The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 2 Chapter 92: Depends on the connotation

  A few people turned their heads and looked around at the same time, and they saw Princess Jinxiu walking out in a Chinese dress. The young ladies who had gathered together to talk in twos and threes surrounded them.

  Splendid is the protagonist of today, and it is naturally more delicate than the average lady.

  Although she was very unhappy about the things she saw each other, but what her parents said...she really didn't dare to disobey.

  So at this moment, even if she feels frustrated, she just slightly greets everyone with a smile that is alienated and cold.

  Lan Shui poured out, but he suppressed his plan to come forward to speak, and sat steadily on the spot.

The other three people beside    hesitated for a moment, but still did not move forward.

  Su Yao looked at Lan Shui again, "Right, I heard that you have a good relationship with Princess Jinxiu, right?"

   "The princess is a person who gets along well with each other."

  Su Yao's mouth twitched. It's easy to get along with? Well, on the surface, she seems to be polite to everyone, but people who have some contact with her know that it is actually very difficult to have a good relationship with her sincerely.

  Princess Jinxiu is a person who can't get in. Few people can really go with her.

  Krao is so, because of her identity, there are still many young ladies rushing to please her.

  I just didn’t expect that such a person would become friends with Lan Shuiqing. This Lan Family girl, what is so...attractive?

  Su Yao couldn't figure it out, shook his head, and then looked up, he saw a pretty woman who was a little better than the blue water, she didn't know when she stood in front of them.

   "Uh, you are..." Which lady?

   "Niannian, you are here." Lan Shui Qing let out a sigh of relief, feeling that he finally found the organization.

  Although the three of Su Yao showed kindness to her, they always felt less intimacy than Nian Nian.

  Probably... after all, it’s not like-minded people.

  Nian-nian nodded slightly, and looked back at Su Yao and the three.

  Su Yao was feeling hairy by the look in her eyes, and began to tie her hands and feet inexplicably, "Where is the girl's house?"

  It's all like this, the first sentence always asks who your parents are. If your status is high, then you will get along well, if you are low, I am afraid you will not look at you the same.

  They asked like this, but Nian Nian didn't want to say it.

   just pursed her lips slightly, and said, “Is Miss Su often insomnia and dreaminess recently, emotionally unstable, and always want to get angry?”

  Su Yao was taken aback, blurted out, "How do you know?"

"I'm a doctor." Nian Nian said, and she hung herself in a cloth bag around her waist and took out a small porcelain bottle. "This medicine will be given sooner or later, and it will make you better... Don't worry, it's not poisonous, Miss Su If you don’t worry, you can ask the doctor at the house to check it when you go back."

   "..." Su Yao was still a little silly, and was startled to see Nian Nian putting the medicine bottle in her hand, but he couldn't recover.

  Liang Yuzhi and Yang Shan also looked at Nian Nian with weird faces. Where did this girl come from? And as soon as it appeared, the first gift to someone was a small medicine bottle.

  This...Which girl behaves so strangely?

  Some people felt strange in their hearts, and suddenly there was a loud noise in their ears. This time, it was accompanied by a few exclamations.

  They turned their heads curiously, and saw that the five or six elder brothers who were supposed to be in the front yard were walking not far away.

  After all, the main purpose of this banquet is to see each other, since it is to see each other, it is impossible not to disappear without seeing each other.

  But you can't let the young lady talk in private, so the men walked over now, although they looked getting closer, but in fact, there was still a small river in between.

  The river is not wide. It is three meters wide. People with a little bit of martial arts can come over with a single leap.

  However, everyone present was all the ladies. This banquet was in the Three Princes' Mansion. Regardless of men and women, you should always pay more attention to your behavior.

  Now the ladies who were originally enjoying the flowers in the backyard saw some men coming over there one after another, and they immediately became shy and timid. If they looked over at seemingly nothing, they didn't dare to move forward.

   But after all, there are still some people who are brave, and they originally valued their favorite people, and the time passed.

  Even if there is a river across, it’s a joy to look at it like this, and it’s good to have a familiar face in front of the person you like.

  What's more, there were men and women who had booked kisses with each other in the meantime, so there were a lot less worries.

   Therefore, under the leadership of the young women who have become relatives, a group of young ladies walked over in twos and threes, and finally they drew to the riverside.

  The leader on the other side of the river is Ye Lanwei, saying that he is looking at each other, but he really just looks...seriously.

Ye Lan Ping, who was standing next to him, twitched and almost slapped her mouth. After a long time, she gritted her teeth and said in a low voice, "Are you a little bit better? You can still find a wife like this? The third aunt said, I want you to pay attention. Connotation, no matter how good the appearance is, if marrying home is a mess, then the house will be restless."

  Ye Lanping is a decade older than Ye Lanwei. He was married a few years earlier. His wife is very virtuous, and his father-in-law is filial piety, and he has children. The treasure palace is therefore harmonious, and the three princesses and six princesses are jealous.

   Ye Lanwei looked at her brother in the lobby with dissatisfaction, "Does Ren Ye Qingnan also like the appearance of the Lan family girl?"

   "Nan Nan will not be as superficial as you."


   "You try one more sentence."

   Ye Lanwei was aggrieved, she pursed her lips and snorted, turned her head to the side.

  At this time, a group of people came out mighty from the left. It was Princess Three Princess Wanyan and a group of princesses and wives, very lively.

  Of course, it also includes Yu Qingluo who is purely watching the excitement and making comments and occasionally expressing my feelings.

  The marriage of her son is settled, and she is interested in watching the marriage between Ye Lanwei and Jinxiu.

  She stood beside the three princesses and walked over, smiling at the corner of her mouth, and then looked at all the children and young ladies of the family from left to right.

  Final conclusion... the male is not as good-looking as his home, and the female is not as good-looking as her home. The identification is complete.

And the three Su Yao, who were still in the corner with Shui Qingnian, couldn’t sit still anymore after seeing the three princesses and the others coming out, especially when there were many noble ladies by her side. Glancing at each other, he planned to walk to the shore.

   just walked a few steps and stopped again. When she looked back, she saw Nian Nian and Shui Qing still sitting in the same place. She couldn’t help but wonder, “Aren’t you going over? There’s a lot of excitement over there.” <

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