Looking at the solemn expression, Lan Shuiqin's heart chuckles, and immediately becomes nervous, "What's wrong with my mother?"

   "Madam is looking for you for something." Madam Hu said, seeing that her eyes were wrong, she immediately added, "Don't worry, Madam's body is okay, it's about other things."

   Lan Shuiqian breathed a sigh of relief, patted his chest and said, "I'm going now."

  Grandma Hu nodded, watching her hurried footsteps, her expression was very complicated.

  Step-by-step Mom came to tell Madam those things, as Madam’s most trusted mother, she was also listening. It's just that the more I listened, the more I was frightened. If the young lady really fell in love with other men, then things would really be out of control.

  Grandma Hu became more worried when she thought of this, took a few steps quickly, and entered the Orchid Garden.

There are also two more maids in   Lanyuan, and they are also just sprinkling and sweeping outside.

  Wu was happy to be quiet, and she didn't want them to wait close to them, so Mother Song didn't force her to come, and came according to her request.

  At the moment, there are only Wu and Mom Bu in the house. Mother Hu did not walk into the house, but closed the door and guarded herself outside.

  Lan Shuiqian saw this, and it was even more strange. She sat on the edge of Wu's bed and asked lowly, "Mother, what happened? Is your body okay? Or is there anyone coming to trouble you today?"

  Wu shook his head repeatedly, grabbed her hands, his face was very anxious, but his tone was very cautious, "Shui Qing, you honestly say to your mother, are you deliberate?"

  The blue water poured for a moment, his body stiffened, "Mother, what are you talking about?"

"Don't lie to me." Wu Clan carefully observed the expression on her face and saw her very unnatural appearance. He held her hand tightly, "No wonder you are always absent-minded recently. These few days have been inexplicably irritable. Shui Qing, tell your mother honestly, okay?"

   Lan Shui sighed, then said helplessly, "Mother, don't think too much about things that are not there."

"Water pour!!" Wu Shi was annoyed, and threw her hand away, her eyebrows almost squeezed into a ball, "Mother is not an unreasonable person, and my mother will not stop you. It's just that you shouldn't have done it until now. Hidden from my mother, do you know how complicated the situation is now? Now that Princess Xiu has given the dowry, almost everyone in the imperial capital knows that you will marry Nan Shizi. But now..."

As she said, she couldn’t bear it, she grabbed her hand and whispered, “Shui Qing, Princess Xiu is our benefactor, we can’t deceive her, do you know? Besides, my mother doesn’t want you to marry someone you don’t like. People, although Nan Shizi is very good, but mother knows that you have suffered a lot over the years, mother still hopes that you can be happy, don’t be like mother...So, you don’t want to hide your mother anymore, no matter what happens, mother Can the two women face it together? As for Princess Xiu, mother will solve it."

   Lan Shui sighed, she didn't want her mother to know about these things, she understood how her mother would react when she knew it.

   Now that Yu Qingnan is the son of Nanshi, there is no need to say it.

  Unexpectedly, mother-in-law still knew, and seeing her worried look, I must not make it clear, she is uneasy, and can't recover from her illness.

   "Mother, I... did meet a man."

   Although Wu's mentally prepared, he could get a definite answer, and his face turned pale after a brush.

   Mom and Rouge on the side also changed their faces, looked at each other, and bit their lower lip tightly.

  Lan Shui poured on, and the corners of his mouth twitched, and hurriedly explained, "But don't worry, mother, the person I met is the eldest son of the Royal Palace.

   "...what did you say?" Wu's reaction was a little overwhelming.

Lan Shuiqing sighed again, "I also found out when I went to Wang Xiu's Mansion to meet him today. He had rescued me before, and then met several times, but he has never said his identity. Nowadays, he has rescued me. Come to think of it, all kinds of things that happened recently may be related to him. Mother said that the little pendant on my body was given to me back then. Later when he saw the pendant, the expression on his face was also very strange. I Thinking, he probably recognized that I was the child back then. That's why he asked Concubine Xiu to come over in person and return my mother and me to our innocence."

   "Really?" Wu's eyes were happy, and he asked eagerly, "So, you, the person you like, is the eldest son of the Royal Palace?"

   "...Well." Lan Shui tilted his head, admitting this kind of thing, in fact, it really takes courage.

  Mom and Rouge were equally happy, and the hearts of the two of them holding them for a few days finally let go. Rouge finally understood why Nan Shizi and the young lady didn't let go of each other's hands as soon as they met.

   Wu Shi laughed, "Then, what about him? Does he like you?"

  Blue Shui pours and twitches the corners of his mouth. Shouldn’t you ask him about this?

  It can be seen that Wu is even more nervous than her. He can only say vaguely, "I think it should be."

  The friendship he has for her, she thinks, can be felt.

The Wu smiled happily. While patted Lan Shui's hand, he cried with joy and silently shed tears, "It's really God's will, God's will. Nan Shizi also said that he would marry you as his wife. I didn’t expect that he would really say that the fate of the two of you was really destined from the moment you were born."

   Lan Shuiqing took the kerchief and wiped her tears, "Okay, mother, now you can rest assured, can't you? He is very good, really."

   "I'm not married yet, but I will speak for him." Wu finally stopped tearing and couldn't help making fun of her.

  "..." Isn't it to reassure her.

   "It's getting late, you go back to rest too. Mother is tired too, so I won't hold you nagging." Wu Shi put down a big stone in his heart, and he really felt tired.

  After inquiring about Bu's mother, she couldn't even sleep for a nap, so she couldn't think about it.

  Now I feel very tired and I just want to sleep.

   Lan Shui nodded and covered her with a quilt before turning around and leaving Lan Yuan.

  Returning to Shuixi Garden, she squinted at Mommy Step.

  Mom's mood shook, and she knelt down immediately, "Miss, it's me who talks a lot."

"...You get up." Faced with the nurse who was thinking about her, Lan Shuiqing didn't have a training exit. He reached out to support her, and then took a look at Rouge and said, "I know you two these days Something is wrong."

  It’s just that she is also very upset these days, so she doesn’t care about them.

   "But next time you have this kind of suspicion, come and ask me first, not to go to my mother. She is not in good health, so she can't work too hard."

   "Yes, miss."

   Lan Shuiqin turned around to wash, mother Bu and Rouge breathed a sigh of relief, smiled at each other again, and relaxed.

   "Miss, are you still going to repair the palace tomorrow?" Mom Bu asked.

   "En." Lan Shuiqin gritted his teeth a bit when he thought of the person who had suffered internal injuries, but in the end he didn't say much, and went to sleep after he packed up.

  The next morning, when she got up again, Mom Bu was ready for breakfast.

  Pour the blue water to wash and get out of the house, but suddenly frown, always feel that Shui Xiyuan suddenly feels an inexplicable sense of oppression...<

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