The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 2 Chapter 37: Don't live up to my expectations

  As soon as Ye Qingnan saw his expression, the corners of his mouth twitched twice.

  "You help me find a person, the whereabouts of Brother Wu's brother, Mrs. Lan Mansion, Minister of Criminal Justice."

  Ye Lanwei blinked, "You want to check the individual, do you need my help?"

   "I have something to do recently, and I will be very busy, so I leave this burden to you, don't live up to my expectations."

  He is preparing to get a wife recently, and he has a lot of preparations. Besides, Shui Qing's uncle used to serve in the army, and now Ye Lanwei is even more in the army. It might be more convenient for him to check.

   "..." Ye Lanwei wanted to scold his mother, this **** was obviously younger than him, but you can look at this attitude, like saying to Ye Qingbei.

  No, he didn't speak like this to Ye Qingbei.

  诶, wait...

  Ye Lanwei finally squinted after realizing it, and turned her head to stare at Ye Qingnan, "You go and check what Mrs. Lan’s brother is doing? Did he offend you?"

   "No, he is an elder, if you see him, be polite." Ye Qingnan didn't want to talk to him more, he got up and planned to leave.

Ye Lanwei hurriedly stood up, "I told me to check the whereabouts of people without telling me what you said. Isn’t that kind of you? Are you going to tell me the cause and effect? ​​Otherwise... eh, eh , Hello, Ye Qingnan, stop for me."

  Ye Lanwei gritted his teeth and looked at the tip of his toes, and then quickly left Ye Qingnan in the martial arts ground, pulling his leg to chase him.

  But as soon as he opened his leg, he felt that his bones were aching, and he could only stand viciously on the spot, facing the back of Ye Qingnan in a fit of anger.

  Asshole, just bully him to be inferior to him, right? Just bullying him, the one that just became exhausted, isn't it?

  Ye Lanwei really wanted to crush his heart. He stood on the empty training ground, feeling extremely desolate.

   And Ye Qingnan, after just venting, the depression in his heart was swept away, and finally he returned to the Palace of Xiu with refreshing energy.

  At this moment, the sky has slightly brightened, and the servants of the palace are also gradually getting up. Seeing Ye Qingnan coming back from the outside, he immediately stood aside respectfully.

When   Ye Qingnan walked to the Yifengyuan where he was staying, he suddenly stopped, turned his head and said to the person who had just walked out, "You come in with me."


  Ye Qingnan entered the room, took out the pen and paper, and started to write. After a while, he folded the written paper and handed it to the man.

   "When Wenge wakes up, you will give this to him and let him do as written on the paper."

   "Yes." Then the man immediately saw the paper set carefully, and respectfully responded.

  Ye Qingnan frowned again, thinking about it again, and exhorting again, “Don’t let the prince and concubine know about it, and don’t let others see, you personally hand it to Wenge’s hands.”

  The person was stunned for a moment, and immediately shouldered the heavy responsibility on his own, became more cautious, and hurriedly responded, "Yes, my son."

  Ye Qingnan nodded, rubbed his eyebrows, and went to sleep.

  The huge King Xiu's Mansion, but after he fell asleep, he gradually got busy.

  Compared with the order of the Xiu Palace, which is still as orderly as before, the Lan Palace seems to be much more nervous and urgent.

  Early in the morning, Mrs. Tai and Mrs. King Jin woke up and couldn't sleep.

   Although the rumors from the outside world were explained by the people sent by Princess Xiu yesterday, many people suddenly realized, but some people would rather believe that the person who pushed Shen Wenxian into the water was the two sisters of the Lan family.

  After all, what they did yesterday was too arrogant, and the two maids' exits were even harsher and ugly.

  The women who had quarreled with them no longer paid attention to who caused Shen Wenxian. They only knew that they had been scolded yesterday, and they were indignant, so they smeared the two girls of the Lan family.

  The wind and rhetoric were therefore unable to be suppressed at all, which directly affected the judgment of Shangshu Shen Qi of the Criminal Ministry.

  Shen Qi was originally uncomfortable because of the grievances of his baby girl, but he also heard that she was afraid of bugs that caused the fall into the water, so he couldn't hold back the breath in his heart.

  What's more, he listened to his daughter, as if he was standing under the tree and was startled by the bug because he wanted to invite blue water to swim in the lake. And the only girls standing next to her daughter were the second and third girls of the Lan family. What's more, they clearly provoked Shen Wenxian to deal with Lan Shuiqing.

  Let’s talk about it, all of this is because the Lan family’s daughters are fighting each other, which drags her daughter into the fish pond.

  Anyway, it was the Lan family's fault after all.

  Therefore, as Lan Shilang’s immediate boss, Shen Qi is so angry that now he finally has a place to vent.

   Early that morning, he directly found a mistake and participated in the book of Lan Shi Lang, which caused the emperor to reprimand Lan Shi Lang.

  After facing downwards, Lan Shilang made mistakes frequently in the Criminal Ministry, was pushed out by others, and fell into a lonely and distressed position for an instant, struggling to move forward.

  Lan Shilang had no choice but to claim that he was unwell, so he took a few days off and stayed at home temporarily. After this storm passed, and Shen Qi's anger disappeared, he would go back to work again.

Mrs.   , Mrs. King and Mrs. Jin, looked at his malaise, naturally they were also extremely anxious, and for a while, the entire Lan family became anxious.

Mrs.    even hated the two maids of Lanshuiyuan and Lanshuitian, thinking that she had just killed her yesterday, she was not relieved at all.

  Now that she sees her son like this, her breath is held in her heart, and she can't get it anymore. With dull pain in his mind and annoyance in his heart, he directly ordered the replacement of all the maids around Lan Shuiyuan Lan Shuitian, not one left.

  The two Lan Shuiyuan sisters were extremely aggrieved and wanted to talk to Mrs. Tai to talk about it, but they were stopped by the Jin family.

  Now Mrs. Tai's mind is in a mess, because the Lan Shi Lang is in a violent mood, even if she loves the Lan sisters again, I am afraid they will not want them to disobey their own thoughts.

  The Jin family knew Madam Tai very well, so he could only persuade the two of Lan Shuiyuan to calm down. When this matter passed, Madam Tai was happy when they turned around. If they were used to the original servants, they could still ask them to come back.

  Now, the only thing the two sisters of the Lan family can do is to stay in the house peacefully, low-key and then low-key.

  Of course, the rumors outside have not subsided, and they can't go anywhere.

  But what makes Kim's strange is, why are there such rumors on the street? Infighting in the daughter's family is normal in the upper-ranking officials, eunuchs, and nobles. Shen Wenxian is just falling into the water, and there is no worry about his life. How can it be so big?

  Jin frowned, knowing that her daughter was going to repair the palace, only the people of Lan Mansion and the palace.

  Is it made by the people who repaired the palace? No, what good will it do for the palace to be built if this matter is spread out? Besides, the mother Lin did remind those two dead girls yesterday, and Princess Xiu asked people to clarify and explain. <

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