Rouge was seen by a few people, and the whole body was hairy. The whole person was not good. He made a small noise and said weakly, "Miss, what, what's the matter?"

   "It's okay, what's the matter?" Lan Shui leaned back his gaze, did not say much, Rouge would not betray her.

   "The Lord Nian Nian and Princess Jinxiu are here."

   Lan Shuiqing's face was instantly dyed with joy. The two of them were her only friends. She hadn't seen them for several days, and it was the time to miss.

  Nan Nan looked very uncomfortable. When he came, Shui Qing did not show such an expression.

   "Let them in quickly."

   "Yes." Rouge walked out soon.

  It wasn’t long before I heard Princess Jinxiu’s crisp voice, “Shui Qi, it’s been a long time...cousin?”

   Seeing Nan Nan present, Jinxiu was taken aback and blinked.

  Nian-nian stood behind her, she didn't have many unexpected expressions on her face, she just turned her head, not looking at Shang Nannan.

   "En." Nan Nan's expression was faint, his sharp eyes fell on Nian Nian's body, and he snorted coldly, "Isn't the big brother screaming anymore?"

  "Big Brother." Nian Nian immediately followed kindness.

   "It's been pretty far to hide these days."

   Nian Nian pursed her lips and said softly, "I'm very busy these days."

   Nan Nan glared at her, but did not pursue further investigation. Anyway, the culprit was the mother who was still hiding and waiting for Dad to return to the house and reappeared. He looked at them and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, that's the case, isn't it that the Three Kings Mansion will hold a banquet in the next few days? Shui Qing also received the invitation, so we plan to come to find Shuiqing to go to the street and go to the clothing store and jewelry shop to select clothes and jewelry." Jinxiu replied .

"It's just going to the banquet. It's not just looking at each other. What do you do if you are dressed so beautifully?" Nian Nian and Jinxiu don't matter. Shui Qing is already his person. There is no need to wear too eye-catching. He looks uncomfortable. .

  Niannian laughed, "Who said it wasn't for me? This banquet was for my cousin and Jinxiu to see my third aunt and Wanyan."

  Nan Nan was taken aback, staring at Jinxiu with wide eyes, "You want to see each other too?"

Jinxiu looked at his expression and immediately became dissatisfied, "What do you mean? You are going to marry a wife, and you are not allowed to marry? Although I used to clamor to marry you, but now I have given up Yet?"

   clamoring to marry you? ?

   Lan Shui poured his eyes to look at Nan Nan faintly, Nan Nan was shocked, and hurriedly said, "Don't listen to her nonsense, she is always open."

Jinxiu seemed to realize what she had said, and immediately sat down next to Lan Shui, and explained with a smile, "Don't mind, I'm just kidding. Who made my cousin too handsome? I watched it when I was a kid. In a circle of people, only my cousin is the most attractive, so I am determined to be the bride of my cousin. However, Aunt Qing said, my cousin and I are cousins ​​and cannot be married, otherwise the child may be deformed. Or idiot."

   "Deformed? Idiot?" This is the first time Lan Shuiqi heard this statement.

"Well, Aunt Qing is a ghost doctor. She is very thorough in this area. My father was rescued by Aunt Qing before, so he has never objected to Aunt Qing's words. Since then, I have never been allowed to contact my cousin. ."

  Nan Nan’s gaze floated to Wu Linfeng, who was aside, "Do some people hear that? The cousin is married, and the child born is very likely to have a disability."

  Someone who was called ‘someone’ grinded his teeth very painfully. This person would not miss a chance to hit him, he really wanted to kill him.

  It’s just that as soon as Nan Nan said this, the room was silent for a while, then Jinxiu suddenly turned her head and looked at Wu Linfeng who was sitting not far away, "Who are you? When were you here?"

  "..." Is his sense of existence that weak? After entering the door and chatting for so long, only to find out his existence?

  He coughed slightly, stood up, patted his clothes solemnly, and just wanted to introduce himself.

Jinxiu suddenly realized, "Oh, you are my cousin's entourage."

   "Puff..." Nan Nan couldn't help but laughed out loud, "Splendid, your vision is really getting better and better."

  Niannian also gave her a thumbs up.

   Jinxiu's face is at a loss, did she say something wrong? He just shakes the clothes twice, isn't he just telling her that he is a follower?

   Lan Shuiqing sympathized with his cousin, and kindly suggested, "Cousin, would you like to drink a glass of water?"

  Wu Linfeng firmly refused, and simply moved the small bench and sat in the corner.

  Jianxiu is even more puzzled. Why is it so shocked? Did she say something wrong?

  Wait, Shui Qing just called him his cousin?

   Jinxiu immediately stood up, and walked two steps to Wu Linfeng, "It's my cousin, I'm sorry, it's really your outfit... are you okay?"

   "He's okay, Splendid, don't you want to go out shopping? It's getting late, I'll take you there." Nan Nan said, and got up.

  Splendid surprised, "You go too?"

   "En." He wanted to watch, and he couldn't let Lan Shui buy clothes that were too tricky, she was a married woman anyway.

   Jinxiu immediately smiled yinly, "Is my cousin here to pay us?"

   "I don't mind if I miss you, but as for you... forget it."

  Splendid furious, "Why?"

  "You are too ignorant of the moderation when you buy things." Especially when others are paying, she can definitely move the shop out.

  He will have to raise his wife and children in the future, so he is a bit tight.

   Jinxiu began to grind her teeth, pulling Nian Nian and Lan Shui Qing from left to right, and then angrily walked out of Shui Xi Garden, ignoring Nan Nan.

  Nannan did not move quickly or slowly. When he walked to the door, he suddenly turned his head and glanced at Wu Linfeng.

  Wu Linfeng, who was just being hit, looked serious at this moment, raised his head and nodded to Nan Nan, "I'm going now."

   "Okay." After Nan Nan finished speaking, he strode out of the Shuixi Garden.

  Wu Linfeng took a sip of tea slowly, stood up and rubbed his neck, jumped out of the window, and quickly stopped on the tree where he stayed last night.

  Who knows that just as it was settled, I saw a servant girl quietly coming out of the water seat garden, looking left and right, sneaking towards the courtyard where the blue water edge was.

  Wu Linfeng squinted his eyes and laughed. It seems that he has found the dirty things in the yard.

  Well, I told my cousin about the good news when I turned around.

  Thinking, he pointed his toes and raised his body abruptly. The branches and leaves trembled slightly. He had passed the maid, and after a while, he landed firmly in the blue water edge yard. <

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