The banquet of the Three Kings Mansion is different from that of the Xiuwang Mansion. The purpose of the last time the Yuqing falls was mainly to see the blue water, so the scale is actually not large. Simply invite some ladies who meet the requirements.

  This time, the three princesses and princess Wanyan want to see for their children at the same time, and it is not only the boudoir ladies, but also the distinguished sons and brothers.

  So early in the morning, there were busy traffic in front of the Three Kings Mansion, almost blocking the entire main road.

Lan Shuiqing was sitting alone in a carriage, and Lan Shuiyuan and Lan Shuitian sat behind them. The two of them are now daughters of concubine. Compared with Lan Shuiqing's concubine and future son's wife, they are really nothing. status.

  But they don't care, they don't want to sit in the same carriage as Lan Shuiqin.

  Moreover, the chance that Lan Shui Qing can be proud of is only that short time. Today, they want to make her faceless to see people again, and everyone shouts and beats from now on.

  Rouge started in the morning and felt that the two of Lan Shuiyuan had a gloomy face, so from the time they went out, they kept their hearts and eyelids beating.

  A few people were stuck on the road right now. She was really flustered, so she could only get close to Lan Shuiqing’s ear, and whispered, “Miss, do you think that the faces of Miss 2 and Miss 3 are a little weird today?"

   "En." Lan Shui nodded, she has been with Nan Nan for a long time, and now her senses have become more acute. "Today's banquet, I am afraid it is not peaceful anymore."

  I want to know that Blue Water Edge will definitely have moths to deal with itself.

   "Anyway, let's be careful and don't get too close to them."

   "I see, miss."

  The two were talking, and the carriage moved forward slowly.

  The road ahead finally became smooth, but it was still half an hour later when Lan Shuiqin reached the gate of the Three Kings Mansion.

  The steward of the palace immediately let them lead the three sisters into the palace.

  I have been to Xiuwang's Mansion last time, and now when I go to the Three Kingdoms' Mansion, Lan Shuiqing only feels...a bit dazzled.

  It's hard to say what it feels like, but there is an illusion that the three palaces really match Ye Lanwei's personality, well, it must be an illusion.

  The Three Kings Mansion is very magnificent, and it looks more like a noble family than the exquisite Xiuwang Mansion.

   But Lan Shuiqing still felt that Xiu Wangfu made her more comfortable.

  At this moment, many people have arrived in the palace. The ladies gathered in twos and threes, talking with a smile, as if they were very familiar.

   Lan Shuiqing’s friends are currently only Nian Nian and Princess Jinxiu. Jinxiu is equivalent to half of the protagonist today, and will naturally come later.

  Nian-Nian rushed into her medicine garden, and she would definitely not come so early.

  In fact, Lan Shuiqing wanted to come back later, but Mrs. Tai had already started urging her early in the morning, and there were two tails behind her, so she couldn’t keep it going for a long time.

   is here now, but it seems a little out of place.

  Fortunately, her temperament has always been easy to meet. After entering the garden, she went straight to a corner with no one to sit down and drink tea.

  As for Lan Shuiyuan and Lan Shuitian, they are looking for an alliance while staring at her.

  And the most appropriate alliance is naturally the eldest lady of the Shen family, Shen Wenxian.

  Since Shen Wenxian fell into the water last time, under Yu Qingluo’s deliberate rendering, her image has been damaged a lot among the many young ladies, so she has never gone out.

  Today is the first time she has attended a banquet in recent times. Seeing that everyone has not discussed the matter of repairing the palace, her posture has become arrogant again.

   Seeing Lan Shuiyuan and the two approaching, her eyes squinted deeply.

   "Sister Shen." The two still approached her cleverly.

Shen Wenxian hooked the corner of her mouth, and said with a slight sarcasm, "Isn't this the second and third miss of the Lan Family? I heard that a lot of things have happened in the Lan Mansion during this period. Two sisters, are you all right? Two A... is your aunt okay?"

  Lan Shuiyuan's faces suddenly froze, and they skipped a little embarrassment, but they quickly covered it up.

"Sister Shen, you also know that our Blue Mansion now...has no room for our sisters to talk. During this period of time, we have been banned and never had the opportunity to see Sister Shen. Now it's hard to see you, sister. Don't get angry with us, okay? We've long wanted to go to Shen Mansion to see you, but we can't help it."

"Yes." Lan Shuitian also agrees, "Now there is a man in the mansion who climbs high branches, no matter where he would put us in the eye, even our request to go to Shen Mansion was rejected, my sister is indeed It's bitter."

Shen Wenxian sneered, "What about climbing high branches? What kind of stuff do you really think you are?" After speaking, she lowered her voice and said, "I think there must be something wrong with the elder son of the palace, otherwise why is it so big? Marrying a wife, but now you have a fancy to the unfavorable Blue Shuiqian?"

Lan Shuiyuan's eyes lit up, and they immediately replied, "We think so too. Sister Lan Shuiqing hasn't sunk yet. Sister Lan Shuiqing is pretty and talented. If you want to talk about this noble lady in the Imperial Capital, which one is better than that? Going to the blue water? It must be something shameful and obscure about Nan Shizi, otherwise, why is the princess Xiu staring at the blue water?"

   "I think you are full of fat and fat." Lan Shuitian said lightly, "Lan Shuiqing probably doesn't like him, otherwise, how could he have a lover outside..."

  She said, covering her mouth with a panic on her face.

  But Shen Wenxian still heard it, she suddenly turned her head to look at Lan Shuitian, grabbed her by the shoulder, and asked anxiously, "What did you just say? Who has a lover?"

   "No, I, I didn't say anything." Lan Shuitian shook his head again and again.

  Where is Shen Wenxian willing to let her go like this, she is sure that she did hear it just now, clearly.

   Holding Lan Shuitian's hand hard for two points, she stared at her sharply, "Quickly tell me, what's the matter?"

  Lan Shui Tian still looked terrified, and shook his head desperately.

  Shen Wenxian was annoyed, "If you don't tell me, I'll go tell my father that you two pushed me into the water that time in the palace."

   "Sister Shen, how can you do this?" Lan Shuiyuan exclaimed, his face full of disbelief.

  Shen Wenxian sneered, "So you'd better tell me honestly, what is going on with Lan Shuiqing's lover?"

  The two sisters looked at each other, their faces looked embarrassed, and it took a long time to breathe out helplessly.

   "Sister Shen, we said, you can, but don't say it. After all, she is our sister, no matter how bad, we can't ruin her reputation."<

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