The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 2 Chapter 91: Repay your favor?

   "Lan Shuiqing has changed a yard now, and there are a few more maids. One of the maids inadvertently saw a man entering and leaving Lan Shuiqing's room in the middle of the night, and the two of them were paying attention to me. It is really..."

As Lan Shuiyuan said, she shook her head shamelessly, "The maid felt scared. After all, Lan Shuiqing is already engaged to the first son of Prince Xiu's Mansion. If she really has an affair with other men, she is not trying to kill herself. Road? So the maid Liushen Wuzhu ran to tell us."

  Shen Wenxian was so stunned that Lan Shuiqing really had such courage.

"We didn't believe it at first, but then the maid took out a crystal and lubricated fine pearl from under Lan Shuiqin's pillow. In the life of Lan Shuiqin before, there would never be such a thing. But we are not sure if the thing was really given to him by the man. If this matter is false, wouldn't it ruin her reputation?"

"As a result, just a few days ago, the maid suddenly came to tell us that Lan Shuiqing had made a robe for the man, and overheard the conversation between Lan Shuiqing and the man. It was really... …Unsightly."

  Shen Wenxian saw that she said that she had been hanging her appetite, she became a little impatient, and her voice sank, "What the **** did you say? Don't hesitate?"

"They, they said that Lan Shuiqing and Nan Shizi are engaged now, and there are people from the Palace Xiu Palace outside Lan Mansion who are staring, so it is not convenient to meet private parties in Lan Mansion. Just take advantage of today to attend the banquet. There are so many people. Meet again secretly, say something self-conscious, to comfort the suffering of lovesickness. It seems that I also took this opportunity to discuss... elopement."

   "Elopement?" Shen Wenxian raised her voice, and Lan Shuiyuan hurriedly covered her mouth.

  Fortunately, the time they had just spoken had already quietly walked aside, and there were no people around, so no one else could hear them.

  Shen Wenxian calmed his mind, still in shock, "Is Lan Shui crazy?"

  How serious is elopement? Moreover, she is still engaged to the elder son of Xiu Wangfu.

   "Hey, we also think she is crazy. So today we pay special attention to her behavior, we are really afraid of her doing stupid things."

  Shen Wenxian's eyelids twitched, her eyes narrowed, and she suddenly asked, "You just said that today that man will come here to meet Lan Shuiqin?"


  "Do you know who it is? What does it look like?" She has always been happy to do things like catching rape, not to mention that this is Lan Shuiqin's rape, and she came to the door by herself.

  Lan Shui Yuan and Lan Shui Tian naturally have never seen anyone, but after hearing Xue Ying describe them, naturally they can say something.

   "It's about this high." Lan Shuiyuan compared it with his hands, and then said the picture described by Xue Ying without missing a word.

  Shen Wenxian's eyebrows tightened as she listened. How do you feel that this man is a talented person, looks superior, rare in the world?

   "Are you sure? He really looks like this?" Isn't it a fiction?

   "Yes, it is said that the man is indeed very good-looking. I guess Lan Shuiqing also took a fancy to his skin." Although they were a little skeptical when they heard Xueying's description.

   But Xue Ying has said that the man is really good-looking, and even he is ashamed. A man who can make a man recognize a good-looking man should indeed be a little...beautiful.

  Lan Shuiqin is also out of **** luck, and they don’t know where they hooked up such a man, they also hate it very much.

   "Sister Shen, when we look at Lan Shuiqi today, we will always see the man's true face."

  Shen Wenxian nodded, she is also very curious about the man now.

  If Lan Shuiqing really had such courage, she would definitely make her die ugly in the private meeting with the man in the Three Princes' Mansion.

  Speaking, Shen Wenxian turned her head and looked at the blue water sitting in the corner.

   Lan Shuiqing is quite content by herself, but she is different now, even if she chooses a corner to sit down alone, someone will always see her and come up to say hello.

  As the future wife of the palace, these ladies who have coveted the palace for a long time naturally put all their attention on her.

  She sat there for only a quarter of an hour, and two or three young ladies came towards her.

   Lan Shui drank a sip of tea in silence, and they stood in front of her, tilting their heads to look at her.

  "Are you the third lady of Lan Shilang's family?"

   "It looks pretty good."

"let's be friends."

   Seems to be good, Lan Shui poured down the tea cup, smiled and nodded at them, "You are..."

  "My father is the Shangshu of the Ministry of Households, you can call me Su Yao." The leading girl smiled and opened her mouth, revealing a pair of nice dimples, which looked very pleasing.

   "I am Liang Yuzhi, my father Liang Yushi."

   "Yang Shan." The last person spoke simply.

  However, Lan Shuiqing knew the name. Her father was a military commander. He heard that he had a bad temper and often fights with others, but Lord Xiu regarded him very seriously.

  After the three of them introduced, they consciously sat down beside Lan Shuiqin.

  Su Yao seemed to have a lively temperament. As soon as he sat down, he threw out the questions one by one, “Shui Qing, I heard that Princess Xiu delivered the baby when you were born, didn’t you?”

  Blue Water twitched the corners of his mouth and nodded, "Yes."

   "That's amazing, Princess Xiu is a ghost doctor. I heard that in these years, no more than three children have been delivered by Princess Xiu. No wonder Princess Xiu likes you so much. You are so lucky."

   "Well, the princess is my benefactor."

   "So you married the Wangfu to repay your kindness?" Liang Yuzhi asked immediately, probably because his father was Yushi, and even speaking with her was straightforward. The question was very sharp, and there was no tactfulness.

  People who know don’t feel bad, but those who don’t know, probably hate her very much.

Lan Shuiqing didn't know her before, and naturally didn't understand her temperament, but she didn't think she was malicious in her heart, so she just laughed, "Marriage matters have always been the words of the parents' matchmaking. Those who report favors do not repay favors."

  Liang Yuzhi pursed her lips and said nothing.

Su Yao smiled and said, "Shui Qing is so powerful, I tell you, Yuzhi is always mad at her words, and I have never seen anyone say a word that can make her shut her mouth obediently. Teach me more, lest she always anger me."

  Liang Yuzhi snorted softly, "When have you been angry with me? Heartless."

Su Yao pouted, and turned to ask Lan Shuiqing, "Then, have you seen the son of Prince Xiu's Mansion? I have met Prince Xiu and Princess Xiu. Both of them are very handsome, talented and beautiful people. He should also be a handsome man, right?"

  Blue Water is embarrassed, how can she answer this?


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