Orchid Garden is more beautiful and quiet than Youran Garden, no wonder the wife wanted to live by herself.

  Nannan was led by Mother Song. Knowing that it was the son of the old man, Lan Yuan instantly boiled.

  After all, in this backyard, to meet a male guest, only the wife has ever seen him. It was the first time someone came to Lan Yuan to meet Mrs. Lan, who had been sick for many years, and this person was still the eldest son of today's Royal Palace.

Rouge also heard the news, and rushed to the Shuixi Garden on the spot, and stopped in front of Lan Shuiqin panting, and said with sweat, "Miss, Nan Shizi, Nan Shizi went to Lan Yuan to see his wife. "

   Lan Shui dipped for a moment. She did not expect that the person who did not show up last night would come here grandiosely during the day.

  Furthermore, I came to see her mother.

  Blue Shui's brows twisted slightly. Is something happening?

   Something must have happened, otherwise how could he not show up last night? Are you here to see her mother again today?

  As soon as he thought that things might be heading in a bad direction, Lan Shuiqing became a little anxious, grabbed a cloak and put it on, and hurriedly walked to Lanyuan.

  Rouge and Mom Bu looked at each other, and hurriedly followed.

  I just ran to the door of Lan Yuan, and happened to run into Nan Nan who was slowly walking into the yard.

  Blue Shui poured up and down to look at him for a while, and found that there was no injury on his body, and then he slowly exhaled.

   Nan Nan was slightly startled when he saw this, and then all his eyebrows were stained with a smile.

   Lan Shuiqin immediately stared back, leading the way to Lan Yuan.

  This is the first time Wu Shi has seen Nan Nan when he grows up. Seeing him standing tall and handsome, he likes it so much, and the more he looks, the more grateful he is.

  The child when he was a child is already very painful, and now he has become a man who can shelter others from the wind and rain, and love her home.

   Wu suddenly felt a little emotional, looking at Nan Nan's eyes as if he were looking at his own child.

   Nan Nan suddenly became a little unnatural when she saw it, but Lan Shui leaned slightly to tug at Wu's clothes, and she withdrew her gaze in a little embarrassment.

   "Nan Shizi is here today, but is there something important?"

  After this period of recuperation, Wu's spirit now seems to be better than Mrs. Tai.

  Nan Nan tilted his head to look towards Lan Shui, who glared at him and turned his head to look seriously at the bead curtain not far away.

  Wu's lips pressed his lips and smiled.

  It seems that it is exactly as Shui Qing said, Nan Shizi is really affectionate to Shui Qing, and looking at his eyes, he can almost drown out of the water.

   "Did Nan Shizi look for water? Then I..."

   "Ah, no, I did come to see Mrs. Lan for something." Nan Nan coughed lightly and hurriedly recovered.

  Wu cried for a moment, was she really looking for her? Her face became serious for an instant, and she was a little worried. Could it be that Shui Qing's relationship has changed?

  Nan Nan didn’t make her think much, and asked in a low voice, "Madam, can you let the maids go down?"

   "..." Wu Clan was surprised, but nodded, and let Mother Hu take everyone in the house out.

  For a while, only Mrs. Lan, Lan Shui Qi, Nan Nan and the two... followers behind him were left inside.

  He said to one of the entourage...Wen Ge, "Go outside and guard, don't let anyone come near."

   "Yes." Wen Ge clasped his fists, and immediately left the door, standing outside the door with his hands wrapped around his chest and expressionless.

   Seeing him being so cautious, Wu became even more nervous, and couldn’t wait to ask, “Nan Shizi, is it a marriage?”

   "Oh, no." Nan Nan smiled and shook his head, and said in a slow tone, "I came here today and brought a person to see the lady. I think the lady will be very happy to see him."

"see me?"

  Nannan nodded, and turned to face the other one with his head slightly lowered and unable to see his face... the entourage said, "You are not there yet?"

  Wu Linfeng twitched the corner of his mouth, and then walked a few steps closer to the Wu family.

   Then, slowly, he raised his head.

  Almost at the same moment, Wu stood up in shock and slammed the chair behind him.

   Lan Shui was surprised, and hurriedly supported her, "Mother, what's the matter?"

"...Big brother?" Wu clan stared at Wu Linfeng in front of him, with trembling lips, and slightly stretched his fingers to his face, "Big brother, you, are you really alive?" she said. Before she left, she had already begun to tremble. After she finished speaking, her tears began to fall uncontrollably, and she couldn't stop it.

  Lan Shui was stunned and turned his head to look at him, eldest brother? Mother's name is Big Brother? Isn't that his uncle? but……

  Wu Linfeng said, does he look that old?

   "Auntie, I am Wu Changkong's son."

  Wu's eyes blinked twice, feeling that his eyes were still hazy, he hurriedly picked up the veil and pressed his eyes slightly.

  After a while, she realized, "Son? Are you the eldest brother's son? Lin Feng?"

   "Yes, aunt."

The Wu hurriedly grabbed his shoulders and looked eagerly, "Yes, it must be, you are so similar to your eldest brother, you have the same signs as Lin Feng when you were a child. It's really Lin Feng, you, you grow up So big?"

   Lan Shui was full of shock, so, so, has her uncle got any news?

  She turned her head to look at Nan Nan. As soon as the smile on Nan Nan's face closed, she immediately turned her head and began to look at the bead curtain seriously.

   Lan Shui poured a laugh with a ‘pouch’, it was naive.

This sound made Wu immediately come back to his senses. He hurriedly pulled Wu Linfeng down and said, "Lin Feng, what about your father? How is your father? Is it okay? What happened in the past, you all these years where is it?"

  "...Auntie, don't worry, speak slowly."

   "Oh, good."

Wu Linfeng saw that her mood stabilized, and then slowly said, "Back then, the Seventh Prince arbitrarily charged his grandfather with a crime, so he privately sent soldiers to say that he would arrest his grandfather and go to jail. In fact, during the arrest process, he secretly killed his grandfather. I also lied that my grandfather resisted the arrest and killed the officers and soldiers on the spot to cause an accident. My grandmother was also secretly murdered by the Seven Princes during that pull. At that time, my mother was holding me, and the one left by my father The guard ran out and reported to Dad."

"Father was going to avenge his grandfather and grandmother at the mansion of the Seven Princes, but was pulled by guards and advised my dad to save his life temporarily, otherwise he gave up his life in vain, and let the grandfather die in vain. Later we followed. A pair of caravans from Jinglei Nation went out of the city and went to Jinglei Nation. By chance, they ran into the Jinglei Nation coup. Dad accidentally saved Shangguan Jin's life."

"Shangguan Jin knew that Dad was talented, so he gave Dad his official title. But not long after he did it, Dad resigned and left. He took me and my mother to the Mongols. This time I returned to the imperial capital, I also served my dad. Order, come to see my aunt... and then I met Shi Ziye."

  Wu suddenly reacted, as if she had forgotten a very important thing.

  Just now, Wu Linfeng came in as an entourage of the son of the world. What's going on? <

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