then before you go, why didn't you tell me in front of me? It's clear that you didn't put my grandmother in your eyes. An unfilial and unrighteous person like you really loses the face of the Lan family. Grandma used to think that you are a sensible, so she neglected to discipline you, but now your behavior has harmed the Lan family. That being the case, that grandma will personally teach you today, so that you won’t be embarrassed again when you go out next time."

"Yes, what my grandmother said was my fault. It's just that when I was going to leave this morning, I heard that my second and third sisters had already gone out, so I ran out in a hurry. After all, the Lan family The appearance of the three sisters at the same time will make people feel that the Lan family’s sisters are deeply affectionate, so that the Lan family will not be speculated by outsiders. Today is indeed Shui Qian’s fault, Shui Qing is willing to accept punishment.

Mrs.    was originally furious, but she suddenly heard that she was willing to accept punishment, but she was really taken aback.


  Since she said so, how could she not be as good as her wish?

   "Okay, Mother Song, crush her on the broken tiles, kneel down and not get up all night, so that she will be taught a lesson."

   After that, Mrs. Tai suddenly got up, and no longer wanted to hear any excuses from Lan Shuiqin, she walked towards the inner room.

Unexpectedly, Lan Shuiqing just waited for Mother Song to put her hand on her shoulder, and then said lowly, "Grandma's punishment, Shui Qing will naturally suffer. But she will ask grandma to send me back tomorrow morning. Fang changed his clothes and dealt with the injury on his knee. After all, Princess Jinxiu will come to visit tomorrow, Shui Qing will be tired and inconvenient to receive the distinguished guests, otherwise the Lan family will be criticized."

Mrs.   's footsteps stopped abruptly, and she suddenly turned her head to look at her, "What did you say?"<

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