The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 2 Chapter 77: King's punishment

   Lan Shi Lang stepped forward, and he was going to push Wu Shi away, but the next moment, after a pause, he moved to the side and sat on the side of the bed without hitting her.

Mrs.    gave a light cough and slowly opened her eyes.

  At a glance, he saw Lan Shuiqin sitting next to him, the Wu family and the three Lan Shilang.

  She stunned, her eyes were a little confused, and she slowly gathered back.

  Just before she could speak, Lan Shuiyuan and Lan Shuitian had ran to the edge of the bed and knelt down, "Grandma, are you better?" They pushed Wu away.

  Fortunately, Rouge and Madam Hu have been standing behind them, and they can see Wu's support with their eyes and hands.

  This is such a big movement, Lan Shi Lang and Mrs. Tai naturally noticed it.

  Lan Shilang's face changed suddenly, he didn't even push Wu, and the two juniors even dared to treat his aunt in front of him.

  No one is pretending to be, almost no one is pretending to be.

  He suddenly thought of what Jin said last night, what Mrs. Tai would not find out when she slept, and it didn’t matter what was in the Buddhist hall, as long as it was cleaned up, no one in this house could control them and they would do whatever they wanted.

   Lan Shi Lang took a sigh of relief, aren’t these words defiant? No wonder the two of Shuiyuan Shuitian have such temperaments, it is clear that they were taught by their mothers.

  When he thought of this, he turned his head and stared at them fiercely, "Who asked you to push people?"

As soon as Mrs. Tai saw the two of Lan Shuiyuan, the pictures from last night burst into her mind. She felt angina and her whole body was cold, and she pointed at the two Lan Shuiyuan with trembling fingers. He turned his head and said weakly, "Let them roll, I don't want to see them, so that they don't appear in front of me again."

Lan Shuiyuan's face changed, tears fell down, "Grandma, grandmother, don't drive us away. Grandma, do you really do not love Shuiyuan? We are your granddaughter, if you don't even love us , What should we do? A few days ago, we had just been slapped, and grandma has the heart not to let us anymore."

Mrs.    was taken aback, she frowned and hesitated.

   After all, the person who made the mistake is the Jin family. What does it have to do with Shuiyuan?

   Lan Shuiqing sneered, she knew that Mrs. Tai was of this temperament. She really deserves to be so angry.

Aunt Qi winked at the aunt, and Aunt Qi slowly stepped forward, her voice was small, thin, and her big eyes blinked and flicked, and she was very affectionate, "Mrs. The third lady just got slapped, it was just when you were sad, you, don’t be angry with them, take good care of your body. Concubine body, concubine body and Aunt Luo have heard that Mrs. Tai is ill, both Very worried. Mrs. Tai is the backbone of the Blue Mansion, so there must be nothing wrong."

  Aunt Qi actually didn't understand why Lan Shuiqing had to say this by herself. She clearly begged the second and third youngest.

  But what Aunt Qi didn't know was that as long as she opened her mouth, she would attract the attention of Lan Shi Lang and Madam Tai.

  You must know that last night, when Kim hooked up with Lan Shi Lang, he did not mention the name of Aunt Qi.

Sure enough, as soon as the wife saw Aunt Qi, those ***s came into her mind again, she raised her hand, slapped her at the blue servant next to her, "I divorced the two women, now I divorced them. "

   Lan Shi Lang was beaten up, everyone else in the room was dumbfounded, and the servant maid knelt on the ground.

  Fortunately, the doctor had already gone out, but I didn't hear such words.

"You rebellious son, Jin was punished by me to kneel in the Buddhist hall. When the time limit is not expired, you go to the Buddhist hall and do something like that with them. Those two are not things, are you not? Except for them, you have nothing else. Can my yard be closed? Aunt Luo and Aunt Qi are all self-sacrificing people, so you just want to go through those evil ways. That is my temple. Have you put me in your eyes?"

  Lan Shilang dare not say a word when he was scolded, his lips pressed and his head hung down.

Madam Tai's chest was ups and downs, and the breath that had always been in her heart had not subsided. Her fingers pointed straight at the Lan Shi Lang and asked, "You said, is it your idea? You are ridiculous in your yard on weekdays. Regardless of you, you actually sent your idea to the Buddha Hall. Do you want our Blue Mansion not to be blessed by the Buddha, and our family is destroyed?

Lan Shilang turned pale and hurriedly defended, "Mother, I don't have any. My son just thinks they are pitiful, so he goes to the Buddhist hall to chat with them. They have been dragging their son to play chess, and his son thinks that playing chess can also make people feel peaceful. However, the son didn't expect that at the end of the Xu era, they suddenly took his son...not let him go."

  After he finished speaking, he suddenly realized that there were three unmarried daughters in the house, and his face suddenly rose even more ugly.

After listening to Mrs.   , she suddenly sneered, "At the end of the day? Ha, they know very well the time I usually rest. I am still alive and they are lawless. If I return to heaven in the future, what will this Blue Mansion look like?"

  "Grandma, don't say that, you will be healthy. How can the Lan Mansion be without you? Don't think about it." Lan Shui poured his mouth in a timely manner, and said in anxious persuasion.

Mrs.    was taken aback, turned her head and looked at her steadily. Suddenly she felt her nose sore, and she grabbed Lan Shuiqi's hand, but she couldn't say a word.

  A moment later, she suddenly turned her head, and spoke to the blue officer categorically, "Did you hear what I said just now?"

  "...Mother, I know what you mean, but, you can’t show off your family ugliness, you will inevitably make a big deal out of the Jin family. Then the son's official position will be..."

Mrs.    was so angry that she pushed him away, "Then what do you say? Huh?"

  "...The Da Jinshi was demoted to concubine and found a remote yard for the two sisters, so that they could eat and pray for the Buddha, what do you think?"

   "Heh, what's the use of eating fast and reciting the Buddha? If you go to them then, I am afraid the Buddha will be even more angry.

   "Mother rest assured that my son will never see them again."

Mrs.    squinted her eyes, stared at him for a long time, and sneered, "You better remember what you said today, otherwise you just let me die."

  Lan Shi Lang was shocked, and quickly calmed down, "Mother, don't talk nonsense."

Lan Shuiyuan and Lan Shuitian beside    were shocked and looked at their father and grandmother in disbelief.

After a long while, they digested what the two of them were talking about, and yelled on the spot, "No, no, grandmother, grandmother, please spare my mother, they must be designed, yes, they must be blue. It must be the ghost of the water."

Mrs.    was tired, waved her hand in disgust, and said to Mother Song, "Take the two of them back to your yard. Without my permission, you are not allowed to step out of the room."

   "Yes." Mother Song quickly found two ruthless wives to come over, pulled the two of them and left.

  The calls of the two Lan Shuiyuan gradually faded away, and Lan Shi Lang was also exhausted.

  However, at this moment, Butler Liu suddenly came over and whispered, "Master, Master Uncle is here."<

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