The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 2 Chapter 65: Everyone is thinking about spring

The maid pursed her lips and smiled, holding the water basin on the side, and leaning toward the blue water, said, "Lady Blue, let's keep guarding outside. If there is any order, or the elder son wakes up, just call the slave All right."

  Lan Shuiqing saw her hand being held by Nan Nan, feeling a little embarrassed and embarrassed, she lowered her head slightly and said, "Okay."

  The maid came over immediately, pulled Rouge's hand with one hand, and pulled out the door together, "Let’s go, let’s go outside and chat."

  Rouge thinks that the people in the palace are very problematic. Don’t they think that unmarried men and women will be very...very...very unruly to be alone in a room like this?

  Why are they all commonplace and unconcerned? And also give them space to be alone?

   Rouge was tangled up, but he still followed out obediently.

   Lan Shui's eyes fell on Nan Nan again, his warm palm on the back of his hand.

Looking at it at such a close distance, she discovered that his eyelashes are very long, his lips are slightly thin, and he is a little tight when he sleeps. His face is very delicate, yes, even a man, it can be described as delicate. Not an exaggeration at all.

  From the first time she saw him, she knew that he was very handsome and beautiful, and he was the best-looking of everyone she had ever seen.

  With this kind of identity, this kind of ability, this kind of appearance, in Lan Shuiqin's heart, he is almost perfect.

  Except... the faint bluish black under the eyes.

  She thought, he must not sleep well these days, he must be very busy. No wonder I haven't come to her for so many days.

  Well, she forgave him a little bit.

  Lan Shui tucked the corners of his lips, looking at his face, he felt inexplicably in a good mood.

  Looking at it, she herself couldn't stand the sleepiness a little bit. She lay on the bedside and fell asleep.

   Quietly in the room, at the moment of the Three Princes' Mansion, there was the joyous voice of the Three Queens. She looked at Ye Lanwei in front of her and asked a little excitedly, "You really promised to marry a wife?"

   "En." Nan Nan's heart was swaying, and he also felt a little lonely.

The corner of Jinxiu's mouth twitched. She happened to accompany her mother to see the Third Princess today, but she didn't expect to hear Ye Lanwei's compromising words.

  What happened recently? Everyone, can't wait to marry a wife and have children?

  But the three princesses almost asked the gods to worship the Buddha, and Ye Lanwei was not too young, she had already started to marry him. But he said that even the emperor didn't get married, so he didn't need to worry.

  In addition, he later joined the army and fought with those men all day. She was even more worried, because he was afraid that he would have any Longyang hobbies.

  Fortunately, he finally wants to drive now, God bless him.

Princess Wanyan laughed from the side and took the hand of the third princess and said, "Sansao, since Lan Wei has agreed to marry a wife, let's hold a banquet another day. The last banquet at Xiuwang's Mansion was none The fun is over. I really miss the way of eating and eating by myself. Otherwise, you will do it again. It just so happens that our family Jinxiu has reached age. This time I will show both Lanwei and Jinxiu. "

  "..." Princess Jinxiu looked at his mother in horror, and then turned angrily to look at Ye Lanwei who had caused the incident, and stared at him with anger.

  Ye Lanwei turned his head to look at the sky. It was none of his business. To blame, blame Nan Nan, who was suddenly about to marry. It was him.

  When Nan Nan woke up, the sky was already slightly dark. He turned his head and saw Lan Shui turning his back to him, talking to the person at the door.

Hearing the noise, she immediately turned her head, walked to the bedside in two steps, and exhaled in a low breath, "The doctor said it’s time to take the medicine. I just wanted to wake you up. You are now awake. Take medicine first."

  Speaking, put the tray in his hand on the low stool.

  Nan Nan turned her head, looked at the bowl of black medicine, and twisted her eyebrows.

  Dr. Zhang is retaliating against him, and he really gave him a bowl of medicine. Knowing that his injury is not serious, he has pills himself.

  This black bowl of medicine is very bitter at first glance.

Looking at the appearance of the blue water pouring, Nan Nan gritted his teeth, sat up from the bed with great difficulty, and drank all the medicine in silence.

  "You have a good rest. When the princess comes back, let the princess see your injury. I will go back first."

Nan Nan frowned, go back?

  But the sky outside had indeed dimmed, and he didn't keep her reason.

   pressed his lips, he was still very weak, opened his mouth, tilted his head slightly, and said angrily, "Then you will come back to see me tomorrow."

   Lan Shui poured in silence, Nan Nan suddenly coughed hard.

   "Okay, I'll come back tomorrow." Lan Shui sighed, then tucked the quilt for him, turned and left.

  On the way back, Rouge has always been hesitant to speak.

  She wanted to ask several times, what happened to Miss and Nan Shizi in the study? How could Nam Seiko get hurt?

  唔, I was injured well, does it mean that Nan Shizi is not in good health? Doesn't that young lady suffer a lot from marrying Nan Shizi?

  Rouge's mind was a little confused, and at this moment, Lan Shui said to the driver in a hurry, "Stop."

  Rouge was taken aback, "What's wrong with Miss?"

   "I'll look at the notice over there."

   Lan Shuiqing still remembered that on the way to repair the palace, the notice that Rouge said with the name of the old man of the Wu family made her very concerned.

  However, when the blue water poured onto the bulletin board, there was nothing on it.

  She frowned, feeling a little lost in an instant.

   Rouge hurriedly reassured, "Miss, if I didn’t read it wrong in the morning, then when the old man’s affairs become clear, there will definitely be news to Lan Mansion."

   "En." Lan Shui nodded, "Let's go, go back."

  The two got on the carriage again, and the carriage drove toward the Lan Mansion again.

  Just as soon as the two entered the mansion, they were called to the Youran Yard by Mrs. Tai.

Mrs.    is very concerned about her going to repair the palace today, although all the princesses and wives have come to the blue palace these days. In the final analysis, Lan Shilang still didn't see Princess Xiu, indicating that Princess Xiu still had concerns.

   Princess Xiu did not calm down, the marriage between Nan Shizi and Lan Shuiqing changed at any time, and it was a matter of one sentence to send them to hell.

  It’s just that Lan Shuiqing shook his head, with a look of exhaustion, "Princess Xiu is not here today, and I went into the palace. I haven’t seen anyone."

Mrs.   's expression collapsed, and then as if thinking of something, she asked, "Then you... have you seen the Nanshizi?"

  Speaking of Nan Nan, Lan Shuiqing's expression became a little complicated. Originally, he was very distressed because of his injury. Because of the problem of Madam, he immediately became unhappy when he thought of his deception.

  Her face deepened, and she whispered, "I have seen it. Grandma, I am a little tired and want to go back to rest first. Don't worry, I will go to repair the palace tomorrow."

When Mrs.    heard this, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief and asked Rouge to accompany her to rest.

  Just when Lan Shui poured back into the Shuixi Garden, Mother Hu came back again, looking at her with a dignified expression, "Miss, Madam, let you pass."<

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