Nan Nan was taken aback, and then suddenly.

  No wonder this face is so familiar. At the beginning, Ye Lanwei gave him a portrait of Wu Changkong. The person on it was really very similar to Wu Linfeng in front of him.

   "..." Wu Linfeng was seen by him as irritating, and took two steps back, "What, what's wrong? Is there any problem?"

   "In that case, let me follow." Although he and Wu Changkong are indeed very similar, who knows if it is true? Always investigate clearly.

  Wu Linfeng frowned, looking a little unhappy, "Don't you believe me?"

   "En." Nan Nan responded bluntly.

   "..." Wu Linfeng gritted his teeth. This son of the world is too hateful. I hate him for being a step too late in the emperor, otherwise he will definitely prevent this marriage.

  However, although he felt hatred for Nan Nan in his heart, he could see the figure of him turning away with his hands on his back.

  He felt that there was an inexplicable aura, which made him...only obediently obedient.

  He really followed Nan Nan to walk forward. Not long after, two figures above the Blue Mansion were walking towards the Three Kings Mansion one after the other.

  Ye Lanwei was still in the study, Wu Changkong had better news. He was verifying that the door of the study was opened.

Hearing the familiar sound of footsteps, he closed his eyes fiercely, shook his fist, and said angrily, "Ye Qingnan, this is my study room. Can you knock on me before entering the door next time? Respect... uh, who is he... wrong."

  Ye Lan awe-inspiringly picked up a portrait beside the table. The next moment, her pupils suddenly enlarged, her eyes rounded, she stared at Wu Linfeng closely, her lips slightly opened, "Wu Changkong?"

   "It's my father." Wu Linfeng took the second half very seriously.

The corner of Nan Nan's mouth twitched, and he found a chair to sit down on his own. Then he looked at Wu Linfeng opposite and said, "Where is your father?"

  "In the Mongolian people."

   "..." Ye Lanwei turned her head in surprise to look at Nan Nan, the surprise on Nan Nan's face also flashed past.

  Wu Linfeng was very conscious, and went on to say, “The Mongolian people are not restricted by the Four Kingdoms. Soon after my father left Fengcang Country, he met a friend. He was from the Mongolian nationality. So he took me to the Mongolian nationality and stayed anonymous for many years."

   He said, slanting his eyes to look at Nan Nan, "But speaking of it, Shi Ziye is a very famous person in the Mongolian nationality. I have heard a lot about Shi Ziye, and I have almost heard it from childhood."

  So this time when I came back, I heard that Lan Shui was talking to Lan Shui's eldest son, he was still very happy. After all, he was very curious about the mysterious martial arts genius in the eyes of everyone.

   Therefore, after hearing Lan Shuiyuan say that Lan Shuiqing had an affair with other men, he decisively took over the deal, and he wanted to see who was so short-sighted and even robbed the elder son of the Xiu Palace. Because of this, before he knew Nan Nan's identity, he had already preconceived and started to maintain the elder son of the palace.

   "So you want to say that you adore me? Well, I allow it." Nan Nan gave you a casual expression.

  Wu Linfeng almost vomited a mouthful of blood, although...well, it was true that this person was the kind of...the object of his own worship in his heart before.

   But now he feels that this is a barbarian, he had missed it before.

  "Since you have returned, why not go to Mrs. Lan?"

Wu Linfeng frowned, and became entangled and embarrassed, "This, I mainly haven't figured out how to appear in front of my aunt. Moreover, now my cousin has booked a relationship with you, if I rashly go to Lan Mansion. , I’m afraid Lan Shilang will think that I took the opportunity to I’m still considering the right opportunity."

  Nan Nan squinted his eyes, and touched his chin with his fingers slightly, "It's hard to convince me for your reason, and I still can't fully believe you."

   "Then what do you say?"

  "Answer me some questions."

"go ahead."

  "..." Ye Lanwei watched you come and I talked and communicated very smoothly, and the two people who had completely ignored his existence, felt like a thousand horses galloping past.

  So, Nan Nan brought people to the Three Kings' Mansion, to his study, and what was it for him?

   Isn’t it for him to confirm the authenticity of this person’s identity? Since Nan Nan can handle it by himself, why should he bring people to his study? Is it fun?

  Ye Lan looked at the two chatting with resentful eyes, opened her mouth several times, and finally sat angrily behind the desk to read.

   Later, he seemed to fall asleep unconsciously.

   Then...When Ye Lanwei woke up, Nan Nan and Wu Linfeng were no longer in the study.

  He is dying of resentment, he will definitely not help him next time, he will definitely not help.

  Ye Lanwei angrily fell the portrait on the table, and she was not relieved, and tore it to pieces with a few sighs. Then he let out a big breath and walked out of the study.

The sun was already shining outside, and the maid next to the three princesses hurried over, bowed to him, and said softly, "My son, the date of the princess's banquet has been set, and just five days later, the princess asks if he has any Friends who want to invite."

Ye Lanwei's eyebrows jumped, and she waved her hand. "There are indeed a few friends who want to invite. Then I will do it by myself. You can reply to my mother. On the day of the banquet, we will send a group of people to stand at the gate of the house. The first son of the palace comes in."

  He wants to retaliate against him every time he comes uninvited.

   "..." The maid was startled, and before he could react, Ye Lanwei had already left.

  At the same time, someone who had been turned away by him five days later was standing at the door of the Blue Mansion in a well-dressed manner, looking up at the plaque on the top of his head.

  Butler Liu greeted him hurriedly, bowed and bowed to salute, "The little one does not know that the son of the world is coming, and if there is a loss, he hopes that the son of the world will forgive him."

   "No need to be polite, I also came suddenly."

   "The sun outside is big, please come from inside." Steward Liu wiped his sweat, but didn't dare to lift his head. He already turned sideways to make way. "Master is not in the house today, so please don't take offense."

   "Well, I know. I came here today, and I am here to visit Mrs. Lan and Mrs. Lan." As he said, he already strode in.

  Butler Liu immediately went to inform Mrs. Tai.

Mrs.    still has a very poor body and bones. After all, it is a person who has vomited blood. It will happen for a while, and she is really out of energy.

  However, I heard that the son of Emperor Xiu's Mansion was here, and he still insisted on asking Mother Song to give her a slap in the face, trying to look better, so she got up and greeted her.

  Nan Nan really didn't like her, so he just left a bottle of medicine for her and persuaded her to go to rest.

Mrs.    still wanted to say something, but she really couldn’t support her food, so she went back to lie down.

  Nan Nan left the Youran Courtyard immediately, and swiftly headed towards Madam Lan’s Orchid Garden. <

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