The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 2 Chapter 75: Are helping Lan Shuiqi

  He poured the blue water back to Shuixi Garden, but did not leave.

   Lan Shuiqing couldn't sleep tonight, and his mood was a little ups and downs, but it was because of his temperament.

  She ran to the table and began to practice calligraphy. Now her daily expenses have been paid according to Miss Lan Fudi. There is no shortage of pen, ink, paper and ink.

  Lan Shuiqing didn't sleep all night. She was waiting. After Mrs. Tomorrow wakes up, she will see what will happen to Kings and Kings.

  It’s just that she is not the only one who hasn’t slept all night.

Although Aunt Luo and Aunt Qi were also lying on the bed, they kept their eyes open and looked at the dark night without moving.

  The corners of their mouths were obviously filled with excitement and excitement. If it weren't for someone arranged by King in their yard, they would have already got up and sat in the house waiting for news.

  Jin's brothers and sisters are even more anxious, and their minds are running fast.

  Today’s matter cannot be avoided in any way.

  But if they want to catch them just like this, it will definitely not be possible. Must find a way, the two sisters can not be planted on this matter.

  The two looked at each other, yes, they must not be planted on this matter. Otherwise, with Wu's and Lan Shui's current status, I am afraid that they will be able to step on their feet immediately, and they won't be able to turn over.

   By the way, the blue water pours.

  Little Jin's eyes lit up when he thought of Lan Shuiqin, "Sister, let’s push this to Lan Shuiqin’s head. Anyway, it’s the same as usual. It will definitely make Mrs...."

  Before she finished her words, Da Jin raised her hand to stop her from speaking.

She glanced at Xiao Jin and said in a low voice, "It used to be before. Now whether it is the wife or the master, they have already admitted Lan Shuiqing's identity, and besides, she is backed by the Palace of Xiu, I am afraid it will not be so easy to move. ."

"Prince Xiu?" Xiao Jin snorted coldly. "Didn't Shuiyuan Shuitian mean that Lan Shuiqin has other people in mind? Then how could Prince Xiu's Mansion endure this kind of thing? When this matter is exposed, I am afraid she will be the first to succeed. People who want to clean up in the Palace of Xiu. Oh, yes, just take advantage of this time to make a big deal and poke out the blue water pour out. When the time comes, our little things, the master will not care at all. Come on. And that old lady, it's better to take this opportunity to die of anger."

  Da Jin’s eyes brightened, but soon dimmed again. Although she really wanted to prevent Lan Shuiqi from having a good life, she also wanted Mrs. Lan's wife to eat and drive to the west. She wished that these two people she hated the most would be cleaned up in one go. From then on, the whole Lanshui The government is the one who has the final say.

  But not.

  There is no evidence yet, and both Lan Shuiyuan and Lan Shuitian are just speculations.

  Since you have to deal with blue water, you have to hit it with one hit. Otherwise, with her cunning and eloquent ability, the Royal Palace Xiu would be more willing to believe her and stand on her side. And even if they had doubts in their hearts, they would turn the matter into a trivial matter because of the face of the palace, and they would suffer in the end instead.

  To deal with her, it is necessary to be in front of everyone, not to give Lan Shui a chance to quibble, and not to give Prince Xiu a chance to calm down.

  Now...The time has not yet arrived.

  Xiao Jin's eyebrows tightened when she heard her say this. That makes sense, but...

  "What should we do? Don't we just sit and wait like this?"

Da Jin’s face was pale, and after hesitating for a long time, he said slowly, “In any case, the most urgent task now is to send a letter to Shuiyuan and the others. Anyway, they are the ladies of the Blue House, and Mrs. Tai always loves them. , Their words are still useful."

  Little Jin nodded, "It can only be so."

  Speaking, she gathered the clothes on her body, got up and walked to the door.

  There are a few people left behind by the Lan Shilang. At this moment, they are standing outside the door with strict expressions, and the door lock has been locked.

  Little Jin’s demon leaning against the door, the dim light hit her, and the shadow reflected on the door frame, especially conspicuous and exquisite.

   "...I have a hairpin here, do any of you want it?"

  As soon as she uttered her voice, the two young men guarding the door were taken aback and looked at each other.

   "Auntie Jin, what's the matter with you?" The little boy on the left immediately burst into laughter, bent slightly, and asked the shadow reflected on the door frame.

  "Bring a message to the second and third girls for us, saying that the master may have to divorce us, while the mother and daughter are still here, will the mother and daughter meet and say a few words, will it be successful?"

  Little Jin has always been gentle and gentle, but now he has deliberately brought a bit of softness, and his voice is particularly pleasing to the ear.

  The young man outside the door shook her body, "Don't think too much about Auntie Jin, the master has always been kind to the second lady and aunt."

Little Jin frowned, a little impatient, but he still spoke very softly, "Then you bring a message to the second girl and the others, and this hairpin will be for you. When I look back when my sister and I come out, I will remember your kindness. Support you."

  The two young men looked at each other quickly, then squinted and nodded, "The little one understands, the little one will go now."

  Little Jin smiled satisfied, and then handed the hairpin through the crack of the door.

  The young man waved his hand and said, “How dare the young man take the aunt’s things? Don’t worry, the young one will do it properly. Don’t forget that the young one will be the one when you look back.”

  Little Jin likes his knowledge of current affairs, so he took the hairpin back easily. This hairpin was expensive, and she was reluctant to give it.

   Soon, the little girl ran out stubbornly.

  It’s just that when he ran to the fork, he turned to the right to the tip of his toes that was supposed to be left, and rushed to a small courtyard.

   knocked on the door, and soon there was the sound of footsteps, and then the calm face of Liu Guanjia was revealed.

   "Housekeeper Liu, Auntie Jin asked me to disclose tonight's affairs to Miss 2 and Miss 3."

Butler Liu narrowed his eyes and sneered, "Miss No. 2 and Miss No. 3 have stopped, and the maids in their yard will not let you in without reason. But the master gave a dead order, and things tonight are not allowed to be passed on. , So you can’t explain the cause and effect to the maid blocking the way. Aunt Jin’s words will not reach the second lady and the others for a while, do you understand?"

  The little girl laughed, "The little one understands, the little one will go to the second lady's yard to go around."

   "En." Steward Liu waved his hand, and the young man immediately ran away.

  Butler Liu stood silently outside the door for a moment, and finally pursed his lips. Miss, I can help you, that’s all.

   Shaking his head, he returned to the house.

  As time passed bit by bit, the sky outside gradually brightened.

  Lan Shilang stayed up all night, and the unconscious wife guarded her with regret.

  The big and small Jins looked forward to the whole night, but did not look forward to the young man and two daughters who came out.

  However, although Lan Shilang gave an order not to allow people to tell the story of last night, this person is so messy, how can he hide it?

  After daybreak, these words still reached the ears of the two Lan Shuiyuan.

  The chaizi in Lan Shuiyuan's hand fell to the ground on the spot, staring at the maid who was kneeling on the ground in shock.

  However, the bad thing is more than this. The maid shook her body and continued, “And the people from the rivers and lakes who the uncle master asked to monitor the eldest lady, all... are solved.

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