The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 2 Chapter 38: Trouble with Nian Nian

  The more Jin thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. The thoughts in his mind fell on Lan Shuiqin's head in an instant.

  It’s just that Blue Water has such a great ability to make rumors go viral in such a short period of time? Impossible, Lan Shuiqin never went out yesterday.

  However, Jin's eyes condensed suddenly, and he sneered.

  This matter, even if it was not done by Blue Water, she can still plant it on her head. Now what affects Lan Shilang's future and her daughter's reputation, if Mrs. Tai and the master know about it, maybe this time they will be hit with one blow and let Wu go down. She stayed in that seat for too long.

  The big Jin's eyes were shining, and he turned around and went to look for the little Jin's.

  As soon as the two of them got together, they went to see Mrs. Tai.

  Who knows that Mrs. Tai finished listening, although she was furious, she did not ask Lan Shui to pour over on the spot, she just rubbed her eyebrows and sighed.

   said, "Lan Shuiqing really doesn't have that ability, but there is one person who has this ability."

  The big and small Jins took a moment to look at each other, "Who?"

"Princess Jinxiu." The lady's eyes were fierce, and her expression became sullen. "Now that wild species has made friends with Princess Jinxiu. If she asks Princess Jinxiu for help, I'm afraid Princess Jinxiu will really help her. I originally thought that Princess Jinxiu would really help her. Princess Xiu has taken a fancy to Sister Yuan and Sister Sweet, and climbed up the high branches of the palace, so Princess Jinxiu doesn’t have to take it seriously. But I didn’t expect... Yesterday, we neglected Princess Jinxiu. I was afraid. She has already offended her. Now she must not be able to deal with Lan Shuiqi in this juncture."

  Senior Jin’s heard the words, his eyebrows were twisted, and he was very unwilling. Could it be that I just let the blue water fall off like this?

"In any case, you have to wait until the relationship between Jinxiu Princess and Lan Shuiqing is not as good as that, before you can deal with her." The lady rubbed her eyebrows and said solemnly, "That girl, dare to go and participate in the repair without telling me. At the banquet in the palace, we made friends like that. How can we control her in the future? Yang Liu, you go back to urge Su matchmaker to find someone to give Lan Shui to marry? Also, let’s sabotage. Her relationship with Princess Jinxiu."

   "Yes, Mrs. Too." Although Kim was unwilling, she knew that her mother-in-law didn't want to have extra branches.

  She could only look at Xiao Jin, and her eyes flashed with sorrow, and then she retreated.

  It’s just that they didn’t know that there was a maid outside the door who heard the conversation of several people. At this moment, she also left quietly.

  It didn’t take long before he ran to the yard where Lan Shuiqin lived, and told Lan Shui to listen to all the conversations.

   Lan Shui nodded faintly, letting her go back.

  Mom sneered on the side, "Mrs. Madam and the others know that they will come to deal with the young lady, but they don't want to think that the young lady will have a good relationship with the Princess Jinxiu. Isn't it a good thing for the Lanfu and the master?"

   Lan Shui smiled and said nothing. She is the wife and their eyes pierced. They didn't treat her as a member of the Blue Mansion. Even now, she has become their enemy. How could they think of that?

   "It doesn't matter, Mommy Bu, let's cover the water and soil, let's not worry about it."

  Anyway, Mrs. Tai and Mrs. Jin are already dizzy days. Just like early this morning, she gave the copied female commandment to Mrs. Tai. She also didn't even look at her, and asked her to come back without even saying a word.

  Look, she doesn’t even have the time to trouble her to stab her now.

   "By the way, how did my mother eat breakfast today?"

When Mom Bu heard her talk about this, she immediately smiled, "Speaking of which, the girl Niannian is really amazing. Madam did not eat much in the past and she has never had any appetite. Today she is in very good spirits, eating more than twice as much as usual. It."

   "Really?" Lan Shui laughed when he heard the words.

  Nian Nian's medical skills can be exaggerated like Princess Jinxiu, and it must be extraordinary. She really met a noble person.

   "Miss, is the girl still coming today?"

  "Not coming, she will come back tomorrow for acupuncture and moxibustion for my mother."

  Mom was a little disappointed, "Then I will go to the shop early tomorrow and get some snacks for the girl to try."


  Lan Shuiqin was in a great mood, his eyes fell on the copybook he was copying on the table, and the corner of his mouth slightly ticked unconsciously.

  On that day, everything was calm and calm in the courtyard of Lan Shuiqing. Although Mrs. Tai and Jin and others resented her very much, they still held back the trouble of not coming to her.

  Wu's body has improved a lot, and Lan Shuiqi's mood has been very good all day.

  However, Ye Qingnan did not show up that night. She waited most of the night, and finally closed the window lonely.

Why doesn't    appear? Lan Shuiqing felt disappointed inexplicably, thinking of the conversation between them the night before, and finally sighed.

  Fortunately, Nian Nian came early the next morning.

  Princess Jinxiu originally wanted to accompany her together, but a visitor came from the mansion temporarily. She had to accompany a few distant cousins, so she had to give up and let Nian Nian come alone to see Lan Shuiqing.

  Nian-nian came with a post from Princess Jinxiu, and the servants of the Blue Mansion naturally did not dare to stop her, and soon let her in.

  However, for other people in Lan Mansion, their mood is extremely bad for the arrival of Lan Shuiqin's friends.

Especially the two of Lan Shuiyuan and Lan Shuitian, after being confined in their yard for a whole day, they were replaced by the comfy maid beside them. Their hearts were frustrated and they were overwhelmed to a certain extent, and they urgently needed to vent. . Now Nian Nian just set foot in the Blue Mansion, especially when she heard that Princess Jinxiu was not there, and only Nian Nian came here alone, a trace of malice flashed in their hearts, and they soon left their yard.

  Therefore, when Rouge led Nian Nian to the yard of Lan ShuiQing, after passing Chunxiang Pavilion, she met Lan Shuiyuan and Lan Shuitian who came with a group of maids mightily.

   Rouge frowned, seeing that they were not good, and immediately took Nian Nian to go the other way.

  However, Lan Shuiyuan has sharp eyes and sharp hands, waved to the maid behind him, and shouted, "Stop them for me."

The maid behind    glanced at each other. She was hesitant in her eyes if she was not the one they were used to, but even though she hesitated for a moment, she ran over quickly and blocked Rouge and Niannian.

   "What are you doing?" Rouge stretched out her hand hurriedly, pushed Nian Nian behind her, and watched guardingly at Lan Shuiyuan and Lan Shuitian coming towards this side.

   Lan Shuiqing sneered and looked at Rouge, and then looked coldly at the still clothed clothes, dressed plainly and without fanfare, a faint light flashed in his eyes. <

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