The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 2 Chapter 40: What if you get scared?

Propose marriage? ? ?

  The blue water was stunned. Princess Xiu came to propose marriage? Did Princess Xiu fall in love with Lan Shuiyuan and Lan Shuitian after we met the day before yesterday?

  She frowned, she shouldn't be able to.

Before she could speak, the rouge on the side was already anxiously turning around, "Proposing marriage, how come to propose marriage? Why would Princess Xiu look at the second lady and the others? Miss, what should I do now? If so, if the second or third lady marries After entering the Palace of Cultivation, can we still have a good life? I'm afraid, I'm afraid that even the lady will be..."

  At that time, Mrs. Jin must be trampled to death, and there is no chance of turning over.

   Lan Shui pursed her lips, suddenly raised her eyes to look at Nian-nian, "Princess Xiu...really here to propose a marriage?"

  Since Nian Nian was for Princess Xiu, since she was the pharmacist next to Princess Xiu, Nian Nian should be aware of such a big movement from Princess Xiu.

   "Hmm, Shui Qing, what do you think?" He asked, looking at her calm and not flustered eyes without a word.

  Lan Shui poured in, smiled swiftly, and whispered, "It feels impossible."


"Although I have never met Princess Xiu, I have also heard of her deeds. Although she has a strange temperament, she is a very smart person. If she comes to propose marriage to the royal son of the palace, she will definitely find a wife suitable for the son. As for Lan Shui Yuan and Lan Shui are sweet, they appear to be well-behaved on the surface, but as long as a smart person like Princess Xiu takes a few more glances, he will definitely see... that they are not suitable for the elder son."

  Yes, they are not suitable for studying in the palace.

   "Furthermore, if the princess is really interested in them, there will never be such rumors spread the day before yesterday."

  Strickenly, "How do you say this?"

"...The people who know that Lan Shuiyuan two are studying in the palace are only known to the people in the palace and the palace. Of course, some people who are interested will also find out. But those rumors are spreading too quickly, not someone deliberately spreading it, absolutely Not so. What's more, in this imperial capital, I don’t think anyone has dared to spread rumors about the palace, unless it is the palace itself. Although this rumor has some influence on the palace, it is not a big one. It's the Second Sister and Third Sister and the Lan Mansion. I guess... the rumors the day before yesterday are inextricably linked to the Palace of Xiu. How can the Palace of Xiu be interested in the Second Sister and Third Sister?"

  Nian Nian's expression became thoughtful, and for a long time, she nodded in agreement, "It makes sense. If that's the case, then just leave it alone and eat."

  Blue Shui nodded and let Rouge set the dishes.

  Rouge looked around, she couldn't understand the bunch of words the young lady had just said, and she was still anxious. But how could the young lady be so calm and not caring at all?

  She pouted, and wanted to say something more, but Lan Shui cast a glance over her, and she stopped immediately, and she could only start placing the dishes and chopsticks unwillingly.

  However, just as she casually opened the food box, the sound of ‘babble’ came from her ears. The next moment, a slender figure suddenly shot out towards the blue water.

   "Ah..." Rouge screamed, and the lid of the food box in his hand fell to the ground.

  Mom and Lan Shuiqin's eyes widened at the same time, before they had time to react.

Seeing that the figure was about to wrap around her neck, she thoughtfully stuck her hand out, pinched it by seven inches, neatly circled her arm twice, pinched its head, and stopped. .

   Rouge and Bu's mother's face was pale, and the blue water was still calm, but the pupils couldn't help shrinking twice, their hands were tightly squeezed, and their eyes were cold.

  Mom hurriedly walked to her side, looked up and down nervously for a while, "How is it? Have you been bitten?"

  Rouge was about to cry, "Miss, are you okay?"

   "Don't worry, I'm fine." Lan Shui shook his head, his emotions gradually stabilized.

  The three raised their heads to look at Niannian, and at the same time saw the slender...snake wrapped around her wrist.

  Rouge gave another scream, took two steps back abruptly, and looked at it in horror.

  Niannian tilted her head and glanced at the snake in her hand, and said softly, "Don't worry, this snake is not poisonous."

Mom Bu was a little bit more courageous, but she was still in shock. The next moment she cursed bitterly, "Is there any humanity who killed this god, and actually put a snake in the food box? Is this trying to kill the lady? Beast," brute."

  She was trembling with anger, and the rouge on the side nodded frequently and choked, "It must be the second and the third. How can their hearts be so vicious? Miss is their sister."

  The two of them cursed, they began to feel sad, but slowly began to cry.

   Lan Shui poured helplessly, "Well, doesn’t Nian Nian say that this snake is not poisonous? It seems that they don’t really want to harm me, they just want to scare me and Nian Nian."

   Rouge blurted out, "It's not good to be scared, what if Miss Yi and Miss Nian Nian are scared?"

   "..." The blue water was full of black lines, and it was them that frightened them.

She turned her head and glanced at Nian Nian, who could no longer be calm. Then she saw Nian Nian tear open a cloth bag on her body, rolled the snake into a ball, and stuffed it directly in, and then opened the bag. After receiving it, he sat down again as if nothing had happened.

  Lan Shui Qing several people were stunned when they saw it. She was already horrifying enough to catch snakes like that before, but now she still puts the snake in the bag and put it next to her?

Rouge looked at Nian Nian with a weird expression, swallowed, and asked, "Girl Nian Nian, what are you doing with your snake? Throw it away, I, I'll go outside to find Uncle Feng, let He killed the snake."

   "Huh? No, I'll go back and let the cook make snake soup." I haven't eaten it for a long time, I really miss the taste.

   "..." Lan Shuiqi, Mom Bu, Rouge said, how do you feel that Lan Shuiyuan and the others put this snake, but Nian Nian is the cheapest thing in the end?

   "Don't worry, I am very proficient in catching snakes and will not let it run out."

  "..." The point is not this girl.

   "It's just..." Nian Nian looked at the food in the food box with some embarrassment, and sighed, "I can't eat this anymore."

Lan Shuiqin also looked at the food box, wrinkled his brows, and then smiled, "It's okay, we have a small kitchen in the yard. I know how to cook a few dishes, but the level is average. If you don't mind, Nian Nian Don't try it? After eating, how about we go to see the show?"

   "Naturally." Nian-nian raised her eyebrows. Her brother is a foodie. If her sister-in-law can cook, that would be great.

   Lan Shui smiled and got up, closed the lid of the food container again, and handed it to Rouge, "You took this out for processing." <

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