The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 2 Chapter 96: He kissed Lan Shuiqin

   Lan Shuiyuan's face changed, and it was not like that when he said that it was good.

  This Shen Wenxian, after falling into the water last time, turned out to be a little smarter.

   Both their expressions were a bit stiff, but everyone's sights were over, they could no longer stay out of the matter at this moment, and immediately could only bite the bullet and tremblingly walked over.

  Someone began to frown, and some young ladies who knew about the Lan family's affairs began to whisper.

  Thinking deeper, people even suspect that this is the planting of the Lan Shuiyuan sisters.

  These words naturally also reached Lan Shuiyuan’s ears, but now that they have no way out.

  Furthermore, Lan Shuiqing did indeed have an affair with others, but this was her own sin. They just exposed all this.

"Sister Shen is right. We just saw... the eldest sister was with a man. We didn't expect things to turn out like this? We are all to blame. We are not with the eldest sister. If we are together, It won’t happen anymore, we...we don’t know what to do now. If our father and grandmother know about it, what should we do?”

  While talking, the two began to cry.

  Someone looked at and expressed sympathy, and whispered, “No wonder you, your eldest girl has done this kind of thing, and it hurts you, and you are wronged.”

Mrs. Qin's gaze fell on Lan Shuiqing again, staring at her with a smile but a smile, "Lady Lan, even your two younger sisters have said this, so you won't be wronged. You should be honest. , Let that man come out, otherwise it will be found out in a while, wouldn't your face be even more ugly?"

   "I don't know what you are talking about." Lan Shui chuckled.

  At this moment, even Ye Lanwei and other men also came over, and the Three Queens and a group of people also hurriedly arrived.

  Many young ladies immediately gave up a way for the nobles to go forward.

  Lan Shuiqin saw Yu Qingluo and the others, and bowed slightly.

  Yu Qingluo smiled and helped her, "I heard that there is a lively watching here, so I came over, who will tell me what is going on?"

  She turned her head and glanced around.

  Yu Qingluo smiles and looks very friendly and easy to get along with.

When Mrs. Qin saw this, she immediately pulled out Shen Wenxian and the Lan family sisters, and after a slight salute, she raised her voice, "Returning to the princess, Ms. Shen Jia just said, with the second girl and the third girl from the Lan family. , Accidentally walked to this arch, but accidentally saw Miss Lan and a man together, and behaved intimately and behaved improperly. The second and third girls were so scared that they did not dare to make a sound, but Ms. Shen Jia was angry. After saying a few words, it happened to be heard by a few of us. That’s why everyone came to find out. After all, now the Lan family girl is the fiancée of the first son of the Prince Xiu’s mansion, this matter is of great importance, and we can’t wronged the blue girl. Nor should the Xiu Palace be deceived by others."

   "Oh." Yu Qingluo nodded, turned to look around, blinked, and said strangely, "Then...what about that man? How come I only see Shui Qing here?"

  Speaking, her gaze swept across the elder brothers who had just followed Ye Lanwei just now, and said, "Is it one of them?"

  Everyone was shocked, and hurriedly took a step back, "It's none of our business."

  Yuqing looked at Shen Wenxian in amazement, "Miss Shen, do you remember what kind of clothes that young man was wearing and what he looked like?"

   "Naturally remember, that person...ah, it's him, it's him." Shen Wenxian just wanted to describe, and suddenly saw a man walking by another exit.

  The body is tall and straight, looks handsome.

When Shen Wenxian yelled, she was stunned. She was the lover who had heard that Lan Shuiqing looked very good-looking, but now when she saw it, she realized that she was so graceful that she couldn't move her eyes. .

  The others present were also stunned. Most of the many brothers and brothers today have seen it, but among so many people, it is really rare to find a man who can compare with the person in front of him.

  Just like that, he walked to Lan Shuiqin's side, looked down slightly and asked her, "What's the matter?"

   Lan Shui glanced at him with a smile, and said in a low voice, "I think you should know this thing better than I do."

   actually asked her innocently what happened? If this matter hadn't been designed by him, how could it have developed to this point?

  Nannan gave a light cough, then turned his head to look at the crowd.

  Many young ladies looked shy, until Yu Qingluo's mouth twitched, looked at Shen Wenxian with a weird expression, and asked aloud, "Miss Shen, are you really sure that it is him?"

   "Yes, otherwise you can ask the two girls of the Lan family."

   Lan Shuiyuan nodded, feeling resentful in her heart. In fact, they had already seen him when they left Nannan before.

  It was really personable and extraordinary. At that time, they couldn't bear to expose this matter, lest the man could not escape a ‘death’ either. But at that time, Shen Wenxian had already called for someone, and they had no room for maneuver.

  Looking at it up close now is even more gritted teeth.

  How can a man like this fall in love with the blue water? If he is so eyeless, he deserves to be dragged down by the blue water.

   "Wang Hao, it is indeed this man. We have just seen the blue water pouring him a purse."

  Yu Qingluo's expression became even more weird. Not only her, but also the three princesses, Ye Lanwei Jinxiu and others who knew Nan Nan, their faces were a little distorted.

   Ye Lanwei snorted softly, and he just said, this thing was strange.

   He raised his head slightly and asked, "Where is your purse?"

Nan Nan glanced at him and took out his purse.

  Ye Lanwei stretched out his hand and came over to grab it. Nan Nan took his hand away and said, "This is the water poured on me."

  As soon as the words came out, the crowd suddenly exploded, and everyone pointed at the two.

   "Unexpectedly, Lan Shuiqing was really brave enough to teach and accept privately with other men, even giving away his purse."

   "This man is so shameless, he dare to admit it in front of Princess Xiu."

   "Yeah, are they really not afraid of death?"

  "Isn’t it the intention to admit it in front of Princess Xiu, do you want Princess Xiu to fulfill them?"

   "This idea is too naive."

  Yuqing twitched the corners of her mouth fiercely, turned her head quickly, and asked Shen Wenxian, "You said just now, how intimacy is between them?"

  Not waiting for Shen Wenxian to speak, Mrs. Qin on the side is already born, "Miss Shen said, this man also kissed Miss Lan." <

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