The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 2 Chapter 48: Yuqing left in anger

  Lan Shuiqin is like her, and she doesn’t know how to speak about it.

  The princess Xiu just said that he and the eldest son of the palace of Xiu were married. If she denies it, isn't she hitting the face of the princess Xiu?

  Don’t say that Princess Xiu said this to help them, even if she was just slanderous, she couldn’t beat her benefactor in the face.

   But if she admits that what Princess Xiu said is true, and she rejects the marriage, doesn’t it make people think that her mother is an unbelieving person?

  This is really...a dilemma.

  Blue water was also worried for a while, not knowing what to do.

  Yu Qingluo drank tea calmly, and glanced at the face of the person in this room from the corner of her eyes, and found it very interesting.

The red leaves beside    couldn't help rolling their eyes. The princess's evil taste has been like a day for decades. Suddenly, she felt a little sympathetic to the eldest girl of the Lan family. If she married into the Royal Palace of Xiu, she still didn't know how the princess was "torn".

After all, in the Royal Palace, whether it is South-South, Niannian or North-North, now that they are all grown up, the princess can no longer torture them like they did when they were young, so it is estimated that this evil taste will continue to Lan Shuiqing. Body, poor.

   "Hey..." Just when the hall was full of silence, I suddenly heard a low sigh coming from outside, followed closely, and walked into the silhouette of a curly Tingting.

  Everyone looked up and saw Nian-nian standing by the door, leaning on the door frame, watching the scene inside the door.

"Mother, how can this important marriage be settled as soon as it is settled? Although Shui Qing and eldest brother married by fingertips many years ago, we have always been open-minded in cultivating the palace. After so many years, the two of them don’t understand. Let the two parties meet and get to know it."

Yu Qingluo tilted her head, hand propped her head, raised her eyebrows and glanced at her with a smile, "Niannian, seeing my mother, the most important thing, shouldn’t I ask for peace?" ?"

   Nian Nian made a cold sound, walked a few steps inside, and looked at the faces of the people in the room.

  But found that after she finished the two sentences, the faces of everyone were very different.

  Blue Shui Qin's eyes brightened, and after hearing what he said, he found it feasible. She didn't know or met the elder son who repaired the palace, so she told the elder son clearly when she turned around. You can also persuade him to come and retire from this marriage, and it will have no major impact on the elder son of the palace.

  Lan Shi Lang and Mrs. Tai, at this moment, have confirmed the identity of Lan Shui Qing, and for a while, they didn't know what to do. For them, the misunderstanding of more than ten years is far more complicated than the proposal of Xiu Wangfu.

  Blue water edge, blue water sweet and Jin's, the eyes are brighter. Yes, more than ten years have passed, and that elder son might not look down on Lan Shuiqi at all. Whether they saw the previous one, there is still room for a change in this marriage. In short, they absolutely cannot allow Lan Shui to marry and study in the palace.

  Niannian gave everyone's expressions a full view, and the color of sarcasm in the corner of her eyes became more intense.

  She slowly walked to Yu Qingluo’s side, and when she heard what she said, she replied with no energy, “I’m in a bad mood today, so I won’t please my mother.”

   "In a bad mood?" Yu Qingluo looked at her with a smile, "Why is in a bad mood? You didn't say that Shui Qing is your friend. Why did you come to see her in a bad mood?"

"Originally it was good, but ah, someone stopped me early in the morning and said that I was so capable. I climbed the high branch of Princess Jinxiu, and I can eat it everywhere. If I say that since I am so fond of patrolling horses, why am I not in the county? Show me a lot in front of the Lord, maybe with my beauty, Princess Jinxiu will go to the emperor and say something nice and let me be a concubine in the palace?"

  Lan Shuiyuan and Lan Shuitian's face suddenly turned white, and they became anxious, and they didn't know how to put their hands and feet.

But Nian Nian laughed sweeter, and continued to say, "They also said that in my status, they probably haven't learned anything about etiquette, righteousness and shame at home. They are humble and humble. Maybe it's not easy to speak. Mother, let's Has no one in the house taught me courtesy, righteousness and shame, noble and humble? If this is heard by Madam Xiao, her old man must be working hard with others."

  Now, even Madam Tai's face changed. She didn't expect that the two Lan Shuiyuan would actually say such things, and even scolded them in the Palace of Xiu.

  Sure enough, Yu Qingluo’s expression changed on the spot, he slapped the table suddenly, and said angrily, “Who said that? How dare we build the palace in this way, don’t you want to live?”

Lan Shuiyuan Lan Shuitian couldn’t stand the pressure anymore, she knelt on the ground with a puff, and hurriedly knocked her head to beg for forgiveness, “The princess forgive me, yes, it’s our sister who offended the lord Niannian innocently. We deserve to die. I beg the princess for forgiveness. crime."

"You?" Yu Qingluo stood up directly, pointing at them with trembling fingers, "You are so courageous, how about I repair the royal family tutor, do you still have to say? What are you? I saw you before , Seeing that you have the rules, I didn’t expect it to be the same in front of me, but bullying my daughter behind the back, you are damned."

Mrs.    was terrified, and hurriedly followed to plead, "The princess will forgive me. The two of them don’t know the identity of the little princess, so they will utter rants. It is the fault of the old man. The old man must educate them well when he turns around.

   "Education?" Yu Qingluo sneered, "I don't dare to be it. Your Lan House tutor is so good, so do you need further education?"

  "The princess forgive the sin, the princess forgive the sin..."

"Hmph, I don't know Nian Nian's identity, can I even arrange her family with her? What did Nian Nian do to make you insult her like this? Actually, I'm so mad at me." Yu Qingluo said , Swept off the cup on the table.

   There was a bang of ‘Ping Pong Cang’, and the whole room was filled with Yu Qingluo’s anger.

Everyone was afraid to speak, but Yu Qingluo didn't think it was enough. He grabbed Nian Nian's hand and walked out the door, "Say our family Nian Nian does not understand etiquette and inferiority? Okay, okay, Instead, I’m going to ask our prince and the emperor, and I’m going to ask them to call the shots for Nian-Nian.

As    said, the two hurried out.

  Hong Ye had a black line on his face, but he followed out respectfully.

  The people in the room were all stupid, and then took a breath, and asked the prince and the emperor to call the shots? The two people with the most lofty status in Feng Cang did they offend them?

Mrs.    felt dizzy and almost fell to the ground.

  Lan Shilang hurriedly followed out, "The princess stayed, the princess stayed..."

   Ke Yuqing Luo Naken stopped, ordered Hongye to stop him, and went straight out of the Blue Mansion. <

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