Lan Shuiyuan fell to the ground, trembling all over.

  Lan Shuitian probably also got the news. At this moment, she hurried in, and she saw her who was unsettled at a glance.

  She hurriedly helped Lan Shuiyuan, and whispered, “Second sister, second sister, cheer up a little bit, now is not the time to lose. I heard that the lady was so angry that she vomited blood, and she might be divorced.”

Lan Shuiyuan suddenly recovered, and hurriedly grabbed Lan Shuitian's hand, "Yes, right, it's not the time to be sad. Let's go to Daddy now. Daddy has good feelings for his mother, so I won't be willing to let it go. ."

  "Well, I have already sent someone to find my uncle. In short, it is important to save my mother first."

  Speaking of uncle, Lan Shuiyuan's eyebrows twisted again.

  Damn, how could those in the rivers and lakes be so useless? Can't even monitor blue water.

  No, those people are definitely not settled by the blue water. That being the case, then...

   Lan Shuiyuan’s pupils suddenly brightened, yes, it must be the person who clashed with her. With that said, Lan Shuiqing had indeed taught and accepted other men privately.

   "What are you thinking about?" Lan Shuitian gave her a push, "Hurry up and pack it up, let's go and greet Mrs. wife now."


  The two took care of themselves quickly, and hurried to the Youran Courtyard with the maid beside them.

  Who knows, just walked to the door of Youran Yard, and happened to encounter the same hurried Lan Shuiqi.

  When the three met, their expressions changed.

   Lan Shuiyuan snorted coldly, and pulled Lan Shuitian into the house first.

   Rouge stood behind Lan Shuiqin, squinting her nose with slanted eyes, "Second Madam and Auntie Jin did such a thing, the second and third girls are so arrogant, don't they feel ashamed?"

  Rouge also learned of the news in the morning. I didn’t know how excited I was when I heard it, so I told Lan Shuiqin aside.

  Lan Shuiqi knew it from the beginning, but he didn't tell Rouge everything. There was a dark shadow under her eye sockets. She hadn't slept until dawn and Nan Nan, who had been staying in the room with him, couldn't bear it. He directly tapped her acupuncture points and took her to bed to sleep.

  Although she doesn't sleep much, she is in good spirits.

   After letting Rouge cover the dark shadows under her eyes, she calculated the time and then came to Youran Yard.

  At this moment, Rouge was indignant, and she didn’t care, she smiled and said, "Go, let's go in."

After    said, he raised his foot and stepped in. Rouge lowered his head and hurriedly followed.

Mrs.   's house has already surrounded a lot of people at this moment. The Lan Shuiyuan sister, who came first, knelt on the edge of the bed at this moment, wiping tears silently, and apologized in a low voice.

  Lan Shi Lang didn't sleep all night, and the whole person looked confused and embarrassed.

  He sat on the chair beside him, rubbing his eyebrows, and ignored the two sisters Lan Shuiyuan.

Mrs.    is still asleep, and a doctor is talking to Mother Song. There is probably no life worry, but it must be well cultivated and not stimulated, otherwise it will be easy to stroke.

  Grandma Song answered while wiping her tears. She also stayed up all night and waited on her side. Now she looks very tired.

  Cai Xin was more energetic, and her eyes were bright. Although she was waiting aside, her eyes couldn't stop looking at Lan Shi Lang's side.

Caifeng was also in the room, standing in an inconspicuous corner with his head slightly lowered, but he quickly raised his eyes and glanced at her when the blue water poured in.

  Lan Shui looked around for a while, and quickly closed his eyes back, walked in front of Lan Shi Lang, and slowly bowed.

   Lan Shi Lang was taken aback for a moment, saw that it was her, waved his hand slightly, and said dejectedly, "Why are you here?"

   "Daughter heard that her grandmother was embracing her body and was anxious, so she came and took a look."

   Lan Shi Lang raised his eyes and looked at her again, and found that her hair was still a bit messy, as if he rushed over when he heard the news, and he looked very concerned. There was some comfort in his heart, and the expression on his face softened a bit, "You have a heart."

  Compared with her, as soon as she walked in, she cried out that her mother was an innocent Lan Shuiyuan sister. Suddenly, she felt, why is it so disgusting?

  Lan Shilang frowned, stared fiercely at the two people who were kneeling on the ground, Lan Shuiyuan, and sneered.

  Large and small Jin’s are innocent and not innocent, is he still unclear? Need the two of them who have never seen anything to intercede?

  The two people clearly seduce him. Last night, he was so obsessed with his mind that he would do that kind of thing with them in the Buddhist hall.

  He is now full of regrets, especially when he sees the wife on the bed, he can't wait for time to go back. He doesn't want to step into the Buddhist hall for half a step.

"How's grandma? Does it matter?" Lan Shui's low voice pulled back Lan Shilang's thoughts, "Grandma's body has always been tough, so why did she suddenly become ill? I looked at her grandmother's face very badly. Pale, does it really matter? Otherwise, my daughter will go to Xiu Palace with a cheeky, look for...Princess Niannian, come over and show her grandmother?"

  Her words made Lan Shilang even more ashamed to die.

  His mother’s illness was caused by himself and Jin’s alive anger. Where does he have the face to say?

   even more shameless to ask the little princess to come to see Mrs. Tai, if this happened, what would the Lord Xiu think of him?

   "Your grandmother is okay, it's just that when you get older, some things will always be powerless. You, you don't have to worry about it..." Lan Shi Lang waved his hand, not wanting to say more.

  The blue water pours to the point, and then I walked to the edge of the bed and took the kerchief from the maid’s hand and wiped the lady's face.

  Lan Shuiyuan gritted their teeth, they were dying of resentment in their hearts. They cried here for a long time, Lan Shilang didn't even care about them, Lan Shuiqin, this bitch, turned his father's attention on her as soon as he entered the door.

   The two looked at each other and frowned. It seems that crying can no longer make Lan Shilang's heart softer, so he has to change his strategy.

  The two of them pondered for a while, and just as they were about to talk, there was a voice from outside, "Master, eldest lady, Aunt Luo and Aunt Qi are here."

  Lan Shi Lang was taken aback, before he could react, he heard Lan Shuiqi's voice, "Mother is still ill, why didn't she come over without a good rest?"

   Her voice fell, and Wu had already walked in with the help of Mother Hu.

   Lan Shi Lang immediately stood up and looked at her, "Why are you here?"

"I heard that Mrs. Tai is ill, and I am thinking about it. How can I be indifferent but come and have a look?" Wu Shi walked to Mrs. Tai's side and frowned. "Why is Mrs. Tai's face so pale? Doctor, Tai Does it matter ma'am?"

   "Madam, don’t worry, as long as the wife is not stimulated, there will be no life worry."

As    was talking, a low groan suddenly came from the bed, and Wu said hurriedly, "Madam Tai is awake."<

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