The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 2 Chapter 39: Princess Xiu is here to propose a marriage

  Niannian squinted her eyes, coldly watching Lan Shuiyuan’s hand flashing towards Rouge’s face.

  It's just that when the palm of her hand was less than an inch away from Rouge's face, she suddenly shot like lightning, pulling Rouge and stepping back.

  Lan Shuiyuan’s palm fell empty, and because of excessive force, the whole person was planted forward.

  Fortunately, there was a maid beside her who moved quickly and hurriedly helped him.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Lan Shuiyuan’s face, she pushed away the maid’s hand, and then stared at Rouge fiercely, "Rouge, you are so bold, not only did you not say anything to me and the third sister, I educate you," Do you dare to hide?"

  Rouge froze for a while, she didn't want to hide, when she saw Lan Shuiyuan's slap coming over, she was mentally prepared to bear the slap.

  Otherwise, the second girl will be upset, and she will get worse, especially today, she took Nian Nian girl to see his wife. If it is here that Lan Shuiyuan is troubled by Nian-nian, what will the lady do?

  But, but I didn’t expect that girl Niannian would suddenly give her a hand, moving so fast...

   Yanzhi turned his head to look at Nian Nian, Nian Nian's expression remained unchanged, his tone was steady, and he said without emotion, "I can testify, Rouge didn't hide, it's just that there was a stone under her feet and accidentally tripped."

  "..." Rouge felt that Miss Niannian's ability to tell nonsense with her eyes open is so great.

   "..." Lan Shuiyuan and Lan Shuitian's faces were pale, can she treat them as fools?

  "You are called Niannian, right?" Lan Shuitian asked.

  Niannian nodded, "Yes."

   Lan Shuitian raised her eyebrows and chuckled, "I heard that Miss Nian Nian came to Lan Mansion. She used the post of Princess Jinxiu, right?"

   "Yes." Nian Nian answered honestly.

The ridicule on Lan Shuitian’s face was even worse, “Girl Nian Nian is so capable, she can eat anywhere on the high branch of Princess Jinxiu. Even the gate of my Blue Mansion can come and go freely. Simple. Speaking of it, since the girl Nian Nian would be so happy and slapped, why not show up in front of the princess, maybe with the beauty of Nian Nian girl, the princess Jinxiu would go to the emperor to say good things and let you be in the palace. Where is the concubine?"

  Rouge is half to death, what does Miss San mean? This clearly means that Nian Nian girl Israel serves people.

   Annoyed, she wanted to come up with the theory, but her wrist was pulled by the girl Niannian.

Upon seeing this, Lan Shuitian smiled even more proudly, "Why doesn't Niannian girl speak? Oh, by the way, as Niannian girl, she probably hasn't learned anything about courtesy, righteousness and shame at home, noble and humble, and she probably speaks too. It’s not easy. But the girl Nian Nian has climbed to the Princess Fairyland, why did she come to my little servant’s mansion to please my eldest sister? If you want to make friends with you, it’s wrong to find the eldest sister, you please please please. We might still be useful."

Lan Shuiyuan said, "Sister Sister, don't say that. People have a very high vision. Where can we get her eyes. Don't offend her. She has a backer now, maybe When I turned around, I filed a complaint in front of Princess Jinxiu, saying that we were mean and unkind to her, which would make us unable to eat."

  Nian-nian finds it ridiculous. There are too many people in this world who judge people by their appearance.

   Although she dressed like this is the same as ordinary flat-headed people, the clothes she wore next to her body were the best and highest-quality clothes, but she had no chance to show them.

  But, complaint? ?

   "Don't worry, I won't file a lawsuit." If she goes to Princess Jinxiu and says, she will die of Jinxiu's laughter.

When the two of Lan Shuiyuan heard this, their ridicule and ridiculous eyes became more and more unscrupulous, "You will be fine if you go to file a complaint. Don't think that you are the only one who has the backing, and our sisters also have. Yesterday, Princess Xiu was very friendly to our sisters. I have rewarded a lot of things for us. Tsk tsk, the things in the palace repairs are different..."

  "..." Nian Nian is a little weak, haven't all those things returned? What are they so proud of?

   Rouge couldn’t listen anymore, and said to the two Fu Fu bodies, "Two young ladies, our lady is still waiting to read the girl, so let’s say goodbye."

   "Hold on." Lan Shuiyuan glared at Rouge, "I said you can go now? Rouge, you were disrespectful to me just now, do you want to expose it like this?"

   "Otherwise, what does the second sister want?" From a distance, a mocking voice suddenly sounded.

  Everyone turned their heads and looked, and saw Lan Shui leaning towards this side with strides. As he approached, he took a worried look at Nian Nian's body. After making sure that she was okay, he turned his head to look at the two Lan Shuiyuan.

   "Is the second and third sisters going out? It's just that the grandmother said that you were staying in the yard temporarily? The rumors outside here have not stopped, and the second and third sisters want to trouble Lan Mansion again?"


After Lan Shuiqing finished speaking, she turned her head and said to Niannian, "Niannian, please here." She didn't have time to talk nonsense with them, and her mother's face suddenly didn't look good, and she didn't know what was going on, she vomited. A bite of blood.

   Lan Shui was anxious in his heart, so he didn't care to offend the two of Lan Shuiyuan, so he turned around and left with Nian Nian and Rouge.

   Lan Shui Yuan was annoyed, and waved his hand to let the maid stop them to teach them a good lesson.

  Only when she moved her hand, she was held by Lan Shuitian, "Second Sister."

   "What are you holding me for?"

   "Second sister, if they want to leave, they just leave it to them. We stop them, it's just a fight of tongues, and it won't do anything for their kind of cheeky people."

  Lan Shuiyuan raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, "Sister Sister, do you have any ideas?"

   "Huh, isn't Lan Shuiqing wanting to make friends? I see if she has any friends after today. Sister, let's go, let's go to the kitchen."

  The two exchanged a trace of triumph in their eyes, and they murmured and left.

  Nian Nian Kan Lan Shui was anxious, and couldn't help asking, "Did Mrs. Lan spit out a mouthful of blood?"

  The blue water poured for a moment, "How do you know?"

  "This is normal, don't worry, it's bruising, it's good for her to vomit it out."

  After listening, Lan Shui let out a big sigh, and his footsteps started a lot slowly, "Nian Nian, I'm sorry, they didn't embarrass you just now, right?"

  Nian-nian shrugged, "They can't embarrass me."

  While talking, the two entered Mrs. Lan’s yard.

  Wu’s complexion has improved a bit, Nian Nian gave her the pulse, calmed down, and started the second acupuncture.

  Compared to the day before yesterday, Wu was particularly tired after the acupuncture and moxibustion, and soon passed away.

  Lan Shuiqing and Nian Nian exited the house, and after seeing how early it was, they thought of Nian Nian to eat. This time Nian Nian didn't refuse, and went to Lan Shuiqing's courtyard.

  Rouge was very happy, and immediately went to the kitchen to pick up the food container and put it on the table.

Unexpectedly, before the table and chopsticks were put on the table, Mom stepped over there running out of breath, and said anxiously, "Miss, miss, this time, something really happened this time. Princess Xiu from the Palace of Xiu is here, Say, say it’s here to propose a marriage."<

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