The three princesses sighed, okay, she doesn’t need to say now, I’m afraid not only Yu Qingluo knows, even the men on the other side of the river should have heard it.

   Yu Qingluo's movements paused, and then blinked again. Shui Qing had a private meeting with other men?

  How is this possible? When it comes to private meetings, she is at best with her son.

  The two of them often met in private, and the boy Nan Nan didn't know how to avoid suspicion, so he ran to Lan Mansion all day.

   By the way, early this morning she heard that Nannan had come to the Three Princes' Mansion, but she hasn’t seen anyone yet, where did she go?

  Hey, it's not Nan Nan that the man they talked about with the water.

  En, this is a great possibility. After all, as far as she knows, Shui Qing still knows how to avoid suspicion. If the man who meets her is not a special person, she will never meet in private.

  Yuqing squinted his eyes. Most of this person is Nannan.

The three princesses saw her face changing rapidly, and she was a little worried, "Qingluo, I think this is a bit weird. I have also seen the girl of the Lan family. The child is very strange, and she will definitely not do such a thing. You say , Could someone slander her?"

   Honestly, the three princesses are still very detailed about the girl who poured blue water. And Nan Nan liked her again, she really didn't want Lan Shui to pour something into it.

  Yuqing pursed the corner of her mouth, um, it is possible to be slandered.

  The other princesses and wives in the pavilion all looked at Yu Qingluo, as if they wanted to see something from her face.

  It's just that Yu Qingluo calmed down for a while, touched the teacup on one side and started drinking tea.

  However, outside the pavilion, it is very uneasy at the moment.

  That voice has completely stopped the performance on the stage, and the men on the other side of the river also began to talk.

  Ye Lanwei was about to be on stage. Hearing this rumor, the whole person was not good.

He suddenly pulled a man over and ordered, "Go over and see if there is such a thing. If it is true, you...take away the blue girl and the man and lock them up, and look back. Deal with it again."

   "Yes." The man's face turned straight and he ran away immediately.

  But he only ran a few steps, and there was already movement from the female guest, and she saw that Shen Wenxian had taken Madam Qin and the others to the place where the blue water was poured.

Jinxiu, who was sitting at the front of the woman, had almost knotted her eyebrows. She was also instructing the maid beside her to take a look, but after all, it was still too late. Why would Shen Wenxian give them a chance to pass on news? The mighty passing.

   Jinxiu looked at the pavilion not far away with a worried expression on her face, facing Shang Yu Qingluo's indifferent expression, she was anxious, so she hurriedly picked up her skirt and followed.

  The men looked at each other and crossed the bridge in twos and threes. When they reached the other side of the river, they swarmed over.

  The three princesses looked at Yu Qingluo who was still sitting in the same place, "I will let the servants stop them."

  It can be stopped like this, but it feels like there is no silver three hundred taels here, which makes people feel that something is really happening.

  But it's strange. With such a big movement here, Lan Wei should have sent a guard to find out.

   "Don't stop it." Yu Qingluo said with a serious expression, "I believe that the water flows down."

   Such a big movement, if Nan Nan is really repairing the palace, it doesn’t make sense, I don’t know. Even if he didn't know, Nian-nian knew.

  She thinks, it must be her son who couldn't stand his loneliness all day to meet Shui Qing.

   "..." The third princess sighed secretly.

  Yu Qingluo has already stood up, "Let’s go, let’s see the excitement."

  The ladies in the pavilion, "..." What you see now is the excitement of the Palace of Xiu, you can also be so calm.

  This ghost doctor has a weird temper, which is really not groundless.

  So, not only the many ladies and wives over there, but also the young masters and princes on the other side of the river, as well as the noble ladies in the pavilion, all squeezed into one place mightily.

   Such a big movement naturally shocked the two of Lan Shuiyuan and Lan Shuitian, and they quickly retreated to the side.

  After a while, a group of people came to the front.

  Shen Wenxian pointed to the remote yard on the left, and said, "It's over there, just go in with this small arch."

  Ms. Qin and the others started fast and squeezed into the small arch first.

  Shen Wenxian took the opportunity to take a few steps back, and the blue water edge round that sneaked over, "How's it going?"

   Lan Shuitian was a little anxious, "That man is gone."

   "What did you say?" Shen Wenxian was shocked, "Then I brought people here in vain?"

   "Don't worry about this." Lan Shuitian smiled, "We have ordered people to block the other exit so that the man will not be allowed to leave."

  They also sneaked in Xueying just in case, and they let Xueying stay at another intersection, so that even if the man had to leave, he would be picked back soon.

   "And we just poured the blue water into the man a purse, then we will pull the man out and find the purse from him. I think he has anything else to say."

  Shen Wenxian breathed a sigh of relief. Mrs. Qin went into the small arch, but found that there was only Lan Shuiqian. Her face suddenly became ugly, and she looked at Shen Wenxian who was coming from behind.

   "What's the matter? What about that man?"

   "Yes, it should have been hidden after hearing the movement. Let's search here, and it will definitely be found." Anyway, Lan Shuiyuan said that the man can't escape, and he will be caught later.

  Ms. Qin frowned. There were a few good people around who really looked around, but Mrs. Qin suddenly raised her head to look towards Lan Shui.

  Lan Shuiqin saw so many people coming, the whole person was not good.

  When she saw Shen Wenxian, her eyes closed.

   Hearing their conversation again, he reacted instantly. She and Ye Qingnan were discovered by Shen Wenxian when she met, and she also brought people here specially.


  She frowned. Ye Qing's Nanwu skill is strong and her hearing is sensitive. It is impossible not to find that Shen Wenxian is watching them in secret.

  That man...must be deliberate, too bad.

   But, what if she likes this kind of bad?

  Shen Wenxian walked to Lan Shuiqing, raised her chin slightly and sneered, "Where is that man?"

   "What man?" Lan Shui played stupidly.

"Do you still want to deny it? We saw you have a private meeting with a man. You two are intimate and shameless. Lan Shuiqing, you are now the fiancée of Xiuwangfu's first son. If you have done this, do you still have to Xiuwangfu? In the eyes?"

   Lan Shui raised his eyebrows, "We? Besides you, anyone else saw it?"

   "Natural." Shen Wenxian had no intention of letting the Lan family sisters stay out of the matter. With a finger, she pointed to the two of Lan Shuiyuan, "Your two good sisters have also seen it with their own eyes."

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