The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 2 Chapter 41: The person I propose is Lan Shuiqin

  Rouge replied feebly, thinking of the snake just now, her body shuddered fiercely, but she still carried the food box and went out.

  The contents of this food box were made by the snake and she felt sick. Rouge's body trembled, so it's better to throw it away.

  Thinking, her footsteps involuntarily walked in the direction of the big kitchen.

  It’s just that I just walked to the door of the big kitchen, and I saw it was noisy, everyone was very busy.

Mother Song, who was next to the lady, was standing outside the door, shouting to the busy maidservant in the kitchen, "The movements are a little quicker. Today is the Princess Xiu. Although the princess has already eaten, she can have some snacks and tea. We can't be sloppy either. We are also a dignified minister's mansion anyway, so we won't lose face. Move fast and be careful."

The woman in charge of the kitchen walked up to her flatteringly and asked, "Mother Song, you said that Princess Xiu came, did you see the second and third girls of our family? We Lan Mansion and Xiu Mansion got married. People dare to look down upon us."

  Song's mother raised her eyebrows and glared at her, "Work hard, and ask for anything?"

However, although her mouth was reprimanding, the smile at the corners of her mouth could not be concealed. At last, she lowered her voice in a low voice, and said to the woman, "We don’t dare to talk about those who are married or not. The person who was waiting next to the princess told me in a low voice, that princess Xiu was indeed here to propose marriage this time."

   "Yeah, Mother Song and the people at the side of King Xiu's mansion are also in such a good relationship, then Mother Song will have to take care of us more."

   "You guys, if the errands are done well, there will be benefits."

  Rouge's mouth twitched when he listened in the corridor, and the corners of his mouth groaned.

  It’s amazing, what's so great about it? Mom Bu said that Princess Xiu came with a box of betrothal gifts. People with a discerning eye would know it.

  Tsk, and said that it was the person who was waiting next to Princess Xiu who told her. Didn't Mom still find out at that step?

   is really hypocritical and shameless.

The more Rouge thought about it, the more uneven it became, especially with the food container in her hand that was corrupted by the second and third young ladies. She wished to rush to Princess Xiu to complain and tell her that the second and third girls were malicious in their minds.

  She sighed as she thought, and as soon as she looked up, she saw Mother Song coming out of the kitchen.

  Rouge hurried to the side to hide, and waited until Mother Song left, she walked out slowly.

  It's just that the corners of her lips are pressed tightly, and she stands still and doesn't move.

  After a long while, he finally took a deep breath, tightened the food container in his hand, and quickly followed.

  Anyway, she should also inquire to see if Princess Xiu really values ​​the second girl and the third girl. If it is true, she has to go back and inform the lady so that she can be prepared.

  Rouge thought, her pace could not help but speed up a lot.

Many people have arrived at the Youran Courtyard where Mrs.    lives. Hou's not only the servants brought by Princess Xiu, but also the servants of Lan Mansion outside.

  Although Mrs. Tai gave an order to keep those servants from performing their duties, they are not allowed to squeeze into the Youran Courtyard to watch the excitement. There is no rule. But there were still some maids surreptitiously prying their heads outside.

  Rouge put the food box on the corner of the wall, and touched it into the wife's yard. She and Mom Bu often come here to inquire about news, and they also know where to hide is not easy to find.

   Therefore, she occupies a more favorable position than other maids who secretly watched the situation, and sneaked into the Youran courtyard quietly.

A second-class maid next to Youran Yard had sharp eyes when she saw Rouge and winked at her, then she took her into the side hall of the house quietly, and whispered to her, "I knew you would come to inquire about the news. , Just so, I can’t even bother to hand over messages to the eldest lady when I’m busy. You just hide here to listen, don’t run around, you know?

  This maid, the one who ran to Lan Shuiqin to inform the informant before, is also Lan Shuiqin's eyeliner.

  Rouge nodded and smiled at her, "I see, thank you Sister Caifeng."

   Caifeng warned again, and took a tray out of the side hall, and went to serve the two of Lan Shuiyuan and Lan Shuitian who had just entered the door with tea.

  Lan Shuiyuan two people are quite well-behaved at the moment. They have never calmed down since they knew that Princess Xiu had come to propose marriage. After dressing up in the room for a long time, Tingting came over curledly.

  At this moment, it was a peach-faced, shy and gentle expression.

  Yu Qingluo, who was sitting at the top, took a sip of tea, and looked at Lan Shuiyuan and Lan Shuitian nodded slightly.

When the lady saw her expression on her face, she became excited and hurriedly smiled, "The princess came here, really flattering the old man. Sister Yuan and Sister Sweet met the princess two days ago, and they were full of praise after they came back. I have never seen a princess like a fairy, full of admiration."

  Yu Qingluo sat in danger, smiled at the words, noble and glamorous.

  The corner of Hongye's mouth twitched. She wanted to come and see the girl from the Lan family tomorrow morning. Now she is pretending to be careless. Who will she show her?

   "Our princess also admires the two girls very much." Hong Ye returned.

Mrs.    was even more overjoyed when she heard it. Her eyes floated outside from time to time. In that courtyard, there was a betrothal gift from the Palace of Xiu.

  The full posture was like marrying the queen, her eyes were straight when she looked at it.

  Her old lady has lived for most of her life, and she has seen a lot of good things, and she has seen a lot of people in the world, but it is the first time she has seen such a large batch of betrothal gifts. These things are for Sister Yuan or Sweet Sister, they can be considered blessed.

  Thinking of this, Mrs. Tai's eyes almost narrowed with a smile.

   "That is the kindness of the princess, these two girls in our family, there are still many ignorant places, and the princess will rely on the princess to teach them more in the future."

Yu Qingluo finally put down the cup, laughed, and said to Mrs. Tai's eyes that were greedy but tried to hide, "Miss Lan Mansion, where is my turn to educate? I heard that, The three young ladies in the Blue Mansion are all well-knowingly advancing and observing the rules. They are very good. Oh, yes, two young ladies have come here. Isn't there another lady? How about her?"

Mrs.    was taken aback, Lan Shuiyuan and Lan Shuitian also frowned slightly, and Jin's eyebrows jumped even more.

  Good, why did Prince Xiu’s Mansion ask about that girl Lan Shuiqing?

   "Oh, the princess is talking about Shui Qi, that girl is a bit withdrawn, and she babbles all day long, fearing that she will run into the princess, she didn't let her out.

   "Well? What can I do? The person I came to propose today, but she." <

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