Lan Shui pours inexplicably, why do you want to say sorry?

  It’s just that, without waiting for her to ask, he has let go of her, turned and swept out from the window.

  Without the heat from him, Lan Shuiqing suddenly felt...a hint of coldness.

  She frowned, feeling that if, as if, relying on him.

   Lan Shui shook his head sharply, took a deep breath, raised his eyes and looked out the window.

  At this moment, Nan Nan was feeling surging, and the blood all over his body was pouring out. He felt that something must be done to suppress the upsurge of distress and reluctance.

  Sorry, I didn’t tell you who we were.

  Sorry, I found you so late.

  Sorry, that Xiaojing should have been killed in the first place.

  Ye Qingnan stepped on the moonlight, tightly squeezing the palm of her hand. In the palm of his hand, lying on the small pendant he had just brought from the blue water in the room, the small pendant he gave her back then.

  He ran all the way towards the Palace of Xiuwang, who knows that halfway through the looting, he quickly turned around and went to the Palace of the Three Kingdoms.

  The guards of the Three Princes' Mansion were described as false to him. In less than a moment, he had stood at the gate of Ye Lanwei's courtyard.

  The secret guard who had been guarding Ye Lanwei’s yard, saw that he was coming, and immediately relaxed his nerves, said nothing, and watched him enter the house.

   Ye Qingnan broke into his room without saying a word, and pulled the person out of the bed.

  Ye Lanwei's whole person is not good, and he directly throws a punch at him in a dazed manner.

   Ye Qingnan grabbed his hand with one hand, and with a slight force, Ye Lanwei suddenly awakened.

  Seeing the person standing next to the bed, he suddenly wailed and exclaimed, "It's late at night, what are you doing?"

   "Get up and practice hands with me."

Ye Lanwei was horrified, she moved into the bed, looked at him in horror, and the corners of her mouth twitched twice, "Don't be kidding, just your skill, I've been under your hand. It's over in a few tricks, you should find someone else."

   "I'm so weak, so embarrassed to say it?"

Ye Lanwei's face turned blue suddenly, she jumped off the bed suddenly, and pointed to Ye Qingnan's nose and shouted, "You are too perverted, okay? Tell me about us, which of us is your opponent? You are embarrassed. Dislike others?"

  Ye Qingnan looked at him contemptuously, "Stop talking nonsense, change clothes quickly, let's go out to practice hands."

  Ye Lan is eager to cry without tears, and her expression is sad and angry.

  Is this guy crazy, he ran into his room without sleeping late at night, and forced him to practice hands with him? How can there be such an unreasonable person?

  Woo, why doesn’t he go to Ye Qingbei? That's also a pervert. It's fun when the two of them fight against each other, isn't it? The worst thing is to find Wen Ge and others next to him. Why do you come to him, who is very tired during the day and needs sleep at night, is there any humanity?

   Ye Lanwei was very resentful, but Ye Qingnan's expression was cold, and the corners of his mouth were pressed tightly, his eyes condensed involuntarily as if he had been stimulated.

   Forget it, he is a little older than him anyway, and he is considered his elder brother, so he should take care of him and practice his hands. He gave his life to accompany the gentleman.

  Ye Lanwei thought, gave him a vicious look, randomly found a piece of clothing to put on, and then confessed to the guard outside, “No need to follow, I and Nan Shizi will go out for a while.”

  As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Qingnan had already swept out, and the corner of Ye Lanwei's mouth twitched, and then left the Three Princes' Mansion.

  The two came to the training ground, looking at the dark night, Ye Lanwei swallowed, and declared in advance, "I'll tell you, let's finish the order, otherwise...ah..."

   Before he finished speaking, Ye Qingnan had already attacked him.

  Ye Lan Wei's eyes widened, and he hurriedly stepped back, avoiding the past dangerously.

  This person must be irritated tonight, he must be irritated.

  He didn't dare to be careless, and immediately raised his hand to meet him. At any rate, he can also be regarded as learning martial arts from the fifth uncle, taught by Lord Xiu himself, although the talent is not as good as Nan Nan, it is not bad...bad...bad...

  Ye Lanwei was lying on the ground, the thought in her heart had not fallen yet, and she had been knocked down by Ye Qingnan.

  He was very sad and angry. He fell down after a lot of tricks before, but today is really...

   "Ye Qingnan, I'm really rude to you." He jumped up from the ground angrily.

  The two played ping pong on the huge martial arts field, sweating. It is especially loud in the silent night, and the sound spreads far and wide, making people a little creepy. It wasn't until half an hour later that they both lay on the ground, panting and staring at the sky above their heads with their eyes open.

  Ye Lanwei had no strength at all, and turned her head slightly to look at him, "I said what happened to you today?"

   "...It's nothing, it's just a bad mood."

  Ye Qingnan frowned, as if thinking of something suddenly, sat up abruptly and checked the wound on his arm.

  Sure enough, with the fierce action just now, the wound broke open again. Although Lan Shuiqi's medicine was good, he couldn't stand his repeated tossing.

   He sighed, untied the gauze, took the wound medicine from his body, and slowly applied it to it, and then re-wrapped the gauze.

  Ye Lanwei looked at his series of movements, and frowned involuntarily, "Why are you injured?"

   "It's not a big deal that I got hurt when I cleaned up the traitor." Originally, the wound was almost healed, but he was tossing it himself.

  Ye Lanwei saw that the wound was really not big, so he didn't ask much. Seeing him like that, this wound must have not been known to Uncle Wu and Auntie Wu, well, should he go to file a complaint or something? But he was very curious about his abnormal behavior today.

  Otherwise, go to Xiuwang's Mansion and ask Ye Qingbei tomorrow. That kid must know.

  Ye Lanwei's mind was full of messy thoughts. Before he figured out how to get a word out of Ye Qingbei's mouth, he heard the low voice of Ye Qingnan next to him.

   "I am looking for you today, I want you to do me a favor."

  Oh, it turned out to be looking for him in the middle of the night to let him help, that's how it is.


  Ye Lan was taken aback for a moment, and sat up suddenly, with a face full of inconceivableness, "You still need my help?"

  Did the sun come out from the west today? He asked again for confirmation, "Do you still need help from'I'?" He emphasized'I'.

  Ye Qingnan's face was full of black lines, "Are you helping?"

   "Help, help." Just kidding, he helped, and somehow made him owe a favor, how could he refuse? However, if Nan Nan can ask him for help, this must be difficult. He won't dig a hole for himself to jump, right?

  Ye Lanwei suddenly regretted that he had just agreed so quickly, but with the words, it was impossible to take it back. He could only twitch his mouth and asked cautiously, "You tell me, what can I do for you?" <

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