The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 2 Chapter 88: Codename Snow Eagle

  Lan Shuiyuan and Lan Shuitian are still huddled together, talking in a whisper.

  Actually, they knew about the news that the son of Prince Xiu had come here. They also wanted to see what this rumored son of Prince Xiu looked like.

  In their hearts, they thought of him as a lazy, lazy, unlearned kid who can only mess with flowers. Otherwise, why would you value a beautiful woman like Lan Shuiqin?

  It's just that the two of them are being banned in front of them, they can't leave the yard, let alone have a chance encounter with the son of Xiuwangfu.

  They felt that if the son was smart, as long as they met their sisters, they would definitely appreciate their connotation. There is absolutely no reason to like Lan Shuiqing's kind of women with only empty shells.

   But if they are stupid, hum, they don’t like it either.

  Is that the identity is still passable, Lan Shuiqian is cheap for nothing, so she has a backing.

  The two were slurping their stomachs, and suddenly there were a few crisp noises on the windowsill, which were very regular.

  The two of them were happy on their faces. This was an agreed instruction between them and Xue Ying.

  Sure enough, after a while, the window was opened, and Wu Linfeng turned over and stood firmly in front of the two of them.

  En, he gave himself a nice code name, Xueying. Although the Nan Shizi said it was very earthy, he thought it was very majestic, so he automatically ignored Nan Shizi's opinion.

   "How's it going?" Lan Shuiyuan said eagerly.

Wu Linfeng curled his lips secretly, but his voice was very cold, and he said blankly, "There is indeed a man who entered and exited the girl's room of the Lan family. His martial arts is very high. If he doesn't pay attention, he will notice the movement. Therefore, the second girl If you want to take people to catch the rape, I'm afraid you can't succeed."

   Lan Shuiyuan frowned, and the implementation of the plan was far more difficult than she had imagined.

   But now that it has been confirmed that Lan Shuiqin does have an adulterer, that would be much easier.

Lan Shuitian thought for a while, and asked, "Can you do something about their food, let them entangled together, when the time comes, take someone to catch the rape, the man can't escape even if he wants to escape. Anyway, the two of them are already in love." , A man inexplicably appeared in Lan Shuiqing’s room. Outsiders would be shocked when they saw it, and no one would care about what happened."

  Wu Linfeng sneered secretly, the two girls and the third girls really thought of dirty ideas.

  He paused and said, "This idea is feasible, but..."

   "But what?" Lan Shuiyuan asked anxiously.

"But I overheared the conversation between them, probably because the second girl sent some people from the rivers and lakes to monitor the big girl last time, so that the man was wary of his heart, so these days, he will not appear in the blue mansion again. ."

  "Not appearing?" Lan Shuiyuan and the two have made trouble, and they have not appeared these days. Then their mothers will have to suffer more time?

   "En." Wu Linfeng nodded, "The man said that it is not safe to meet in the Blue Mansion. Just a few days later, the Three Princes' Mansion will hold a banquet. Then the man will sneak in, and the two will meet again to talk."

  Lan Shui Yuan and Lan Shui Tian are slightly taken aback, a banquet in the Three Princes' Mansion?

  The two quickly glanced at each other, and their eyes brightened. Meeting at the banquet of the Three Kings Palace, Lan Shuiqing was really bold.

  However, this will make them cheaper. By then, the Three Kings’ Mansion will be full of high-ranking officials and dignitaries. I am afraid that the noise will be even greater. At that time, it was the real thing that made Lan Shui unable to get out of her body.

  Blue Shuiyuan exhaled a long breath, and the corner of his mouth smiled wantonly.

  She glanced at Wu Linfeng and nodded slightly, “You have brought useful news. Don’t worry, when the blue water falls down, your contribution will be the greatest.”

  Wu Linfeng really wanted to slobber her face, he smiled, “It doesn’t matter what the credit is, as long as the money is in place.”

   "Silver is of course indispensable for you." It's not promising to just think about silver. What about high martial arts? Don't you want to listen to her for the sake of silver?

Thinking of this, Lan Shuiyuan's eyes scorned a bit, then he paused, bent over from a small box next to his dressing table, took out a small ingot of silver, and handed it to Wu Linfeng, "You take this first. Now, when things are done, more money will be given to you."

   "Yes." Wu Linfeng gritted his teeth and resisted the curse, and took the silver into his arms.

  Lan Shuiyuan wanted to say something, a soft knock on the door came from outside.

  Wu Linfeng knew that the spy was here, and he whispered to Lan Shuiyuan, "Then I will go first."


  Wu Linfeng quickly jumped out along the window, but before he fell to the ground, he stepped on the railing and jumped onto the beam, hanging upside down on it, squinting at the movement inside the house.

   Soon, Adi hurriedly knocked on the door of the room.

  Lan Shuiyuan let her in, Adi immediately walked to her, and whispered the matter of today's Lord Xiu Shizi and Nian Nian Jinxiu.

  Lan Shuiyuan's eyebrows were frowned upon hearing, she knew all these things, and she didn't need her to come and tell her specially.

  There is something else she wants to know, "What did they say?"

Ah Di's face was stiff when asked, and she became a little weird. After a long while, she whispered the corners of her lips and whispered, "The servants of Nan Shizi are guarding outside the door. The servants dare not get too close for fear of causing suspicion, so The servants didn't hear what they said in it. However, now Nan Shizi and the three girls have gone out, saying that they are going to buy clothes and jewelry for a banquet in the Three Kings Mansion a few days later."

   "You rushed over to tell me these useless things?" Lan Shuiyuan slammed the table, with a vague anger on his face. These things are not as useful as the information Xueying gave.

  Adi was frightened, her face turned pale, her head hung down and she dared not speak.

  She was really anxious. After a few days, she didn’t seem to get any favorable news. She was also afraid that the second girl would find her useless, so...

"Go back now, take advantage of Lan Shuiqing and Rouge are not there, sneak into her room quietly, to see if there is any useful news." Lan Shui Tian is much calmer than Lan Shui Yuan, and now they have known it for a few days. Lan Shuiqing had a private meeting with the man at the banquet, which was great news for them. Now they are looking for a more powerful handle, and being able to trample the blue water to death at one time is their most desired goal.

  Adi hurriedly bowed her head and retired as soon as she was about to amnesty.

  There are too few maidservants in the water garden. When the blue water pours in on weekdays, very few people can get in. Now she took the maid out, and the only one guarding outside the house was Mom Bu. <

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