The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 2 Chapter 49: Lan Shuiqin's identity is recognized

Mrs.    fainted on the spot, and Mother Song was in a hurry and called Lan Shilang, "Master, master..."

  Lan Shi Lang watched Yu Qingluo leave the Blue Mansion, Hongye and the servants of Yiganxiu Palace stood in front of him. Mrs. Tai fainted again, she could only grit her teeth and turned around to look at Mrs. Tai.

   Sister Song hurriedly shouted to Caixin outside, "Hurry up and see the doctor."

  All of a sudden, the room became a mess, weeping, screaming.

  Only the blue water poured, and she held Madam Lan to the corner calmly, being careful not to let anyone hit her.

  Wu is still a little worried, holding Lan Shuiqing’s hand and asking in a low voice, “Why is the princess making such a big fire? Does it matter?”

   "Mother." Lan Shui burst into laughter, "Don't worry, it's okay, Princess Xiu just borrowed the question to give Lan Shuiyuan a lesson."

  She smiled coldly, looking at the hustle and bustle, but she felt hearty and happy in her heart.

  Wu was relieved when he heard the words. She has always believed in Lan Shuiqin's words, and she always makes herself feel at ease when she speaks.

  However, she couldn't stop feeling excited when she thought that her benefactor would suddenly appear.

"It's a pity that Princess Xiu left like this. I didn't talk to her properly, nor did I ask her about the proposal today." Madam Lan sighed, suddenly turned her head and looked at Lan Shuiqin and asked her. "Yes, about your marriage... In fact, I have seen the prince who repaired the palace. The pendant on your body was left by him. At that time, he was still young, and he was already very good. Now that he has grown up, he must be a dragon among people. The princess repairers are also very good. My mother believes that even if you really marry, you will not be wronged. These years, you have been taking care of your mother. Endure it, my mother's only wish is to hope you have a good home."

   "Mother..." Lan Shuiqing interrupted her helplessly, "I'll talk about this later. Your body is not good, it's messy here, I will help you go back to rest first."

   Seeing that she was not very interested, Wu opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't speak any more and could only respond.

  It's just that they haven't reached the door yet, and the lady over there has woke up leisurely.

  She was a little dazed to listen to the people in the room, and saw Lan Shilang beside her, and hurriedly grabbed his hand and asked, "Princess Xiu...Is the princess Xiu gone?"

   "...go away." Lan Shi Lang's face was full of depression.

The wife stretched out her hand and hit him around, "You, why don't you stop? If Princess Xiu really goes to find the prince Xiu, find the emperor, is there any way for our Lan family to survive? Oh, my goodness, how could this happen? This kind of thing?"

"Mother, until now, we can only apologize to Princess Xiu." Jin clan waited on the side carefully, and said obediently, "Don't worry, your body is important. Master has been dedicated to Feng Cang country these years. Do your best. Both the emperor and the prince Xiu are sensible people and will not deal with the master just because of such trivial matters. Please relax and don't worry.

"You shut up." The lady turned her head suddenly, pointed at Jin and yelled, "What do you know? The emperor and the prince Xiu are reasonable people, who is the princess Xiu? The feelings of the prince Xiu to the princess Xiu The people of Feng Cang Nation could see, what did he refuse to do for the princess Xiu? What's more, what's more, what was insulting this time was the entire palace, their daughter, the emperor’s beloved cousin. It’s all you, They are all good daughters taught by you, who can cause troubles at home if they are not easy to offend. The Blue Mansion that you killed has fallen to the same level as it is today."

Lan Shuiyuan felt very uncomfortable when he heard it, and a few steps forward, he knelt before Mrs. Tai's collapse, crying and defending, "Grandma, it's nothing to do with us, it's clearly that Nian Nian deliberately didn't break his identity. If it is. She said early, why would we insult her? She set a trap for us to jump. Yes, it was her, she hooked up with Lan Shuiqing, and they were dealing with us, grandmother, all of this was Lan Shuiqing It was her who planned."

  Speaking, Lan Shuiyuan's fingers turned abruptly and pointed at Lan Shuiqin's body who was about to go out.

Lan Shuiqing and Wu's footsteps were just a meal, and they turned around coldly and looked at Lan Shuiyuan with a sneer, "Me? What am I planning? I plan to let you stop Nian Nian, and I plan to let you talk. Be madly disrespectful to her? Did I pry your mouth open for you to say those things? You will buckle the **** bowl on others, why don't you think of your own high temper?"

  Lan Shui Yuan was stunned, and then suddenly stood up, leaned towards Lan Shui and rushed over, "You wild species, you dare to talk back to me?"

   Seeing that she was about to pounce on Lan Shuiqin's body, the rouge-eyed and sharp hands on the side pushed Lan Shuiyuan aside.

  Watching her fall to the ground, Rouge was so excited.

  She wanted to do this a long time ago, but she never had a chance. Today is finally exhilarating, although in the final analysis it is the blessing of Nian Nian and Princess Xiu, but she is still very excited.

   "Enough!!" Lan Shilang yelled, glaring at Lan Shuiyuan, "She is your sister, who would allow you to call her like this? It's simply no education."

  Jin’s face turned pale, sister? My sister?

The three words    banged in her head like a drum, and the master actually admitted Lan Shuiqing's identity.

  Her efforts for so many years were destroyed overnight.

  Jin suddenly felt weak, and fell softly to the ground.

  The lady on the side was a little guilty, after all, she had been asking Lan Shui Qingye to plant it. But the next moment, the guilty conscience was replaced by anger, she pointed to Lan Shuiyuan Qi and said, "You stop me, do you dare to hit her? All this is your fault, no matter how big or small, I don't know what to say."

   followed closely, and pointed the finger at Jin again, "Look at the good daughter you taught. At this point, I don’t know if I repent, and I dare to push the responsibility on others. It's maddening me."

  Jin lowered his head, dare not say a word.

  Lan Shilang hurriedly stepped forward and stroked Mrs. Fu's back, and whispered, "Mother, don't be angry, my son will teach them well."

  "Don't worry about this for now, hurry up and prepare a generous gift to repair the palace. In any case, let Princess Xiu calm down. This matter must not be a big deal, otherwise our blue palace will really be over."

   "Yes." Lan Shilang nodded, knowing that the situation was urgent, and hurriedly instructed Grandma Song to take good care of Madam Tai, and he turned and left.

  However, when she walked in front of Mrs. Lan, her footsteps suddenly paused and she gave her a deep look. He opened his mouth and ran out without saying a word.

   Lan Shui smiled sarcastically, and walked outside with Wu's support.

  Who knows that the footsteps have just started, but the lady over there beckoned to her, "Shui Qi, come here." <

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